I think that is crazy framing. Minority and dissident opinions should always be welcome.
I'm the OG Kamala supporter on this board. I was saying ten months ago that she was the only person who could beat Trump and needed to be the Democratic candidate. Cultists worshipped Biden as the only thing between us and another Trump term and I was accused of being MAGA on a regular basis, despite a 20+ year history on this board and documented support for Democratic candidates in the last four presidential elections. None of that mattered because I was smart enough to see what is obvious to everyone now-- Biden could not beat Trump. There is no better example of why negative vibes should be welcome than that.
The conspiracy theories, baseless attacks and lack of rational thinking is what makes it a cult.
"Kamala issues"??? I care about the same issues I've cared about for years, it's hard to know where to start. You can read through this thread for starters:
(If you do, you'll see plenty of cultists calling me a Trump supporter because I worried she wasn't progressive enough... Kool Aide shit.)
I care about health care. I hated Biden as the nominee in 2020 and one key reason was he went so far as to say he would veto Medicare for All. The ACA was a huge, phenomenal improvement over the system of 20 years ago but you still have people suffering and dying because they don't have health care. Democrats still want to coast on Obama's changes from 2010 but that's not good enough to be the permanent system.
I really like Kamala's proposal to expand home health care for seniors. That's really important. Not going far enough but I appreciate some progress-- not every potential Dem nominee would have made that emphasis.
Her proposal not to tax tips is ridiculous pandering that I think she knows is wrong but Trump floated that bullshit out first and it seems to be popular... Its wrong because it discriminates against salaried and hourly workers, making under-the-table payments more lucrative and incentivizing that sort of payment. The way to help working people is a fair progressive tax system where you make middle class taxes as low as possible but still have some to fund key services, not exempting special classes entirely.
I could go on and on... Where I distrust her the most and think she could be a significant downgrade from Biden is on standing up to large corporate interests. The fact that she has not expressed support for Lina Khan and a lot of the pro-business shit from her prominent surrogate Mark Cuban is worrisome:
The powerful House Oversight Committee is calling for Lina Khan, to be replaced, accusing her of infusing “left-wing ideology” into the antitrust agency, flouting due process for compan…
While liberals have held their tongues as Kamala Harris tacked to the center, they're preparing for a major battle over the future of the party, with personnel emerging as a flashpoint.
“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." You don't see that on this board. I hated Biden as the nominee and still hold those same beliefs yet he was the best domestic president of my lifetime, the best since LBJ.
There's good and bad. We should talk about both and anybody who only sees good when they look at Biden or Harris or ANYONE is unsophisticated at best. Discussion of her flaws should be welcome-- I'm not undermining her candidacy and obviously she is more progressive than Trump so only a complete moron looks at an argument that Harris is not progressive enough and says "So you must support Trump."