Told you the ADOS/FBA shit is a scam


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor

There’s nothing new about this. It’s essentially a neo version of the “Southern Strategy” pioneered by George Wallace et al and taken to the national level by Lee Atwater with Reagan and Bush in the 80s. Pat Buchanan even ran on a version of it.

It’s too bad that you can’t turn the same critical eye on to Democrats and they’re warped strategy vis-a-vis Black America.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
“Bourgeois, Boule crew!” :eek2::D Shelley was talking about Roland and you fronting-ass BGOL niggas! And Roland got sassy and emotional just like y’all do!!


Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Trump got a sister girl of his own.

And look at ho assed Boyce riding with FBA.

Kamala ain’t shit, but are you saying that Trump is the solution for black folk ? :lol2:


Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
West Indians/Carribeans are another group who have come to America and have been eating off black Americans plate. Then when it appears they’re doing better they talk shit. I’m glad black Americans are delineating and we’ll see how well West Indians will be doing.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor

No shame in being black​

Dear Editor,
On Tuesday, July 30, 2024, Jamaican 400m Olympian Junelle Bromfield posted on her Instagram stories: “For all the [Jamaicans] in my inbox coming for my complexion…Calling me black is not [an] insult. This black is gold!!” Her words were written on a background featuring her beautiful, unblemished dark skin. The level of vitriol which has been meted out to this young woman, who has represented Jamaica in athletics since she was eight years old, is astounding and unfortunate.

Thousands of people on social media have turned against Bromfield over ‘pillow talk’ with her American partner, World Champion Noah Lyles. They have remained steadfast and relentless in pursuit of her head as they trail and troll her across platforms to punish her in a manner akin to that which was meted out in
The Scarlet Letter.

As I observe in awe, I can’t help but ask: Have Jamaicans forgot who Junelle Bromfield is?

In 2016, Bromfield, a former St Elizabeth Technical High School (STETHS) student, completed an exceptional treble at the 106th staging of the Inter-secondary Schools Sports Association/GraceKennedy Boys’ and Girls’ Athletics Championships at National Stadium in Kingston. The impressive athlete claimed gold in the 400m, 800m, and 1500m individual events, and returned to anchor the STETHS 4X400m relay team to gold. Her performance not only thrilled onlookers but is forever etched in history as one of our ‘Champs’ greats.

Like many others, the young dynamo has not maintained the same level of success in the sport as an adult. Notwithstanding, she recently ran a personal best 50.74 seconds at National Trials to earn a spot as an individual competitor at the Paris Olympics.

But some Jamaicans don’t believe this is good enough and have used what should be viewed as an achievement to bash her instead. Daring her to win a medal, predicting she will not make it out of round one, wishing that she loses, derogatory statements about her relationship, calling for her removal from the team are just some of the weapons of choice in this relentless social media war against Bromfield. Yet she continues to enjoy her time in Paris, something which has upset the mob, enough to send them to her inbox to tell her how black she is. For if nothing else will break her, surely that will.

And all of this because a young woman in a relationship did what normal people do and told her partner things that happen at the office.

Incidentally, the top secrets she shared were public knowledge/gossip, and information that is of no use to the competition. In athletics, you either have it or you don’t.

Pillow talk about the office does not equate to high treason. It is time to give it a rest. Enough is enough!
Today, we celebrate Emancipation Day, the day when full freedom from slavery was achieved in 1838. The physical shackles no longer exist, but I am afraid many black people are mentally shackled. Bob Marley sang: “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds…”

The ancestors who fought so that we could enjoy the Olympics today looked like Bromfield, and many of us. They were beautiful, but others inflicted their standards of beauty on us, and this afflicts us to this day. Look no further than skin bleaching.

Bromfield is a stunning black beauty with immense talent. She exists not just for our entertainment but as a woman and athlete young Jamaican girls with quick feet can emulate. Our blackness is to be revered, not shamed. But some of us ought to be ashamed that in 2024 we are using blackness as a weapon to shame a fellow Jamaican who has done us proud.

As we get ready to watch the track and field segment of the Olympics, let us send love to all athletes. They need it. And who is better to give it than the ‘One Love’ country?

Suzette Campbell


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
West Indians/Carribeans are another group who have come to America and have been eating off black Americans plate. Then when it appears they’re doing better they talk shit. I’m glad black Americans are delineating and we’ll see how well West Indians will be doing.



Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor

I can’t stand them dirty fucking Africans. This is what black Americans get for opening the door for these wild animals. Many of them turn around and show nothing but disrespect and try to compare themselves to you!

they flee their shitty countries and don’t got smoke for the people who’s bitching them out of their countries but always got smoke for black Americans only!


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor

Y’all can try to ignore this all you want.

His goal is to completely fuck up your movement and he succeeded.:lol:

Quite the opposite actually. He didn't succeed in doing anything. He's reacting because people in the mainstream media are specifically mentioning ADOS and that inflames the narcissist in him. But Tariq is the least of our worries.

If anyone is ignoring anything, it's YOU! The attitude expressed in the post below help fuel ADOS and FBA, and you have yet to respond to it!

Why did black Americans run from the South and now running back to South again.

You muthafuckas get gentrified so often, it should be an official holiday this point.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

of course u'd post a video of clip of hosting talk on immigration,, but they never talk about white immigration.. and for use they have their black minions to come upfront


by Bridge Initiative Team
Published on 13 Nov 2020
IMPACT: The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is an anti-immigration research organization founded in 1985 that advocates a reduction in immigration numbers. CIS was founded by environmentalist, nativist, and anti-immigration activist John Tanton, who was also instrumental in founding the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), and NumbersUSA. CIS policy stances include a revision of policy on birthright citizenship, support for public charge rules, and opposition to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), sanctuary city jurisdictions, and family-based immigration, which it refers to as chain migration. CIS has promoted anti-Muslim rhetoric and shares endorsements from anti-Muslim figures, including former U.S. Attorney General and Senator Jeff Sessions and Frank Gaffney. The Trump administration has close ties to CIS and has referred to its research in speeches, television advertisements, and advocation of the Muslim Ban.
The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) purports to be an “independent, non-partisan, non-profit, research organization” based in Washington, D.C. According to its website, “current, high levels of immigration are making it harder to achieve such important national objectives as better public schools, a cleaner environment, homeland security, and a living wage for every native-born and immigrant worker.” Members of the organization have argued for a revision of policy on birthright citizenship, expressed support for public charge rules, and rejected the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), sanctuary city jurisdictions, and family-based immigrationreferred to as “chain migration.” Western States Center describes CIS as “the anti-immigrant movement’s key think tank” that “traffics in misinformation and blatant anti-immigrant animus.” The organization’s founding chairman was historian Otis Graham Jr., and its current executive director, Mark Krikorian, has been head of CIS since 1995.
CIS was originally founded in 1985 as the research component of the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR) by environmentalist, nativist, and anti-immigration activist John Tanton and formally split off in 1986. Along with FAIR and NumbersUSA, CIS forms a part of Tanton’s network of anti-immigration organizations. Tanton has advocated a “European-American majority” as essential for the progression of American civilization, is a proponent of eugenics, has corresponded with white nationalist figures, and is an admirer of the overtly racist and anti-immigrant novel The Camp of the Saints. According to reporting in the New Republic, the novel “has long been influential in organized white supremacy” and “the cartoonish violence and garish racism of [it] have prevented it from becoming a truly mainstream work.”

these nig** posting videos from white nationalisst that believe in "eugenics" & "a white nation"
Last edited:


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
ofc curse ud post a a video of clip of hosting talk on immigration,, but they never talk about white immigration.. and for use they have their black minions to come upfront


by Bridge Initiative Team
Published on 13 Nov 2020
IMPACT: The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is an anti-immigration research organization founded in 1985 that advocates a reduction in immigration numbers. CIS was founded by environmentalist, nativist, and anti-immigration activist John Tanton, who was also instrumental in founding the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), and NumbersUSA. CIS policy stances include a revision of policy on birthright citizenship, support for public charge rules, and opposition to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), sanctuary city jurisdictions, and family-based immigration, which it refers to as chain migration. CIS has promoted anti-Muslim rhetoric and shares endorsements from anti-Muslim figures, including former U.S. Attorney General and Senator Jeff Sessions and Frank Gaffney. The Trump administration has close ties to CIS and has referred to its research in speeches, television advertisements, and advocation of the Muslim Ban.
The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) purports to be an “independent, non-partisan, non-profit, research organization” based in Washington, D.C. According to its website, “current, high levels of immigration are making it harder to achieve such important national objectives as better public schools, a cleaner environment, homeland security, and a living wage for every native-born and immigrant worker.” Members of the organization have argued for a revision of policy on birthright citizenship, expressed support for public charge rules, and rejected the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), sanctuary city jurisdictions, and family-based immigrationreferred to as “chain migration.” Western States Center describes CIS as “the anti-immigrant movement’s key think tank” that “traffics in misinformation and blatant anti-immigrant animus.” The organization’s founding chairman was historian Otis Graham Jr., and its current executive director, Mark Krikorian, has been head of CIS since 1995.
CIS was originally founded in 1985 as the research component of the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR) by environmentalist, nativist, and anti-immigration activist John Tanton and formally split off in 1986. Along with FAIR and NumbersUSA, CIS forms a part of Tanton’s network of anti-immigration organizations. Tanton has advocated a “European-American majority” as essential for the progression of American civilization, is a proponent of eugenics, has corresponded with white nationalist figures, and is an admirer of the overtly racist and anti-immigrant novel The Camp of the Saints. According to reporting in the New Republic, the novel “has long been influential in organized white supremacy” and “the cartoonish violence and garish racism of [it] have prevented it from becoming a truly mainstream work.”

these niggz posting videos form white nationalist that believe in "eugenics" & "a white nation"

And of course you fail to address a single point she made in the video!!

@Supersav @Costanza A living example of the point I made earlier!!!

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Quite the opposite actually. He didn't succeed in doing anything. He's reacting because people in the mainstream media are specifically mentioning ADOS and that inflames the narcissist in him. But Tariq is the least of our worries.

If anyone is ignoring anything, it's YOU! The attitude expressed in the post below help fuel ADOS and FBA, and you have yet to respond to it!
So an anonymous voice on the internet is more of a threat than a public figure that literally chopped your movement in half?

You’re bitchmade to the core.

Make sure you send photos of that empty conference if you go.


Rising Star
Platinum Member


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
So an anonymous voice on the internet is more of a threat than a public figure that literally chopped your movement in half?

You’re bitchmade to the core.

Make sure you send photos of that empty conference if you go.

Tariq is nothing but a social media personality. Charleston White carries more clout than he does. And he didn't chop the movement in half since ADOS and FBA are fundamentally grounded in different concepts. We just agree on exorcising you tethers since you claim to be an "anonymous voice on the internet" yet say things like this:

Why did black Americans run from the South and now running back to South again.
You muthafuckas get gentrified so often, it should be an official holiday this point.

Why don't address this bullshit that you personally said rather than random tweets of what other people are saying? You can't stand on your square? Obviously you're the one who's bitchmade to the core.