Weight Loss/get in better shape journey thread


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Been helping my dad as he recovers from knee replacement surgery (R knee). Had the surgery done just over 3 weeks ago, and spent just over 2 weeks at his GF's place, and back at his own residence ever since.

Taking him to his recent appts ... cooking ... running errands and keeping him company.

He's been good about icing it up, as well as getting the proper exercises & mobility routines in. He has an assortment of stuff to help him get around - a smaller walker, and a 4-wheeled one / crutches / a couple of canes. Got a few ice packs & an ice machine.
Moms had to do a complete replacement, I'm trying get her to come here so we can take care of her


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Agreed. All the best to her with the recovery & rehab.

It's been tiring helping pops out, but at the same time necessary. Trying to make his life easier - as he'd do the same for me if I were recovering from a major surgery.
Respect for that bruh, more people need to take care of their parents instead of sending them straight to facilities


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Respect for that bruh, more people need to take care of their parents instead of sending them straight to facilities

Thanks man.

Yeah - when he told me he was gonna be needing the surgery, I promised him I would set aside time later in the year to assist with the rehab process. Just tell me the date, and I'll set aside time in there, as did his GF. Sort of a 2-person support team.

In regards to facilities for family members ... yes ... a lot of people tend to rush that.

My mentality is do as much as is in your power, and then ask for assistance.

Near the end of my grandpa's life back in the mid-2000s ... we all did the best we could. And then had a home care nurse coming by, and in the final few years when he was in & out of hospitals, then a long-term care facility ... we made sure he was comfortable. There were so many health complications. But prior to that when things were manageable, we had a good team of family members ensuring his quality of life.


Rising Star
Y'all putting in work in here,#respect

I found a 2014 post I made about my running routine and I saw that I wrote "Jogged 7 miles, no walking." And I was confused because I didn't think I was at that point back then. I read on and realized I meant that I did that in a week.

Progress is slow but it's possible!

Re: Can Jogging 20 Min Burn Belly Fat? What Combo of Jog/Running Works To Lose Stomac

Week 1:
Jogged 7 miles, no walking. Started with .8 and felt like I'd die. Most of that last quarter mile was pure will power to make it the rest of the way. (I don't think I could have done it on a treadmill-- I needed that concrete goal of making it back home to push myself where I definitely would have felt good stopping on a treadmill with how I felt at .5 or .6.) Went for 1.4 the next night. Altogether, I did about 7 miles in 5 jogs spread over 4 days.

Week 2: 2.8. Busier week in terms of life responsibilities, plus probably a little fatigue so I only jogged twice, with 1.4 now set as the standard distance. (By the way, I never jogged a full mile in life without stopping before this, so this is huge.) This is the week this thread was made.

Week 3: 4.2 so far. (Estimated finish of 7-8.4.) Started experimenting with that interval running... Goddamn. Shit works. I don't have a stopwatch and just estimated when I should start running based on music and landmarks-- I probably jogged less than 2 minutes and ran less than 30 seconds before switching on average. But the gained endurance is evident immediately and especially after the second time. I did it three times this week-- Just jogging 1.4 would be easy now. About to go for a fourth time, might take Sunday off. And I got in the gym and started with weights-- I've always been good with the legs but lacking on the upper body, just got in there twice and experimented with every machine. Actually did five sets of 10 sit-ups-- the first of the year-- on Tuesday night using some machine that added resistance, plus three or four sets on Wednesday night. My abs are still sore but just using the phrase "my abs" is new and promising. I'm only doing weightlifting at the gym and jog/run in my neighborhood so I can more conveniently space it out 3-4 hours as spider705 advised.

Gonna get that jump rope Saturday or Sunday and incorporate that for week 4... Eating right the whole time as well, definitely seeing results!


Rising Star
I went running today with a goal of slightly improving on Monday, thinking I might regress a little bit.

The Fitbit tells me my total time as I progress, so I knew my first mile was about 7:30, exactly the same pace as Monday. I was pleasantly surprised because I thought I started a little slower.

I turned it on, did the best I could. Felt like it was forever. I knew I had a decent time when it read my total and per mile average but I didn't do the subtraction to figure out exactly how well I did for mile two. The instant I heard "two miles" in my ear, I started walking. I thought maybe I got around the 7 minute mark. I could imagine 6:58 or just missing it.

I didn't walk quite as long this time but I also didn't recover and finish as strongly as I did on Monday.

I finished, hit stop on my app, and my times came up. I could not believe what I saw.


This has been my first effort at sprinting in my lifetime-- at least since school, as a fat kid. So I have nothing to compare it to. I think I can actually do better than this. I don't think it would be humanly possible for me to get to 6:00. But I'm really amazed that I beat 7 by such a good distance-- That was my goal for the year and even then I didn't think I'd beat it by that much.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Switching my workout to reps/endurance
Did 100 reps of bench 75*135 25*225
50*80 lb incline dumbbell press
Even did isolation press all the way up to 3 45s on each arm
Shoulder press 25*45,25*90 (45lb plates)
Clean and jerk lifts were great 3 sets of 10*115 1 set of 10*135
50*75lb triceps extension


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm back in class to finish my bachelor's in criminal justice and doing my Google cyber security certification so today after work is jump rope and core work

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I went running today with a goal of slightly improving on Monday, thinking I might regress a little bit.

The Fitbit tells me my total time as I progress, so I knew my first mile was about 7:30, exactly the same pace as Monday. I was pleasantly surprised because I thought I started a little slower.

I turned it on, did the best I could. Felt like it was forever. I knew I had a decent time when it read my total and per mile average but I didn't do the subtraction to figure out exactly how well I did for mile two. The instant I heard "two miles" in my ear, I started walking. I thought maybe I got around the 7 minute mark. I could imagine 6:58 or just missing it.

I didn't walk quite as long this time but I also didn't recover and finish as strongly as I did on Monday.

I finished, hit stop on my app, and my times came up. I could not believe what I saw.


This has been my first effort at sprinting in my lifetime-- at least since school, as a fat kid. So I have nothing to compare it to. I think I can actually do better than this. I don't think it would be humanly possible for me to get to 6:00. But I'm really amazed that I beat 7 by such a good distance-- That was my goal for the year and even then I didn't think I'd beat it by that much.

Great job, man. I haven’t ran under 7 yet, so my best mile is still 7:13. I had a good 4 mile run the other day with a total time of 31:48 with 7:20 as my fastest mile. My pace was under 8 minutes, so that felt good.

My 5k this morning was at 24:29. That’s a 7:53 minute per mile pace. That felt great.

I’m glad you was able to break under 7 so easily.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Great job, man. I haven’t ran under 7 yet, so my best mile is still 7:13. I had a good 4 mile run the other day with a total time of 31:48 with 7:20 as my fastest mile. My pace was under 8 minutes, so that felt good.

My 5k this morning was at 24:29. That’s a 7:53 minute per mile pace. That felt great.

I’m glad you was able to break under 7 so easily.

When you run long distance are you stopping at anytime or just going at a good pace?

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
When you run long distance are you stopping at anytime or just going at a good pace?

When I first started running, I was stopping, but then I just wanted to learn to run straight through.

I had a slow pace around 12 to 13 minutes per mile. It’s taken me years and consistency to get to where I am at today. But ultimately, it’s about being active. You’ll naturally improve.


Rising Star
Great job, man. I haven’t ran under 7 yet, so my best mile is still 7:13. I had a good 4 mile run the other day with a total time of 31:48 with 7:20 as my fastest mile. My pace was under 8 minutes, so that felt good.

My 5k this morning was at 24:29. That’s a 7:53 minute per mile pace. That felt great.

I’m glad you was able to break under 7 so easily.

:lol: @ "so easily" :crymeariver:

My hamstring was hurting the next day and hasn't improved, I haven't run since and don't see it happening for at least another two weeks. It's hurting, I'm probably going to have to find time to go get it checked out next week. :smh:

So I guess a word of warning to others about doing new things and immediately pushing as hard as you can. I've always run for distance and have never attempted to sprint, so going all-out for a mile and nearly all-out for two-- twice in a week-- was clearly too much too soon.

I'm going to try to stay in shape with my dusty ass ab roller and sit-ups-- Didn't find the motivation to do any this week. I find exercise like that to be a chore whereas I was actually enjoying running.


Rising Star
Questions for the long distance runners:

1. Do you breathe in your nose (expand diaphragm) and out your mouth when running?

I read a couple of weeks ago that it is better to breathe with your nose than your mouth-- At the time, I wasn't even sure what I did. (I always smoke a bowl before I run so I'm somewhat on autopilot mentally.) It is kind of a mix for me-- when I'm in the zone it is more nasal but when I'm struggling I guess the mouth wins out because it brings in more air. I'm trying to cut down on the mouth breathing.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
:lol: @ "so easily" :crymeariver:

My hamstring was hurting the next day and hasn't improved, I haven't run since and don't see it happening for at least another two weeks. It's hurting, I'm probably going to have to find time to go get it checked out next week. :smh:

So I guess a word of warning to others about doing new things and immediately pushing as hard as you can. I've always run for distance and have never attempted to sprint, so going all-out for a mile and nearly all-out for two-- twice in a week-- was clearly too much too soon.

I'm going to try to stay in shape with my dusty ass ab roller and sit-ups-- Didn't find the motivation to do any this week. I find exercise like that to be a chore whereas I was actually enjoying running.

Awww, damn! That sucks, man. Sorry to hear about the hamstring injury. It seems like you was in good enough shape to do that without issue. Sounds like it’s a minor pull, but you have to treat those carefully.

I used to pull my groin when I would try and go too hard early in running. Those injuries puts me down for at least two to four weeks . And when I return, my runs are slow as hell. That’s why my fastest times are always on the last mile. By then my legs are lose and able to withstand strenuous running.

What type of shoes are you running in? I got some DOPE adidas that’s been very kind to me. Switch FWD Running shoe. I bought this one for about $140.


4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Mouth breathing during running
I usually do a count like 7 or 8 then a deep breath out my mouth

Oh ok. Yes, burn like hell—very painful shit.

I try to keep my heart rate and breathing in sync as much as possible. I accomplish this with my Apple Watch which monitors my heart rate while running. They have heart rate zones, and that lets me know how intense my workout is. The first image is my heart rate for my more intense 5k run. Notice the high heart rate. The second image is a longer run where I need to preserve energy. It has a lower heart rate.



Rising Star
Awww, damn! That sucks, man. Sorry to hear about the hamstring injury. It seems like you was in good enough shape to do that without issue. Sounds like it’s a minor pull, but you have to treat those carefully.

I used to pull my groin when I would try and go too hard early in running. Those injuries puts me down for at least two to four weeks . And when I return, my runs are slow as hell. That’s why my fastest times are always on the last mile. By then my legs are lose and able to withstand strenuous running.

What type of shoes are you running in? I got some DOPE adidas that’s been very kind to me. Switch FWD Running shoe. I bought this one for about $140.


I'm a generally cheap person and I've never spent over $100 on shoes.

Up until May, I was still using some high top Adidas that I bought back in 2015 when I first started really running. I'd say they got three years of heavy use and two years of moderate use with some years also spent unused. Definitely put a good number of miles on them. I finally wore a hole in one of them this year and had to buy a new pair back in May.

I saw very few hightop options so I ended up replacing them with some Sketchers athletic shoes. Currently listed at $64 but I'm proud to say they were $43 when I bought them. I like the extra protection of the hightop for the ankles but these are some nice light shoes that feel pretty sturdy.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm a generally cheap person and I've never spent over $100 on shoes.

Up until May, I was still using some high top Adidas that I bought back in 2015 when I first started really running. I'd say they got three years of heavy use and two years of moderate use with some years also spent unused. Definitely put a good number of miles on them. I finally wore a hole in one of them this year and had to buy a new pair back in May.

I saw very few hightop options so I ended up replacing them with some Sketchers athletic shoes. Currently listed at $64 but I'm proud to say they were $43 when I bought them. I like the extra protection of the hightop for the ankles but these are some nice light shoes that feel pretty sturdy.

Those shoes I posted were the first time I spent that much on some running shoes. I always stayed under $100, too, but this time, I decided to try and see if there was a difference. And there is a significant difference. The biggest difference for me was that the foot impact on the ground was reduced and a nice bounce on each step.


Rising Star
Those shoes I posted were the first time I spent that much on some running shoes. I always stayed under $100, too, but this time, I decided to try and see if there was a difference. And there is a significant difference. The biggest difference for me was that the foot impact on the ground was reduced and a nice bounce on each step.

I should probably make that that investment... :cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

@4 Dimensional

Good discussion re: shoes. I was talking to a friend about that recently. He runs 4-5 days a week and walks alot and takes the bus. Doesn’t drive.

He’s small in stature - Filipino - said he stays at 130 - 135lbs at 5’6”.

Noted he replaced his shoes every 6 months! That surprised me being super frugal with my shoe purchases forever.

Said he considers investing in himself and his health. As he forever breaks down his footwear with all the mileage. And luckily he has avoided injuries over the years. He is visiting the Philippines next March and he plans to clean the shoes, patch up some soles and donate them to people in need on the street. Nice gesture. A number of pairs.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Dad is recovering pretty well from the right knee replacement. It's been just shy of 6 weeks now.

He's been doing the proper stretching, icing, and exercises. Using the smaller walker & 4-wheeled one at first, and now using either a cane or the walking sticks when getting his road work in.

His neighborhood doesn't have sidewalks, but fortunately isn't too busy with traffic so he's able to walk up and down the block without much distraction. Usually does about 5 circuits of back & forths. I've been able to walk with him 80% of the time.

Had time off so I was keeping him company, helping him run errands & safely get around in the house. Taking him to another physio' appt this coming Monday morning, and a follow-up with his surgeon Tuesday afternoon.

Gonna see pops tomorrow evening. He's visiting his GF at the moment. Said to me he hoped to be able to be back driving by mid- to late-November, but the other day his spirits were up so he took the car for a drive in his neighborhood during off-peak hours and it felt pretty good. Said that felt good to get a head start on returning to driving eventually.

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
Take back the info I said about cutting half or down to 1/3 of your meal. Use a calorie calculator to lose weight. I was looking at the Twinkie diet and found out losing weight isn't about neccesarilly about nutrition but a calorie deficit. My problem was eating too low calories which actually makes your body hold on to fat. You have to, yes, lower your calories but to a specific amount, not too low and not high. Once you lose the weight then you eat the amount that will maintain your weight.



Rising Star
Take back the info I said about cutting half or down to 1/3 of your meal. Use a calorie calculator to lose weight. I was looking at the Twinkie diet and found out losing weight isn't about neccesarilly about nutrition but a calorie deficit. My problem was eating too low calories which actually makes your body hold on to fat. You have to, yes, lower your calories but to a specific amount, not too low and not high. Once you lose the weight then you eat the amount that will maintain your weight.

1,800 calories is 6.5 twinkies a day.

I'd have guessed less.

I watched the video and I don't see how the rest of your post connects to the Twinkie Diet-- i.e. "eating too low calories" seems to be the same as a calorie deficit. "You have to, yes, lower your calories but to a specific amount, not too low and not high"-- where are you getting that from?

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
1,800 calories is 6.5 twinkies a day.

I'd have guessed less.

I watched the video and I don't see how the rest of your post connects to the Twinkie Diet-- i.e. "eating too low calories" seems to be the same as a calorie deficit. "You have to, yes, lower your calories but to a specific amount, not too low and not high"-- where are you getting that from?
A calorie deficit is a specific amount of calories you need to eat to lose weight. What I was doing was extreme. When I heard to lower your calories I assumed eating 800 calories would make me lose fat very fast. No, when you eat that low your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to the fat. When you eat meals over the needed calories you gain weight.


Rising Star
A calorie deficit is a specific amount of calories you need to eat to lose weight. What I was doing was extreme. When I heard to lower your calories I assumed eating 800 calories would make me lose fat very fast. No, when you eat that low your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to the fat. When you eat meals over the needed calories you gain weight.

Again, though, where are you getting that from? It wasn't the twinkie video.


Rising Star
@nawlinsn931 happy that you're cutting weight and getting healthier. I check this thread out for tips and inspiration.

I went in for a yearly check-up and discovered I was 230lbs. I haven't weighed or went in for a check-up in years before that but that was alarming for me. I'm 6'3 so it doesn't look bad but I don't like that shit at all son. That was in August and in 1st week of October, I got back in the gym 4-5 days/week. When I am in the gym I mostly do ab workouts then some lifting with a few leg workouts for now. I have been weighing myself lately and now I am floating at 214-216lbs some days lower some slightly higher. I also changed my eating habits the day before I got back in the gym. Eat meat only one day out the week the rest I'm a vegetarian. This is an old regime I did back in 2013 to go from 215 lbs to my lowest 166 lbs and was 175 lbs most of that year and 2014. I want to be at 185-190 cut up with a resemblance of a six-pack or I'll even take a 4 if I'm lucky. Love this thread hope for great health for all y'all in here.