Trump Says he didnt know Kamala was black


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What happened is people not from this country started putting native born Black people whose ancestors built this country down.

"Y'all don't deserve no reparations"

"My family just arrived from whatever country and we rich, why can't you people make it?" "Yall are lazy"

What happened is other people from other countries started taking credit for shit they had nothing to do with such as hip hop music.

Also first generation Black people started saying native born Black people had no culture or commenting on shit like you stated Eurocentric looking Black people ain't really Black.

Remember Nicki Minaj had a problem with Michael B. Jordan naming his alcohol a Caribbean name. But shitted on Malcolm X and Rosa Parks.

Tariq ain't the problem in this case.

Busta Rhymes has said some foul shit, Rihanna has done some foul shit. I could go and on. But I think you get my meaning.

Everything you said is correct and that is what initially drew a lot of people Yvette's ADOS and Tariq's FBA.

But those groups have devolved into becoming divisive distractions that have Black people on the internet doing time-wasting bullshit, especially as it relates to people's DNA, appearance, and lineage.

In the spring the word "Creole" trended on Twitter for nearly a week because one Black stripper got offended that a white-looking Black Creole woman identified herself as a Black woman. In the past, that would not have been an issue and given the history of Louisiana's Black Creoles, her readiness to identify herself as Black and accept her Blackness would be seen in a positive light.

But post-ADOS/FBA, now it's an issue. How much time and energy is going to get wasted on people trying to convince a subset of African Americans who largely only exist in small populations on the Gulf Coast and California that they aren't Black anymore?

This is where those movements have brought us. We've long gotten away from complaining about the snarky, condescending African or Caribbean.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I just can't wrap my mind around it. Saying she's not black, like that's some kind of "gotcha!". Like, even if it were true, (it isn't) that would change anyone's vote. If there are people out there saying; "I was going to vote for Harris, but since she's 'not black', I'm now going to vote for Trump", anyone out there saying that- they are either stupid beyond redemption or lying. Their mind has been made up and it's YOUR mind they are trying to change, not theirs.

All these centuries of the one drop rule and now it doesn't matter? GTFO. I promise you this, plenty of those... wytpipo out there saying she ain't black were calling her N***(hard ER) behind closed doors before her and Biden won in 2020 and will get right back to it, the day after the election whether she wins or loses.

this "not black" shit is nuts. They either have no policy issues to run on/criticize her about- or they think the swing voter electorate is stupid and easily enough influenced that this nonsense moves the needle for them. Or maybe it's both.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Ever hear of the paper bag mafia, all lightskin pussys cut themselves OFF POLITICALLY from

the rest of their people.. they been ASSITING KKK for years.... in fact if it wasnt for them there wouldve

been NO TRAIL OF TEARS and extreme land theft... they were the impetus that allowed us to be

enslaved on our own land....

same shit going on in Haiti today...

We clean house from these internal gate keepers,

watch how fast PROGRESS kicks in!!!!

I'm from Louisiana

I know all of the stories.










Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
......... I hear all that, but... ... ... So??? At this point you voting for or against Trump.

Those are not the only 2 choices. I’m not voting for either candidate. I’ve been making posts on here for half a decade pointing out how “voting for the least evil” has lead to our needs not getting met. Prior to the last election, I accurately predicted that Biden would not make us a priority and that Democrats will use the “anybody but Trump” strategy the next election. Asians,LBGTQ, Jews and other groups have more political clout than us and none of them use the “least evil” support strategy.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
What happened is people not from this country started putting native born Black people whose ancestors built this country down.

"Y'all don't deserve no reparations"

"My family just arrived from whatever country and we rich, why can't you people make it?" "Yall are lazy"

What happened is other people from other countries started taking credit for shit they had nothing to do with such as hip hop music.

Also first generation Black people started saying native born Black people had no culture or commenting on shit like you stated Eurocentric looking Black people ain't really Black.

Remember Nicki Minaj had a problem with Michael B. Jordan naming his alcohol a Caribbean name. But shitted on Malcolm X and Rosa Parks.

Tariq ain't the problem in this case.

Busta Rhymes has said some foul shit, Rihanna has done some foul shit. I could go and on. But I think you get my meaning.

BGOL mods and immigrants think if somebody kills Tariq Nasheed all their problems will go away and Black Americans will stop seeing themselves as Black Americans and embrace flat blackness so West Indians and Africans can pretend to be us for social and political gain. It's a disingenuous deflection from their xenophobia and anti-Black American sentiment that they bring to our country and spaces.


Rising Star


No and I'm voting Kamala. But no, it isn't racist for me to say she's not Black either. Race may be a social construct but culture and ethnicity are lived and passed generational. She is indian-carribean, stop the grift.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
No and I'm voting Kamala. But no, it isn't racist for me to say she's not Black either. Race may be a social construct but culture and ethnicity are lived and passed generational. She is indian-carribean, stop the grift.
I’m glad you are voting for Kamala but at the same time she is black. If you didn’t know her background, you would think she’s a fair skin, black woman anyway. She is more in touch with her black side than her Indian side. This is the same bullshit they tried to say about Barack Obama.


Rising Star
I'm from Louisiana

I know all of the stories.








I don't see what the problem is Duece? He is saying exactly what Kendrick was saying (with the exception of his "half- breed" wife I guess) about the "light skins" and niggas loved that pro-colorism pro-gang culture shit!


Rising Star
I’m glad you are voting for Kamala but at the same time she is black. If you didn’t know her background, you would think she’s a fair skin, black woman anyway. She is more in touch with her black side than her Indian side. This is the same bullshit they tried to say about Barack Obama.
I know her background chief, that being said I would love to hear you quantify that statement beyond some ad hominem about her attending Howard for 4 years.l after highschool.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
I was just using that as an example because I thought it was easier to understand.

Back in the day there was only a trickling of people coming in from the diaspora to where those people would probably find it easier to become a part of the Black community.

Now you have large groups that immigrate to where you might not like it but we have to delineate from those groups.

In Minnesota illhan Omar doesn't get elected if there isn't a large Somalian population. This day in age you have large communities who from a different community like in Houston there's a large population of Nigerians. Florida has a large population of Haitians.

As far as Adam Clayton Powell Jr(my personal hero) if your Black from this country we all have relatives in our family that look like that.
Understood. Your point was more about Black ethnics who come over here and disrespect the native Black population. I can sympathize with that even though I might come to a different conclusion.

My point was more about gate keeping in the native Black population. When you add immigration into that topic, it becomes even more complex and, I believe, obfuscates the focus of the discussion.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Those are not the only 2 choices. I’m not voting for either candidate. I’ve been making posts on here for half a decade pointing out how “voting for the least evil” has lead to our needs not getting met. Prior to the last election, I accurately predicted that Biden would not make us a priority and that Democrats will use the “anybody but Trump” strategy the next election. Asians,LBGTQ, Jews and other groups have more political clout than us and none of them use the “least evil” support strategy.
Unfortunately that vote 3rd party stance... Does not work in the current political climate and therefore morally... May work for you, but ultimately amounts to a wasted vote. Enough wasted votes with close margins, with an option like Trump... Ends up with him in power... Worst case scenario. I knew people that voted 3rd party because they didn't like Hilary. I have nothing to base it on, but I suspect that if all the people that wanted to out think the room, we wouldn't have had Trump to start.

Now, other races having more political clout than us... To quote the homie Kefta... Where is he anyway??? "The problem is white supremacy." Along with us(as a group) not using our money to apply pressure because we also don't tend to vote locally and therefore have no actual voice when it comes time to get something done. It's a layered problem, but allot of that ain't bout to change anytime soon.

Thing is... I don't actually disagree with you. When it's politics as usual. But with Trump, it ain't. So, yeah. Lesser of 2 evils it is.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
No and I'm voting Kamala. But no, it isn't racist for me to say she's not Black either. Race may be a social construct but culture and ethnicity are lived and passed generational. She is indian-carribean, stop the grift.
I get where you're coming from, but she's culturally American too. There are West Indians of South Asian descent who are truly Indo-Caribbean right down to the accent. I've met them. She's definitely not that.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
No and I'm voting Kamala. But no, it isn't racist for me to say she's not Black either. Race may be a social construct but culture and ethnicity are lived and passed generational. She is indian-carribean, stop the grift.

I can respect this. What myself and other Black Americans will never respect is someone lying pretending to be us so they can speak for us. Kamala should be able to run as an Indian-American with ties to Jamaica and raised in Canada. But for some reason she can't be honest and just be herself.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't see what the problem is Duece? He is saying exactly what Kendrick was saying (with the exception of his "half- breed" wife I guess) about the "light skins" and niggas loved that pro-colorism pro-gang culture shit!

Kendrick's issue was with a Canadian mixed-race Jew who seemed to craft a totally fictional rap persona.

That's a world away from Black Creoles who practiced colorism in previous generations.

In 2024, no light-skinned Black person is barring you from dating his daughter, joining his clubs, joining his church, or being his friend.

Bringing that up as a way to make a case for excluding Black Creoles from the larger Black community is just as divisive as someone putting a brown paper bag on your arm.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Kendrick's issue was with a Canadian mixed-race Jew who seemed to craft a totally fictional rap persona.

That's a world away from Black Creoles who practiced colorism in previous generations.

In 2024, no light-skinned Black person is barring you from dating his daughter, joining his clubs, joining his church, or being his friend.

Bringing that up as a way to make a case for excluding Black Creoles from the larger Black community is just as divisive as someone putting a brown paper bag on your arm.

A light skinned Creole from Louisiana says colorism and light skin bias don't exist. :lol:

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
I would also point out the insanity of the RNC trying to pass Amber Rose off as a "woman of color" (Van Jones's words) while questioning Kamala Harris's racial identity. And, what's worse, using Trump, the worse person for this job, to do the questioning.

If Trump and the GOP were smart, they'd leave the racial identity attacks to Black MAGA. White people questioning any Black/non-white person's racial makeup and telling Black/ non-white people "she's not one of you" is not a good look.
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Platinum Member
my two cents....

some black folks love putting the "black" jacket on anyone that do "black" shit.
some black folks just want to vote democratic no matter what.
some black folks can see the racist side of the Republican Party but not the Democratic Party.

I say, Fuck voting until one of these major parties promise us something tangible i.e. reparations
Until then, let the coons coon so we can tell them to stay over there on that side.


Rising Star
Kendrick's issue was with a Canadian mixed-race Jew who seemed to craft a totally fictional rap persona.

That's a world away from Black Creoles who practiced colorism in previous generations.

In 2024, no light-skinned Black person is barring you from dating his daughter, joining his clubs, joining his church, or being his friend.

Bringing that up as a way to make a case for excluding Black Creoles from the larger Black community is just as divisive as someone putting a brown paper bag on your arm.
My nigga Creole is a culture she also knows nothing about. You use these terms incorrectly.

So Kamala can claim Black & Indian cause she had a Jamaican daddy and Indian mother and went for 4 years to Howard University and married a Jewish man but Drake whose ADOS daddy is from Memphis TN can't? Okay makes perfect sense
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Rising Star
This is coming from a nigga who used act like a pimp.

This is coming from a nigga who was born in Detroit, raised in Alabama and is on rap records acting like he's from LA

Yea but he still a nigga tho

Kamala is only one of us when it suits her politically.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I can understand now why he's so successful. Hard work plays a role but the important element is the complete lack of shame.
Thomas Jefferson has a hospital named him. And until you fix that — you’re slowly trying to assimilate into whatever that is.

Have you ever had a white woman tell you she loves your braids? Thats their trade off. Spending money on shit isn’t a fucking win. Spending $30 for crayons with Swahili words isn’t fucking progress.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Even if the multiverse was real, there would not be a world in which the following two things could be true at the same time:

1. Stephen Miller is one of your top advisors.


2. You were not aware that VP Harris went to an HBCU and pledged Kappa 40 damn years ago, thus killing your claim about her not claiming her black side. This ain't a Mike Tirico situation.

Now let's see... two black identifying biracial candidates got (or getting) the nomination for their party.

Trump questions the birthplace of one and demands to see his papers and also demands to see his college transcripts.

Then calls the other one dumb as a rock and says she hasn't claimed her blackness.



Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Thomas Jefferson has a hospital named him. And until you fix that — you’re slowly trying to assimilate into whatever that is.

Have you ever had a white woman tell you she loves your braids? Thats their trade off. Spending money on shit isn’t a fucking win. Spending $30 for crayons with Swahili words isn’t fucking progress.
I agree with this but I don't know what it has to do with what I wrote about Tariq.