The person who posted this is an asshole but I think there is a discussion about this topic that can had maturely and respectfully
conditioning and also not every white person is evil.
The person who posted this is an asshole but I think there is a discussion about this topic that can had maturely and respectfully
conditioning and also not every white person is evil.
ah but theres a different between a system and a person. You are a male...we live in a patriarchal society. By sheer dint if you being born with a penis automatically give you a pass in a system thats patriarchal. Is it impossible for a woman to love you while still having issues with the system you benefit from regardless of whether you want to or agree with it or not?It's difficult when our best and brightest can be consistently fall victim to the conditioning
While warning US about the dangers of the same.
ah but theres a different between a system and a person. You are a male...we live in a patriarchal society. By sheer dint if you being born with a penis automatically give you a pass in a system thats patriarchal. Is it impossible for a woman to love you while still having issues with the system you benefit from regardless of whether you want to or agree with it or not?
just because you hate white supremacy doesnt mean you have to automatically hate all white people.I don't understand the point your trying to make.
is contradictions another word for bullshit or completely fake or made up foolishness?There are more contradictions in the Bible than a Trump speech
oh... that reminds me..Black Americans lineage movement of the last 5 years made BGOL get some act right. We don't see the tribalism amongst pussy posts anymore (Example: "Haitian women" thread, "African women" thread, etc.) Now they're just showcased as "black women" again.![]()
Comparing it to a Trump speech was not enough to call it complete horseshit? The Bible is complete and utter horseshit, made up foolishnessis contradictions another word for bullshit or completely fake or made up foolishness?
Or, a politician will come along and say he's going to lower the prices of everything by getting rid of them. The American consumer has shown they value price over everything else.It does two things. The corporations who moved manufacturing out the country in the 90s will have to start bringing more of that back to the US aka jobs. China has used US corporations moving manufacturing out of the US in the 90s by requiring US companies to partner with Chinese companies to set-up shop in China and they have almost no IP protection laws so they basically stole a bunch of IP to get a leg up and we are seeing the results of that. Electric vehicles, we can't compete with them. Solar which we were at the forefront of, now China has taken over that by just manufacturing our goods and copy IP and they do that shit well and in lot case same or better quality for less. It's not the most pinpoint accurate way of doing things, but China is running circles when comes to the trade deficit and this will bring them back to reality.
You don't promote Jamaican sprinters anymore correct? You only talked about the American women this past Olympics.
5 years ago yall claimed yall didn't know what a Black American was. Now you gotta act like you are one so Trump won't deport you. All that Coonribbean pride is lost in the 2010's. Carnival is done. Now you just gotta pretend to be "black" again. Can't be both old man. We made you pick a side!
Prices have been up way more than the average rate of inflation in the last decade and corporation had the lamest excuses for. They took Covid and exploited for record profits. The shit has been happening and the average person is seeing no benefit from the record profits these same corporations have been raking in. Nah, I'm ok with some temporary pain in the economy for what this can potentially accomplish. We have the largest economy in the world and ultimately geographically can do most of the important manufacturing on US soil if we need to. China will blink first, Mexico has already blinked and so will Canada. There's a bigger long term picture here and going down the same road will not fix it. Corporations would sell out the entire US economy and workforce if it means more profits. That's just my opinion, but we'll have to see.Or, a politician will come along and say he's going to lower the prices of everything by getting rid of them. The American consumer has shown they value price over everything else.
Just wait until the prices of everything in Walmart increases by 30-50% and see what happens.
Which set of women is more gassed up and who's gassing has more negative effect on society?
Fat women or Latinas?
I more than understand some times things happen beyond our control. Prison sucks. True. But if you base your personality around.....
Personally think it's a tragic to loose valuable time, but be honest, some dudes see it damn near as a rite of passage.
The person who posted this is an asshole but I think there is a discussion about this topic that can had maturely and respectfully
conditioning and also not every white person is evil.
Anyone who wants to bring peace to the world is a threat to the elite chaos-creators who sow division and who harness greed to continue their warmongering.![]()
With all the accusations against celebrities these days, I am of the opinion that it’s time to apologize to Michael Jackson. Two trials for criminal misconduct involving children, ten years of FBI surveillance, and civil lawsuits that warranted nothing. To this day, I can’t turn on the radio, TV, or even watch social media without seeing Michael Jackson’s legacy living on with the next generation. Thriller is still selling at an alarming rate. A biopic is dropping in 2025. It’s time to take Michael’s name out of the conversation when it comes to the allegations. The man was innocent.
100% facts. It's a damn shame what they did to him, spreading those lies, those kind of lies. There is no worse kind of lie to spread about somebody then calling them a pedophile when nothing could be further from the truth![]()
With all the accusations against celebrities these days, I am of the opinion that it’s time to apologize to Michael Jackson. Two trials for criminal misconduct involving children, ten years of FBI surveillance, and civil lawsuits that warranted nothing. To this day, I can’t turn on the radio, TV, or even watch social media without seeing Michael Jackson’s legacy living on with the next generation. Thriller is still selling at an alarming rate. A biopic is dropping in 2025. It’s time to take Michael’s name out of the conversation when it comes to the allegations. The man was innocent.
With all the accusations against celebrities these days, I am of the opinion that it’s time to apologize to Michael Jackson. Two trials for criminal misconduct involving children, ten years of FBI surveillance, and civil lawsuits that warranted nothing. To this day, I can’t turn on the radio, TV, or even watch social media without seeing Michael Jackson’s legacy living on with the next generation. Thriller is still selling at an alarming rate. A biopic is dropping in 2025. It’s time to take Michael’s name out of the conversation when it comes to the allegations. The man was innocent.
A boy picked his dick out of a lineup. ‘Nuff said.![]()
With all the accusations against celebrities these days, I am of the opinion that it’s time to apologize to Michael Jackson. Two trials for criminal misconduct involving children, ten years of FBI surveillance, and civil lawsuits that warranted nothing. To this day, I can’t turn on the radio, TV, or even watch social media without seeing Michael Jackson’s legacy living on with the next generation. Thriller is still selling at an alarming rate. A biopic is dropping in 2025. It’s time to take Michael’s name out of the conversation when it comes to the allegations. The man was innocent.
We need to have a convo about how black mothers treat their sons
There are several different avenues to this. I know I'm not the only one whose mother treats him like shit because he looks like his father who treated her like shit.We need to have a convo about how black mothers treat their sons
This is a double edged sword. The absent fathers, the sometimey fathers, are a huge part of the problem We have in our community.Included in the convo should be how black fathers are often absent after donating the sperm, as this has a direct impact on how black mothers HAVE to treat their sons.