
Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Whistleblower complaint will be delivered to Congress Wednesday afternoon, senator says


A whistleblower's complaint about President Donald Trump's communications with Ukraine will be delivered Wednesday afternoon to Capitol Hill for lawmakers to review, Sen. John Cornyn said.

Intelligence committee members will be able to review the document, said Cornyn, a Texas Republican and member of the committee. It is not immediately clear how the report will be sent to the Hill and when it will be released to the public.

This story is breaking and will be updated.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Please cut the shit gene

Everyone with two eyes and half a brain can see that media bias, Republican obstructionism, and this presidents blatant lack of respect for the law is the only thing keeping this disaster afloat.

You talk as if reading the obvious and framing it as the other party's fault makes you Carnac the Magnificent because you're a closet republican and about as full of shit as the muhfuckas you cheerlead for on here every day.
I'm talking outcomes. Simply going on what's going to fucking happen, not what you hope is going to happen off being emotional. About making strategic decisions, not knee-jerk emotional reactions.

How the fuck is someone who has always voted for democrats a fucking closet republican. Haven't even advocated for any republican policies in 20 years posting politics on BGOL. Swear some of you cats dense as fuck.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Doesn't matter. Trump is the real Teflon Don. He's stacked the deck... he has the state department, the attorney general, the senate, and dare I say the Supreme Court. As this is happening he's appointing more people to the judiciary than anyone. He's Teflon Don and pretty much untouchable. Y'all mind as well stop with the bended knee pleas... Trump has this game figured out and the fact that he has NO SHAME is his wild card.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
The self centered egotistical moron actually said that this week was planned by the Dems to embarrass him in front of world leaders at the U.N. …. who love and admire him …. everyone approaching him saying "How could they do such horrible, terrible things to you?!" Embarrassment is a job that he's done extremely well all by himself !!!



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
:roflmao:This is his version of the transcript!!! Wait until that whistle blower testifies oh lawd it has to be some crazy shit .

The self centered egotistical moron actually said that this week was planned by the Dems to embarrass him in front of world leaders at the U.N. …. who love and admire him …. everyone approaching him saying "How could they do such horrible, terrible things to you?!" Embarrassment is a job that he's done extremely well all by himself !!!

President Donald Trump was incredulous Tuesday as he sat in Trump Tower and watched House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announce she was launching a formal impeachment inquiry against him, sources familiar with the moment say. Sitting in the same building where he launched his long shot presidential campaign four years ago, Trump said he couldn't believe it, he later told people.

He had felt confident after phoning Pelosi earlier that morning. The drive for impeachment in her caucus had ramped up amid reports he pushed the Ukrainian President to investigate Joe Biden, and Trump was hoping to head off a clash. He figured he could de-escalate tensions by speaking with her directly.

It was after that call that Trump made the decision to release an "unredacted" version of the transcript of his July call -- against the advice of aides such as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who warned him it would set a risky precedent. Trump wanted to undercut the argument from Democrats that he acted inappropriately, he said, and felt he had nothing to hide.

But when the announcement he would release the transcript did little to quell the growing calls for his impeachment, Trump was in disbelief.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I fuckin love the entertainment

This clown is accused of treasonous shit...

And he talkin about..

Al green he is a beauty

He is a real beauty that guy:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

Y'all take this seriously

Shame on yall:lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
President Donald Trump was incredulous Tuesday as he sat in Trump Tower and watched House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announce she was launching a formal impeachment inquiry against him, sources familiar with the moment say. Sitting in the same building where he launched his long shot presidential campaign four years ago, Trump said he couldn't believe it, he later told people.

He had felt confident after phoning Pelosi earlier that morning. The drive for impeachment in her caucus had ramped up amid reports he pushed the Ukrainian President to investigate Joe Biden, and Trump was hoping to head off a clash. He figured he could de-escalate tensions by speaking with her directly.

It was after that call that Trump made the decision to release an "unredacted" version of the transcript of his July call -- against the advice of aides such as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who warned him it would set a risky precedent. Trump wanted to undercut the argument from Democrats that he acted inappropriately, he said, and felt he had nothing to hide.

But when the announcement he would release the transcript did little to quell the growing calls for his impeachment, Trump was in disbelief.

Too little too late, Trump thought he had Nancy in his back pocket. They didn't even release the unredacted transcripts like he said he would. Now he's trying to belittle her leadership on TV. lol