The First Omen
I watched this one last night on Hulu at home.
This is the official prequel to the classic “The Omen” films.
Without spoiling it, it the film mainly takes place about 5 years prior to “The Omen” focusing on the conception and birth of Damien.
It’s a 2 hour film and it’s basically a slow burn for about the first 1 hour and 10 minutes. After that it picks up in pace and story.
The film does a good job being very graphic and gory showing childbirth thru out the film.
The end of the film has two parts. Without spoiling it, one part steers directly into the opening scene of “The Omen” and using a still picture of actor Gregory Peck from the film. The 2nd part goes into a different direction and brings up a whole new plot line. It’s pretty clear this new plot line will be the focus in future films and coincide with the original films. It will definitely have you looking at the original films differently.
I’m definitely looking forward to whatever sequels to this film that are plan.
A woman starts to question her own faith when she uncovers a terrifying conspiracy to bring about the birth of evil incarnate in Rome.