Trump Says he didnt know Kamala was black


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump was right . If you see something different maybe you need professional help
The libertines love to have the right to be whatever they want to be so of course they are upset whenever Trump tells the truth (which is rare)


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
The Democrats (especially the super liberals) love Trump like a love struck sidepiece :lol:
Maybe because he was once a Democrat himself

It turns out you don't have to look far to find evidence that Trump wasn't always a conservative Republican. Trump was registered as a Democrat for more than eight years in the 2000s, according to New York City voter records made public during his 2016 campaign for president.
Trump owned up to his years with the other party and told CNN's Wolf Blitzer in 2004 that he identified with Democrats during that time because they were more adept at handling the economy:

"It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats....But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disasters under the Republicans."

Trump was a registered Democrat from August 2001 through September 2009.

He jumps back and forth like Lil Wayne and Baby :roflmao3:

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Rising Star
Platinum Member

Let 50 say it and you may have your answer :lol:Trump is gangsta to some people.

Da fuck does this bullshit have to do with the 14th Amendment?
50 Shits talking on the phone to Trump don't mean shit.
Birther Trump claiming that Obama wasn't black or born in the U.S.?
or this Trump:

Trump is and has been a criminal and should be in jail.
Not only that, he's a shitbag human being and anybody looking up to him is a shitbag, too.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Da fuck does this bullshit have to do with the 14th Amendment?
50 Shits talking on the phone to Trump don't mean shit.
Birther Trump claiming that Obama wasn't black or born in the U.S.?
or this Trump:

Trump is and has been a criminal and should be in jail.
Not only that, he's a shitbag human being and anybody looking up to him is a shitbag, too.
Chill out it's a joke just like this election process from both Democrats and Republicans lol. I thought that was obvious.

Trump is a criminal and 50 Cent said some would relate to it and then he gets shot just like 50 staged or not. He is a criminal just as the people I posted you know Lil Wayne whom he pardoned and Tony Yayo who said Trump visited him after he came out of jail.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Civil Rights (1868)​

You see the irony?


Pretty simple and a joke to your question why is a felon not in jail saying he is the best president for black people since Lincoln.

The whole thing is like a parody just as when people called Clinton the first black president for getting oral in the office and playing a saxophone on Arsenio Hall. It is silly then and now.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He was never gonna lose any supporters over this or anything else. They're with him ride or die. Will his bullshit turn off some undecided voters though? ....or just as important, will it motivate some potential voters in Michigan or Pennsylvania who don't like him, but maybe didn't give a shit enough to worry about filling out a ballot? There's a very good chance of that.
Anybody who watches that interaction and thinks he was in the right...was already maga.


As black men, we have to look at things critically, evaluate without emotions, and be honest with ourselves.

It is surprising that Trump went on a public panel hosted by the National Association Of Black Journalists. Obviously, the environment has few if any on his supporters. This opened up a valuable opportunity to hurt Trump's chances before the election. The opportunity was squandered because the journalist came off way too hostile. Instead of asking open ended questions about his policy and views, she made statements and cross examined him as if he was on the stand in court. She came off as emotional, biased and unprofessional. It is a shame it was at the National Association Of Black Journalists. A good journalist would have asked open ended questions with followups without emotion and personal opinion attached to them.
Much of the opinion of how Trump did in this interview is shaped by how people felt about him prior to this interview. His supporters can key in on how unprofessional the journalist was, how unprofessional the National Association Of Black Journalists were to invite him under false pretense, that the National Association Of Black Journalists was late for an interview panel with the former President of the US, and how gracious it was for Trump to even show up for the National Association Of Black Journalists while Kamala Harris didn't. They will also continue to believe that Trump gave ungrateful black folks' jobs and gave alot of money to HBCUS. Alot of people do believe that Kamala Harris panders to Black folks. I've heard Black folks talk about Kamala Harris not identifying as Black and her sexual history before she was selected as VP. He did not look bad enough to lose any supporters from this interview.

Trump's detractors will key in on him making false statements, being disrespectful to Kamala Harris, and him not answering her questions. While I believe all of this to be true, the Interviewer blured the lines by not appearing impartial.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
You start out in 1954 by saying, “******, ******, ******.” By 1968 you can’t say “******”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “******, ******.” - lee atwater

Ya'll better learn history. These white devils have been doing this shit in front of our faces for centuries. And because we grabbed the low-hanging fruit now our backs are against the wall. If you don't think this shit is serious, you'd better think again.




Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
You start out in 1954 by saying, “******, ******, ******.” By 1968 you can’t say “******”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “******, ******.” - lee atwater

Ya'll better learn history. These white devils have been doing this shit in front of our faces for centuries. And because we grabbed the low-hanging fruit now our backs are against the wall. If you don't think this shit is serious, you'd better think again.


Most of these ignorant ass nigs and trolls have exposed themselves in this thread.


Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As black men, we have to look at things critically, evaluate without emotions, and be honest with ourselves.

It is surprising that Trump went on a public panel hosted by the National Association Of Black Journalists. Obviously, the environment has few if any on his supporters. This opened up a valuable opportunity to hurt Trump's chances before the election. The opportunity was squandered because the journalist came off way too hostile. Instead of asking open ended questions about his policy and views, she made statements and cross examined him as if he was on the stand in court. She came off as emotional, biased and unprofessional. It is a shame it was at the National Association Of Black Journalists. A good journalist would have asked open ended questions with followups without emotion and personal opinion attached to them.
Much of the opinion of how Trump did in this interview is shaped by how people felt about him prior to this interview. His supporters can key in on how unprofessional the journalist was, how unprofessional the National Association Of Black Journalists were to invite him under false pretense, that the National Association Of Black Journalists was late for an interview panel with the former President of the US, and how gracious it was for Trump to even show up for the National Association Of Black Journalists while Kamala Harris didn't. They will also continue to believe that Trump gave ungrateful black folks' jobs and gave alot of money to HBCUS. Alot of people do believe that Kamala Harris panders to Black folks. I've heard Black folks talk about Kamala Harris not identifying as Black and her sexual history before she was selected as VP. He did not look bad enough to lose any supporters from this interview.

Trump's detractors will key in on him making false statements, being disrespectful to Kamala Harris, and him not answering her questions. While I believe all of this to be true, the Interviewer blured the lines by not appearing impartial.
......... I hear all that, but... ... ... So??? At this point you voting for or against Trump. We got film on him, we know what he is, and we got his playback for next term. The fact that a former president can't handle some attitudinal black women just further proves he aint fit for the job. I've seen Obama stair down adversarial journalist and hadle it with grace. I've seen Joe do the same. Trump, for seemingly the first time in 8 year is in a room where he's not preaching to the choir and like the fraud he is... He fuckin folded. Naaaaa. This didn't sway anyone for or against him. If anything, it hurt Trump with black men. I simply can't rock with any bruh that's cool with watching a racist disrespecting our women.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Marc Lamont Hill is a fucking idiot and a liar. I remember old people not fucking with people because they weren't like them. Go back to the 60s in the South speaking that Nation of Islam stuff and Black people back then would raise their eyebrow.

Back in the day Black people would ask who is they people?

And I'm old enough to remember when people did ask who your people were but I'm also old enough to remember people who lighter-skinned, or had a Eurocentric or otherwise racially ambiguous appearance being present in our community.

This bullshit did not become an issue until Yvette and Tariq made it an issue. What happened to "we come in all colors"?

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Marc Lamont Hill is a fucking idiot and a liar. I remember old people not fucking with people because they weren't like them. Go back to the 60s in the South speaking that Nation of Islam stuff and Black people back then would raise their eyebrow.

Back in the day Black people would ask who is they people?
Respectfully, bro, what does religious identification have to do with racial identity? The NOI aren't Christian so, of course, Black people, particularly in the South, would give it the side eye.

But that's a different topic from racial gatekeeping. You think people in the 60s would've said Adam Clayton Powell Jr isn't Black.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And I'm old enough to remember when people did ask who your people were but I'm also old enough to remember people who lighter-skinned, or had a Eurocentric or otherwise racially ambiguous appearance being present in our community.

This bullshit did not become an issue until Yvette and Tariq made it an issue. What happened to "we come in all colors"?
What happened is people not from this country started putting native born Black people whose ancestors built this country down.

"Y'all don't deserve no reparations"

"My family just arrived from whatever country and we rich, why can't you people make it?" "Yall are lazy"

What happened is other people from other countries started taking credit for shit they had nothing to do with such as hip hop music.

Also first generation Black people started saying native born Black people had no culture or commenting on shit like you stated Eurocentric looking Black people ain't really Black.

Remember Nicki Minaj had a problem with Michael B. Jordan naming his alcohol a Caribbean name. But shitted on Malcolm X and Rosa Parks.

Tariq ain't the problem in this case.

Busta Rhymes has said some foul shit, Rihanna has done some foul shit. I could go and on. But I think you get my meaning.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And I'm old enough to remember when people did ask who your people were but I'm also old enough to remember people who lighter-skinned, or had a Eurocentric or otherwise racially ambiguous appearance being present in our community.

This bullshit did not become an issue until Yvette and Tariq made it an issue. What happened to "we come in all colors"?


Ever hear of the paper bag mafia, all lightskin pussys cut themselves OFF POLITICALLY from

the rest of their people.. they been ASSITING KKK for years.... in fact if it wasnt for them there wouldve

been NO TRAIL OF TEARS and extreme land theft... they were the impetus that allowed us to be

enslaved on our own land....

same shit going on in Haiti today...

We clean house from these internal gate keepers,

watch how fast PROGRESS kicks in!!!!

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Respectfully, bro, what does religious identification have to do with racial identity? The NOI aren't Christian so, of course, Black people, particularly in the South, would give it the side eye.

But that's a different topic from racial gatekeeping. You think people in the 60s would've said Adam Clayton Powell Jr isn't Black.
I was just using that as an example because I thought it was easier to understand.

Back in the day there was only a trickling of people coming in from the diaspora to where those people would probably find it easier to become a part of the Black community.

Now you have large groups that immigrate to where you might not like it but we have to delineate from those groups.

In Minnesota illhan Omar doesn't get elected if there isn't a large Somalian population. This day in age you have large communities who from a different community like in Houston there's a large population of Nigerians. Florida has a large population of Haitians.

As far as Adam Clayton Powell Jr(my personal hero) if your Black from this country we all have relatives in our family that look like that.