Trump Says he didnt know Kamala was black


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
Trump is not cerebral enough to moderate his responses and play to the Black audience. His lies -- deflections -- evasive answers to the questions and insulting remarks at Rachel Scott were playing to his MAGA cultists. The MAGA crowd call it "owning the libs" as evidenced by his Truth Social post: "... but we CRUSHED IT." Trump doesn't really respect women or Blacks -- nor sees them as equals -- and Black women in particular.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
If you're a cac, or a coon,
you are a waste of oxygen.

No doubt.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
MAGA was voting for the orange shit stain no matter what happened. The real question is how will independents and moderate repubs view this event...
and blue collar Dems on the fence voting for a woman, and of color...hostile women of color doesn't help. They did exactly what he wanted.

most of yall are viewing this from a black perspective and not from a middle down the road kansas guy picking up trashcans.

questioning her genuine black roots was genius because it will remove any guilt they would have by not advancing her. yall dont peep game. those ladies should have shown restraint and let him dig his own grave. instead, they tried to go in which will give his base fodder.

he didn't do this for the 1-3% of black voters that could possibly be persuaded. yall delusional. he going after the larger share
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Trump showed his true colors. Trump cooked himself with black voters. He didn't answer her question. All he did was deflect. He ain't shit, and these dumb asses talking about Trump and his base. Well, he is losing that too. Everybody knows this bitch (USA) will go up in smoke. It just depends on who wins. IF Trump wins, then the motherfucker will be a Facist state 6 months into his new term. If Harris wins, we may have a couple of years before this place goes to shit. No matter what, this place is ripe for insurrection. Civil War is almost a foregone conclusion.


Rising Star
and blue collar Dems on the fence voting for a woman, and of color...hostile women of color doesn't help. They did exactly what he wanted.

most of yall are viewing this from a black perspective and not from a middle down the road kansas guy picking up trashcans.

questioning her genuine black roots was genius because it will remove any guilt they would have by not advancing her. yall dont peep game. those ladies should have shown restraint and let him dig his own grave. instead, they tried to go in which will give his base fodder.

he didn't do this for the 1-3% of black voters that could possibly be persuaded. yall delusional. he going after the larger share
Why the fuck would we bother viewing it through that lens? Tell me what these Black women who those punk ass hillbillies hate outside of possibly use as an object for sexual degradation could have done to win them over? You can't be serious bro.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
As black men, we have to look at things critically, evaluate without emotions, and be honest with ourselves.

It is surprising that Trump went on a public panel hosted by the National Association Of Black Journalists. Obviously, the environment has few if any on his supporters. This opened up a valuable opportunity to hurt Trump's chances before the election. The opportunity was squandered because the journalist came off way too hostile. Instead of asking open ended questions about his policy and views, she made statements and cross examined him as if he was on the stand in court. She came off as emotional, biased and unprofessional. It is a shame it was at the National Association Of Black Journalists. A good journalist would have asked open ended questions with followups without emotion and personal opinion attached to them.
Much of the opinion of how Trump did in this interview is shaped by how people felt about him prior to this interview. His supporters can key in on how unprofessional the journalist was, how unprofessional the National Association Of Black Journalists were to invite him under false pretense, that the National Association Of Black Journalists was late for an interview panel with the former President of the US, and how gracious it was for Trump to even show up for the National Association Of Black Journalists while Kamala Harris didn't. They will also continue to believe that Trump gave ungrateful black folks' jobs and gave alot of money to HBCUS. Alot of people do believe that Kamala Harris panders to Black folks. I've heard Black folks talk about Kamala Harris not identifying as Black and her sexual history before she was selected as VP. He did not look bad enough to lose any supporters from this interview.

Trump's detractors will key in on him making false statements, being disrespectful to Kamala Harris, and him not answering her questions. While I believe all of this to be true, the Interviewer blured the lines by not appearing impartial.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We have Tariq and Yvette to thank for this shit.

One is shacking up with a biracial woman the other is said to be dating a white woman.

Percentages didn't seem to come into play when you picked your partner.
imagine a man with a white excop mother in law who lives in his house & get her meals from fba donations & the other shacking up with a white lesbian but somehow these 2 get to tell ppl who is black or not :roflmao2: :roflmao2:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
As black men, we have to look at things critically, evaluate without emotions, and be honest with ourselves.

It is surprising that Trump went on a public panel hosted by the National Association Of Black Journalists. Obviously, the environment has few if any on his supporters. This opened up a valuable opportunity to hurt Trump's chances before the election. The opportunity was squandered because the journalist came off way too hostile. Instead of asking open ended questions about his policy and views, she made statements and cross examined him as if he was on the stand in court. She came off as emotional, biased and unprofessional. It is a shame it was at the National Association Of Black Journalists. A good journalist would have asked open ended questions with followups without emotion and personal opinion attached to them.
Much of the opinion of how Trump did in this interview is shaped by how people felt about him prior to this interview. His supporters can key in on how unprofessional the journalist was, how unprofessional the National Association Of Black Journalists were to invite him under false pretense, that the National Association Of Black Journalists was late for an interview panel with the former President of the US, and how gracious it was for Trump to even show up for the National Association Of Black Journalists while Kamala Harris didn't. They will also continue to believe that Trump gave ungrateful black folks' jobs and gave alot of money to HBCUS. Alot of people do believe that Kamala Harris panders to Black folks. I've heard Black folks talk about Kamala Harris not identifying as Black and her sexual history before she was selected as VP. He did not look bad enough to lose any supporters from this interview.

Trump's detractors will key in on him making false statements, being disrespectful to Kamala Harris, and him not answering her questions. While I believe all of this to be true, the Interviewer blured the lines by not appearing impartial.
You make good points. The reporter showed her lack of research when she said Kamala always identified as black too. Being in media she should have known her response would question her actually knowing how Kamala has been presented in mainstream before being VP for Biden in the election process 4 years ago.

Trump knew exactly what he was doing with that response imo. He has now people online questioning how much she is pandering for votes from different races. Not saying he has the right to call her out with his questionable history with race himself, but job is done.



Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
You make good points. The reporter showed her lack of research when she said Kamala always identified as black too. Being in media she should have known her response would question her actually knowing how Kamala has been presented in mainstream before being VP for Biden in the election process 4 years ago.

Trump knew exactly what he was doing with that response imo. He has now people online questioning how much she is pandering for votes from different races. Not saying he has the right to call her out with his questionable history with race himself, but job is done.

Alot of people didn't know Kamala was half Indian or ever questioned her "blackness". now thousands of people in the US are googling and discovering clips of Kamala being referred to as Indian, Kamala naming 2Pac the best rapper alive in 2020, and her white family when it wasn't on their radar before this interview.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And what WILL happen next is these Black woman hating charlatans, grifters, redpill manosphere incels & hoteps are gonna attempt to "persuade" and influence Black people (Black men in particular) that Kamala:
- Has prosecuted more Black men than any other prosecutor in history. (A lie)
- Doesn't identify as being Black and actively hates Black people.
- Hates Black men because she's married to a White man.
Is no better for Blacks than Republicans will be.
- No woman (especially a Black woman) can lead the "free" world.

Wait and see. The shit is beyond fucked up...:hmm:
and there


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
This mutha fucka said "I'm the greatest president for black people since Abraham Lincoln."

:lol: :roflmao:

Why is this bitch ass clown not in jail for trying to start an insurrection?
Why is he even allowed to run for President after that shit?
Is everyone just ignoring the 14th amendment?

Let 50 say it and you may have your answer :lol:Trump is gangsta to some people.

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Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
You can end the debate quickly by looking at her California identification in the 1980s and what she identified as


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Alot of people didn't know Kamala was half Indian or ever questioned her "blackness". now thousands of people in the US are googling and discovering clips of Kamala being referred to as Indian, Kamala naming 2Pac the best rapper alive in 2020, and her white family when it wasn't on their radar before this interview.

Yeah, this is politics. He used the black platform to sneak drop this on the people there to make some who didn't know question her now. The interviewer fell into the trap imo.