Ok, Check the main board in the next 5 minutes
Ok, Check the main board in the next 5 minutes
If anyone is interested in the old NWA and WCW Clash of Champions let me know and I will post them. I have all of them 1 - 35. Not the watered down WWE ones...
If anyone is interested in the old NWA and WCW Clash of Champions let me know and I will post them. I have all of them 1 - 35. Not the watered down WWE ones...
Ok, Check the main board in the next 5 minutes
That list is a joke.
I think that's great though they're really stretching with the Goldberg induction. I loved Bill but dude was a flash in the pan.
They don't need Flair to induct fucking Arn Anderson, who works for the company right now and still gets good pops when he comes out and he's been retired for over 12 years.
Sting (if he's available and really TNA should let him go get that money)
Fabulous Freebirds
Rock N Roll Express
Ivan Koloff (he beat Bruno, for fuck's sake)
I would go for Simmons but since they'll have another Mania in Florida, I'd save him for then since he's still huge in that state based off his college football career.
I'd try again with the Warrior. It would be cool for him and Sting to be inducted in the same class.
Well, looks like I'll be calling in to work this weekend. Time to burn some DVD's and make some homemade grande nachos. The wife is gonna be pissed.
Thanks a lot for contributing to my old school wrestling collection and making my wife mad.
BTW, anyone seen that Jericho DVD? Is it any good?
The Jericho DVD is great....I posted it in this thread
Yeah, how did the Outlaws not make the list but those two did?
I got Austin over Rock because he did it longer and he almost singlehandedly talked himself into a babyface and Bret Hart into a heel.
Plus, and this isn't something I particularly like, he started the "What?" chant that fans still do.
WWE's tag division is officially full of shit now.
IMO Austin fell off promo wise after hart left, and he found it again when he teamed up with vince. But for a long stretch he basically came out yelled gibberish and said "give me a hell yeah". The "What" chant to me is the most annoying chant in wrestling, i loved it in 01 but by 02-03 i was done with it. Rock was so damn impressive on the mic i remember going to school tuesday after raw and everyone black, white, mexican and asian had his shit memorized word for word.
WWE's tag division is officially full of shit now.
Who else is there? Hart Dynasty? about to break up....
I personally would have paired Cody Rhodes with Dolph Ziggler. I'm just not that entertained by Raw as much as TNA or ROH. ROH to me has the best talent as far as pure wrestling. TNA has decent storylines and the best looking women wrestlers. Tara,Velvet,Mickie James,Angelina > WWE Divas.
If TNA gets Alicia and Layla, they'll have the women wrestler/eye candy on lock.
IMO Austin fell off promo wise after hart left, and he found it again when he teamed up with vince. But for a long stretch he basically came out yelled gibberish and said "give me a hell yeah". The "What" chant to me is the most annoying chant in wrestling, i loved it in 01 but by 02-03 i was done with it. Rock was so damn impressive on the mic i remember going to school tuesday after raw and everyone black, white, mexican and asian had his shit memorized word for word.
I'm going to have to agree with you on that (which is difficult, because I almost always agree with Upgrade Dave on everything wrestling related). After Austin's work against the Hart Foundation, I don't think he brought anything to the mic on the level of The Rock during the Rock's final heel stint (which boggles my mind how much more The Rock could've contributed, if he wanted to, with stuff on that level).
And they've broken up Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins, a team with good potential, before they got any run at all. Now they're down to The Dudebusters.
I cannot disagree with the idea that Austin fell off after the Hart feud and Rock definitely elevated his game, dipped some, and then got it back with his (kinda) heel turn. But I'll stick with Austin because he was the gamechanger. With one promo at King of the Ring, he changed the landscape of WWF with no help from management at all. Plus I'm going to give him points for having years of good solid promo work as "Stunning" Steve and planting the seeds to "Stone Cold" with his work as "Superstar" Steve Austin in ECW (watch it and see "Stone Cold" with hair).
Oh i've seen stonecold thru every era he's been in but i still have to say rock, although his KOR speech had michael hayes look like "um can he say that"The one person who continually gets overlooked is jake roberts, this man was one of the greatest talkers ever i wrestling but all people remember about him now is him being drunk and exposing himself
. Cena when he was heel was decent but as a face his promos are literally vomit inducing sometimes honestly in the history of wrestling when it comes to talking he's probably #75.
Jake Roberts was scary with his shit. He took what he learned in Georgia and Mid South and he really was the prototype for "Stone Cold" as a heel who, with ice cold promos and a great finisher, had to be turned face just because fans wouldn't boo him anymore.
You remember this theme here this was the shit back in the day when i was a kid
Jake shot back on my favorite list when he turned back heel on Randy Savage. When dude slapped Elizabeth at Tuesday in Texas, I thought that place was going to explode. Dude got old school heat and it was great.
He also got me when he appeared in WCW and ddt'ed Sting. This was before the internet so I was shocked to see him.
damn you took me back with this one. Jake was at his best when he was a heel. That shut he did to the Ultimate Warrior was classic.
Jake shot back on my favorite list when he turned back heel on Randy Savage. When dude slapped Elizabeth at Tuesday in Texas, I thought that place was going to explode. Dude got old school heat and it was great.
He also got me when he appeared in WCW and ddt'ed Sting. This was before the internet so I was shocked to see him.
Hell yeah. That's why they turned the Undertaker because Warrior left instead of feuding with Jake. I didn't understand the stuff with Warrior at first but when he turned on Warrior, it was genius.
i'm not gonna lie but as a kid I wasn't as scared of Jake the Snake as I was of Damien. Whenever he pulled him out I had to cover my eyes but the funniest thing I saw was when the earthquake suashed Damien.
Speaking of Tuesday in Texas.....I was really surprised that Hogan let Undertaker go over him....even though it wasnt clean.
~Vince McMahon Says He Needs Smackdown To Be The Number 1 Brand~
WrestleZone has exclusively learned that in more than one creative meeting over the past two weeks, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon has informed the writers that he wants Smackdown to be "treated as the number one brand," including opening up the possibility of more trades in order to strengthen the brand.
McMahon feels that a sub-par rating for Smackdown on SyFy would injure WWE's standing with NBC-U, who McMahon is looking to for help in launching the proposed WWE Network. While some on the writing staff are actually trying to come up with scenarios that would include trades or Smackdown getting more exposure (like winning the battle royal tonight on Raw), others on the writing staff have not jumped at this latest "fire alarm" (as a creative team member described it tonight), saying "this is just how Vince reacts to pressure. He says this about all major groups and factions."
Its All About the Moneyyyyyyyyyyyy
Hey Upgrade Dave......Heres a question......Was Bret Hart supposed to go solo in '88? that summer, he was on the cover of WWF magazine by himself. and I see they had him working house shows against Mr. Perfect in '89.
I know there was talks of it right before Wrestlemania 4 but what was the hold up?
Hey Upgrade Dave......Heres a question......Was Bret Hart supposed to go solo in '88? that summer, he was on the cover of WWF magazine by himself. and I see they had him working house shows against Mr. Perfect in '89.
I know there was talks of it right before Wrestlemania 4 but what was the hold up?
Neidhart was gonna quit. So they were gonna have Bret go solo but at the 11th hour Neidhart decided to stay.
'Preciate it. Here I was about to break out his autobiography.
i was too but i had the story in the back of my head...took awhile to think it up tho lol.
Ah, the brotherhood of wrestling fans strikes again.
Yup, I've neen watching since the 70s...77 I think.