@Tical. You a certified bitch boy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wrote ONE post you didn't agree with and you bitched to the mods that I was "spamming the board"? Really?

You removed my ONE STAR vote (why have a voting system if the OP can remove 1 star votes?)

You're a certified bitch boy. There are posters who post ENDLESS political tweets, memes and GIFS advocating for DEMOCRATS but that's not spamming.

I wrote ONE post, no pictures just WORDS, that was not even leaning one way or the other (I said I get a good laugh no matter which side wins) and you get me banned from the thread.

@HNIC. this the kind of board you running these days?
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

What happened?

I saw he was bitchin’ in the “did you vote” thread but didn’t know he was trying to censor member’s content.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

What happened?

I saw he was bitchin’ in the “did you vote” thread but didn’t know he was trying to censor member’s content.

He cried to the mods because he didn't like my ONE post like he can't display the common sense to ignore it or me. No. He must control what you write.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He had me banned because I one starred his post for trying to censor me. He couldn't take that rating and had it removed. Removed!

I voted one star again and he goes and has me banned and calls it spamming. That's what happened.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Commander of this board don't even like Kamala.

He said it in that very thread.


I don't give a fuck about Kamala.
I'm not going to spend one second proof reading anything pertaining to her or her campaign.

Tical you gonna try to get his board taken down?

And to those other 2 idiots, I one starred the thread due to the OP censorship, not to deter anyone from voting. Not that you two fucknuts deserve an explanation.
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Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Man you Republicans hate when you can't be assholes on the internet more than anything. Imagine having nothing else going on in your life that you resort to doing all this shit because you want to troll.