TV SHOWS / SERIES - Seen any good ones lately? Please feel free to post reviews / feedback / trailers / articles / TV news / all that shit ...


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Phantom of the Chakras
BGOL Investor
Things I’m currently addicted to:

Caught up on Mayor of Kingstown. Some flimsy script shit doesn’t deter an awesome cast. Dude that plays Raph is legit, Hawkeyes pretty good too. The women on this show are pretty great actresses particularly

Supa Cell is maybe my favorite thing I’ve ever seen on Netflix, dope concept, acting and execution. Top marks here. Some of it gives me Hero vibes but IDC and it’s better

Scavengers Reign on Netflix is Heavy Sci Fi and a great story (4 eps in) but quite impressive- not for those without an attention span or just need constant explosions- ya gotta fall in to this joint no distractions

My family and i are completely obsessed with Time Bandits. Inspires great convos, semi historical, really fun nod to time travel adventure flicks of the 80s

Poker face- I’m a dork for Russian Dolls writing and delivery. Like the mystery angle, she makes great quippy TV that’s easily consumed but masquerades or wants to be a higher form of entertainment. Straddles the line in her shit with heavy concepts without seeming so.

Also, I wanted to like it but this is the worst dr who I’ve ever seen fuck is wrong with disney

Can’t wait for the return of Solar Opposites and Severance and FROM and Agatha All Along

Couldn’t get with latest Jack Ryan season but i guess I’ll just finish it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Batman: Caped Crusader

I really enjoyed this new Batman animated series for the most part. It's not only filled with a lot of nice touches that make Batman Batman but a lot of nice nods to his creator Bob Kane,movies ,TV shows about The Dark Knight. For long time fans of Batman they won't miss any of the aforementioned. The show also has a neo-noir feel to it coupled with deeper dives into not only Batman villains and allies wounded psyches but of Bruce Wayne himself. There are some changes to characters I didn't mind but I also liked the colder more adult themed vibe.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Kolchak: The Night Stalker


I was surfing thru my cable tv guide back in December and discovered that this series was being played on Saturday nights on cable channel “MeTV”. It is one of those throwback cable channels.

I had set my DVR to record all episodes and started watching them back in May and finished today at home. There all only 20 episodes being the series was on for one season. It’s a hour long series with commercials.

David Chase (The Sopranos) was a lead writer for the series. Chris Carter (X-Files) creator says he was heavily inspired by this show when developing the X-Files.

The series revolves around Sci-Fi, Horror and Supernatural subjects.

If you enjoy old school Sci-Fi, you will enjoy this series. It’s currently on peacock and still repeating on MeTV. There are episodes on YouTube.

Newspaper reporter uncovers supernatural causes in his investigations.




Rising Star
BGOL Legend



The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
The First Omen


I watched this one last night on Hulu at home.

This is the official prequel to the classic “The Omen” films.

Without spoiling it, it the film mainly takes place about 5 years prior to “The Omen” focusing on the conception and birth of Damien.

It’s a 2 hour film and it’s basically a slow burn for about the first 1 hour and 10 minutes. After that it picks up in pace and story.

The film does a good job being very graphic and gory showing childbirth thru out the film.

The end of the film has two parts. Without spoiling it, one part steers directly into the opening scene of “The Omen” and using a still picture of actor Gregory Peck from the film. The 2nd part goes into a different direction and brings up a whole new plot line. It’s pretty clear this new plot line will be the focus in future films and coincide with the original films. It will definitely have you looking at the original films differently.

I’m definitely looking forward to whatever sequels to this film that are plan.


A woman starts to question her own faith when she uncovers a terrifying conspiracy to bring about the birth of evil incarnate in Rome.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kolchak: The Night Stalker


I was surfing thru my cable tv guide back in December and discovered that this series was being played on Saturday nights on cable channel “MeTV”. It is one of those throwback cable channels.

I had set my DVR to record all episodes and started watching them back in May and finished today at home. There all only 20 episodes being the series was on for one season. It’s a hour long series with commercials.

David Chase (The Sopranos) was a lead writer for the series. Chris Carter (X-Files) creator says he was heavily inspired by this show when developing the X-Files.

The series revolves around Sci-Fi, Horror and Supernatural subjects.

If you enjoy old school Sci-Fi, you will enjoy this series. It’s currently on peacock and still repeating on MeTV. There are episodes on YouTube.

Newspaper reporter uncovers supernatural causes in his investigations.


Man, I like that show. I used to watch it with my folks. I think it was on Friday.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
The First Omen


I watched this one last night on Hulu at home.

This is the official prequel to the classic “The Omen” films.

Without spoiling it, it the film mainly takes place about 5 years prior to “The Omen” focusing on the conception and birth of Damien.

It’s a 2 hour film and it’s basically a slow burn for about the first 1 hour and 10 minutes. After that it picks up in pace and story.

The film does a good job being very graphic and gory showing childbirth thru out the film.

The end of the film has two parts. Without spoiling it, one part steers directly into the opening scene of “The Omen” and using a still picture of actor Gregory Peck from the film. The 2nd part goes into a different direction and brings up a whole new plot line. It’s pretty clear this new plot line will be the focus in future films and coincide with the original films. It will definitely have you looking at the original films differently.

I’m definitely looking forward to whatever sequels to this film that are plan.


A woman starts to question her own faith when she uncovers a terrifying conspiracy to bring about the birth of evil incarnate in Rome.


Posted in wrong thread.



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mayor of Kingstown season 3 finale

I have watched a lot of TV shows over the years and there have definitely been some that put me on edge as soon as the first frames start rolling. Snowfall, Marcella, Breaking Bad, and Game of Thrones to name a few.It was either because a character or several characters had painted themselves into corners I didn't think they could get out of. A character had a goal in mind but had lost all logic and reason in pursuit of that goal and I wondered if they were going to get taken out or take themselves out. Mayor of Kingstown has been all of the aforementioned and more. It's a bleak show with small rays of hope that barely sneak in. Writers and creators Taylor Sheridan and Hugh Dillon set up story threads that are edgy and then some and I never know who's really going to come out on top or just meet their fates. Season 3 just proves how great the writing, acting and production this show has and is maintaining.