I went running today with a goal of slightly improving on Monday, thinking I might regress a little bit.
The Fitbit tells me my total time as I progress, so I knew my first mile was about 7:30, exactly the same pace as Monday. I was pleasantly surprised because I thought I started a little slower.
I turned it on, did the best I could. Felt like it was forever. I knew I had a decent time when it read my total and per mile average but I didn't do the subtraction to figure out exactly how well I did for mile two. The instant I heard "two miles" in my ear, I started walking. I thought
maybe I got around the 7 minute mark. I could imagine 6:58 or just missing it.
I didn't walk quite as long this time but I also didn't recover and finish as strongly as I did on Monday.
I finished, hit stop on my app, and my times came up. I could not believe what I saw.
This has been my first effort at sprinting in my lifetime-- at least since school, as a fat kid. So I have nothing to compare it to. I think I can actually do better than this. I don't think it would be humanly possible for me to get to 6:00. But I'm really amazed that I beat 7 by such a good distance-- That was my goal for the year and even then I didn't think I'd beat it by that much.