White Panhandlers?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I-275 both the Ford Rd. and Michigan Ave. exits in Canton is a male and female that are at one of those exits everyday. Usually one will be on the northbound exit and the other at the southbound exit.
Down by Wayne State, 8 mile and Woodward, 6 mile and Southfield....shit panhandling has now been gentrified. I only give cash, or buy water from the youth leagues selling stuff


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump election should have ended any white panhandling. I mean, they got their messiah, right? Let me come up some discarded MAGA buttons or pins. I'm passing em out to all broke and homeless white folks. Being white is your diploma. It's is your job resume. It's your legal defense. No need to people to be rolling down car windows and giving your money will all that shit working in your favor.

Why don't they just pull themselves up by their-?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor



“Dem are her legs in the air”
BGOL Investor
When I was a kid, my mother would never give money to a white bum. She'd take one look at him and say, "No reason for that." -Chris Rock


Has anyone noticed an influx of white panhandlers lately? Some of them even have signs!:smh: And are even begging black folks for money. Is it happening where y'all live?
Opioids has changed the game.. noticeable around the heart of NYC possibly for the past 5 years. What is interesting is the amount of overdoses that is happening in the city including several deaths on the weekends that go unreported in the news. Staten Island , Long Island .. on my job there is a lot of young whites walking around in a daze ..We see an influx of young white including couples sitting there with signs and cups, dogs. I said it to my circle of friends years ago.. a definite shift


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In Raleigh, more and more panhandlers are moving towards the north side of town. Starting to see more panhandlers and mentally ill folks in places that used to be respectable. It’s like WTF :smh:

I be seeing some fresh bums too. CACa wearing Members Only jackets and button ups. Shit is crazy

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
They’re all over LI and the city and I don’t give them one red cent.

Black homeless are the only ones that deserve sympathy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I usually don't give after reading Chris Rock's mom take. One time I had one set me up. He was standing near the bus stop so I thought he needed bus fare. Instead he went in the liquor store 15 ft away for a brew. I turn Latinas down too since alot of Latina working girls and civillians don't date brothers where I live.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I am beginning to see a large increase of white Panhandlers in Alpharetta

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
I-275 both the Ford Rd. and Michigan Ave. exits in Canton is a male and female that are at one of those exits everyday. Usually one will be on the northbound exit and the other at the southbound exit.
Down by Wayne State, 8 mile and Woodward, 6 mile and Southfield....shit panhandling has now been gentrified. I only give cash, or buy water from the youth leagues selling stuff
Downtown when you get on the lodge off of Michigan ave by MGM there's this white chick panhandling reading a book :lol2: