'Top Gun' China Snub Helps 'Maverick' Movie Take Off in Taiwan
'Top Gun: Maverick' had its third-largest Asia-Pacific release in Taiwan's cinemas.

Top Gun (NES) Playthrough
How many old heads remember this from the 80s?
This ranked up there with Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out.
Top Gun (NES) Playthrough
How many old heads remember this from the 80s?
This ranked up there with Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out.
Couldn’t land on the aircraft carrier. Kept overshooting that Mofo
Couldn’t land on the aircraft carrier. Kept overshooting that Mofo
yep. back in the day, they said he would always stand on apple boxes to give himself more height. I guess at some point he found a way to accept he was short.I’m about to sortie in a min. Btw you Mfs can fly the Block III Super Hornet in Ace Combat 7. Which I will then shoot you down.
Cruise came to Osan AB during filming of first movie. Mf damn near a midget
I’m about to sortie in a min. Btw you Mfs can fly the Block III Super Hornet in Ace Combat 7. Which I will then shoot you down.
Cruise came to Osan AB during filming of first movie. Mf damn near a midget
Nicole Kidman put him on blast after they split cuz she had to avoid wearing high heels when they were on the red carpet and other events.
How does 5′ 7″ Tom Cruise stand tall next to Kate Middleton?
There has long been speculation that Tom Cruise uses various tricks to look as tall as possible when he stands near taller female co-stars at public events.www.mercurynews.com
Top Gun (NES) Playthrough
How many old heads remember this from the 80s?
This ranked up there with Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out.
Original Top Gun Recap in 5 Minutes...
Man I saw this shit finally and all you cats saying it was the best movie ever were bugging. It's was cool, but it's basically the same as the first one, and every other action movie cliche ever. I knew everything about this movie before I ever saw it, it's all the cliches rolled into one.
Who said it was the best movie ever.
Dudes just love to complain, grumpy old men style
It's the same movie as the first one. I mean it made you feel like a kid a again which was great for you. And it's a good movie. But it's the same as the first one and not something I personally would see again.
The consensus of this thread is that it is a GREAT not good movie. So I went in expecting greatness.
It's nothing to fight over bruh. I'm not shitting on the movie. I just thought was decent.
It's really not other than the planes and a couple of characters
I never even saw the first one and went back and watched it after Is saw this
It's the same movie as the first one. I mean it made you feel like a kid a again which was great for you. And it's a good movie. But it's the same as the first one and not something I personally would see again.
The consensus of this thread is that it is a GREAT not good movie. So I went in expecting greatness.
It's nothing to fight over bruh. I'm not shitting on the movie. I just thought was decent.
It's a sequel, of course it's going to be call backs
It's not the same movie
The first one was a bunch of kids trying to be the best and win
This one wasn't centered on the kids