Weight Loss/get in better shape journey thread


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've switched up my workouts
Now it's circuit training
1 minute of each station
3 rounds
Total of 25 min but you def feel it and I'm noticing the difference
I still hit the gym but it's only once or twice a week


Rising Star
I ran three miles once in December-- I was really proud of myself for being able to do that my first time back out (with one stretch where I had to walk) but it was clear I was not quite fully recovered yet.

I am now fully recovered and ready to get out there... It has been snowy lately but the ice has melted and I gotta do it... Before I find myself in this situation:



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Which is better jogging and aerobic warm up before or after weight training?

One of my favorite routines for years included walking over to the local gym ... doing an interval routine on the stat' bike (hills and such) ... getting that sweat going and then stretching out, followed by select weight training.

Always felt great getting that walking & biking in, followed by weights.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In the OMAD routine and it’s that bad just had to increase my water intake
I thought I gained like crazy since I been it but I’m still under 250 I guess moving furniture does that
Doing pull ups dips pushups sit ups hanging leg raises
Gone bring my weighted jump rope to the halfway house gone be my cardio instead of running on the treadmill


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First day in the gym since before I got locked up
Let's see how this goes

Can’t lie I feel lost in here, don’t know where to start


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Started with dumbbell press
100-10 reps(2sets)
Good ol bench press
135-12 reps
225-7 reps,5 reps(2sets)
135-10 reps (2sets)
175-5 reps
Ohp 135 -5 reps
95-10 reps(2sets with shoulder press combo sets)
V1 chest press 1 45 each side-10 reps (2sets)
2 45 each side 10 reps
3 45 each side 7 reps
135-10 reps
225- 5(2 sets)
Shoulder press
90lbs-3 sets of 10
Shoulder shrug -same
Shoulder fly
10lbs-10 reps
15- same
20- same
80 lbs-10 reps
Dip machine
1-45lb each side 10reps
2-45lb same
3-45 lb same
Did another 10 reps of 100lb dumbbell press