UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Why are you always like this? This means a lot because of Florida. Yes, that picture and videos from Puerto Rico but still it matters. You would depressed people at a damn funeral. Actually may put you in a box with the disease because of your wishy-washiness.

Leave Truth alone and let him work his mojo. We've got two days. I need him pessimistic though until all the votes are counted and certified. Preferably until after the inauguration (and the one after next.) We can't afford to take any chances this close to the election. Stop effing with cosmic forces.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Why are you always like this? This means a lot because of Florida. Yes, that picture and videos from Puerto Rico but still it matters. You would depressed people at a damn funeral. Actually may put you in a box with the disease because of your wishy-washiness.

Leave Truth alone and let him work his mojo. We've got two days. I need him pessimistic though until all the votes are counted and certified. Preferably until after the inauguration (and the one after next.) We can't afford to take any chances this close to the election. Stop effing with cosmic forces.

@Camille is right, fam. Let the good Doc COOK undisturbed. It will all make sense on the 5th :cheers:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Cacs are getting shot dead this election season. I suggest all of my brothers, bunker down with some kush, a beverage of choice, family protection, and watch the shit show.

Joe Sixpack is going on a rampage like day of the dead zombies starting Wednesday.
Let them re-enact this bit from Civil War..



Rising Star
i appreciate this response. i'll take it point by point and try to be succinct.

I agree, although I reject that my framing was crazy as it drew a pretty straight line from your words. That said, two things. Yes minority and dissident opinions should be welcome, the reason being that when the dissident shares a common goal, it yields a refined strategy in pursuit of said goal/s. To carry on this exchange as if a number of your posts in this thread presented no value in that vein is, I believe, farcical. In the common parlance, you gon really sit up here and act like a lot of that wasn't just on some old hating ass shit? or at BEST, act like your mind is blown that they'd be perceived as such? If anything it's confounding that you could go from backing her then to ripping her now.

Hyperbole is typically a linguistic red flag indicating weak points. People's belief that Joe was the only one that could beat Trump was not unfounded, and given what's at stake and the facts that we not only 1-absolutely needed the candidate most likely to win and 2-needed to rally hard as fuck behind said candidate, was not the result of some mass psychosis. The man not only did a great job but beat Trump before, and people are less likely to gamble when so much is on the line. Even describing this as cult worship is more an indicator of your disposition than an accurate description of that support. In the common parlance, ain't nobody ever worshipped no gotdamn joe biden, but we had his back. Question, who was a better bet than joe or kamala?

Yes Kamala issues a bunch of question marks. This exchange being about the way you post about her in here, I didn't think that required dilution but that was probably my fault, no shade. I meant issues that you have with candidate harris that undergird your posting in this thread as previously described.

Regarding her shifting positions in that thread, I think that a fracking ban would have been bad for the economy and when she realized that, she changed her position. Not that I support fracking on the merits, but her clean energy push can hopefully allow for a staggered pullback that minimizes economic pain as we pursue our clean energy goals. i think it was sensible.

I am no expert in the nuance of the healthcare conversation but I do believe medicare for all is one of those sounds good but implementation ain't that simple kinds of things. The hybrid models that work in the places where most people THINK socialized 100% healthcare is the golden solution is probably better (I'm a fan of copying best models), and so I think her shift on medicare for all was sensible too.

Gun buyback is kinda ridiculous so I'm glad she dropped that too. Not taxing tips sounded fine to me, although I hadn't considered the implication that it could be seen as unfair to salaried workers. But I think that can be fixed with a lil refinement. I realize these are probably not your complete list, but just offering my thoughts on what you shared. I can't pre-judge her stance on corporate interests, given that she hasn't really generated many datapoints there yet.

I'll end with this: Progressives have always been pregnant with ideas and light on strategy, it's always been my peeve and why I never took Bernie very seriously. I have said many times here goals are not plans. Folding your arms or worse, throwing stones, is more damaging to the ultimate cause than anything and that's the basis of most criticisms of that group. I think Kamala should stick a mary j blige boot in netanyahu's ass but running around screaming that in the faces of a LARGELY unsophisticated electorate while we are trying our hardest to just get her elected is tantamount to signal jamming, which runs counter to the strategic outcome we're all pursuing.

"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them." - George Orwell, 1984. The nuance between the two thoughts escapes most.

I appreciate the response...

Eewwll was insisting to me in 2020 that Kamala was more progressive than Bernie. I don't think she ever was but it will be interesting to see how aligned she is with progressives when/if she gets in. I never would have thought Biden would work with them as much as he did and she seems more progressive as a person than he did. I think it's good for us to be able to have a healthy conversation about all of these issues.

"People's belief that Joe was the only one that could beat Trump was not unfounded, and given what's at stake and the facts that we not only 1-absolutely needed the candidate most likely to win and 2-needed to rally hard as fuck behind said candidate, was not the result of some mass psychosis. The man not only did a great job but beat Trump before, and people are less likely to gamble when so much is on the line. Even describing this as cult worship is more an indicator of your disposition than an accurate description of that support. In the common parlance, ain't nobody ever worshipped no gotdamn joe biden, but we had his back. Question, who was a better bet than joe or kamala?"

That's not a good question when you refer back to my previous post in which I said Kamala was the only person who could beat Trump. So I'm not arguing anyone would be better than her, not without having a real primary which would have had to have started over a year back at least. Who was a better bet than Joe? Almost anyone! The only real fuck up associated with Harris over the last month of the campaign has been due to her forced association with Biden and his inability to express thoughts clearly. I used to say he couldn't campaign but he could be president but, goddamn it, being able to speak is an important part of being president. He's just not up to the task anymore. There are dozens of elected officials that Democrats would be better off running than him. The election would not be close if he stayed in.

Also, he barely beat Trump last time-- about 43,000 votes go the other way in Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin and Trump would have been legitimately elected. For context, the NFL stadium with the smallest capacity is Soldier Field in Chicago, which has a seating capacity of 61,500. This is more a reflection on this country being bad than his campaign but if covid didn't happen, Trump pretty clearly would have been re-elected. I don't like that, to be clear, but that's the country we live in.

Yes minority and dissident opinions should be welcome, the reason being that when the dissident shares a common goal, it yields a refined strategy in pursuit of said goal/s. To carry on this exchange as if a number of your posts in this thread presented no value in that vein is, I believe, farcical. In the common parlance, you gon really sit up here and act like a lot of that wasn't just on some old hating ass shit? or at BEST, act like your mind is blown that they'd be perceived as such? If anything it's confounding that you could go from backing her then to ripping her now.

In response to that final sentence, you're off in describing me as "backing her then." I back her now. I'm going to turn in a ballot voting for her tomorrow. This is what my support looks like when I am backing a flawed candidate.

Building off of that to address the rest of what is quoted here... I'll simply say that my avatar has not been Draymond Green choking Rudy Gobert for the past year simply because Green and Steph Curry are my favorite players. I do have some self-awareness. :cool:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Trump-nominated then appointed FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr is raising a flag, but the rest of the FCC Leadership would need to agree to take action, despite Trump getting LOADS of free air time on OAN, Newsmax, Fox News, etc. AND Brendan Carr being the co-author of Project2025

Once it's official, Harris has some HOUSE CLEANING to do:

FYI, current FCC Leadership:

Jessica Rosenworcel

Jessica Rosenworcel​

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Brendan Carr

Brendan Carr​

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Geoffrey Starks

Geoffrey Starks​

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Nathan Simington

Nathan Simington​

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Anna M. Gomez

Anna M. Gomez​

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Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Why are you always like this? This means a lot because of Florida. Yes, that picture and videos from Puerto Rico but still it matters. You would depressed people at a damn funeral. Actually may put you in a box with the disease because of your wishy-washiness.
Not just Florida either. Puerto Ricans make up a big part of the population in PA as well.