

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
meh she sucked as the Doctor

they should have let the Doc regenerate as Billie Piper...LOL that would have been good
Eww. Just... eww. :smh:

Honestly, I think Jodie did just fine as the Doctor. If anything, her scripts failed her along the way. They were definitely going for a different type of storytelling, and it clearly didn't resonate with a lot of fans.

Although for what it's worth, it is so hard to please Who fans consistently, anyway. They are much bigger on what they don't like over what they do want.

At any rate, regardless of ability, lead acotrs tend to leave with their showrunner, so that's probably all this was. I would've been curious to see how she handled a change of pace, but it looks like we may not get that chance (although there is a whole series and specials yet to come).


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Many thought it would be impossible to follow David Tennant but Matt Smith did a really good job. I thought Peter Capaldi was terrible and I was way tired of Clara Oswald, the impossible girl. Strangely enough, there were some good episodes with Bill Potts as his companion. I know for sure Jodie Whittiker is a good actress but too many companions and really weak storylines. If she and Yasmin had had a subplot of attraction from jump, it would have made the series much better. They could have ditched Ryan and Graham along the way, maybe brought them back here and there.

My favorite companion was Donna Noble because she always fought with the doctor and wasn't all starry-eyed about him like the others. Oi!

Anyway, I thought Jodie had another year to go?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Many thought it would be impossible to follow David Tennant but Matt Smith did a really good job. I thought Peter Capaldi was terrible and I was way tired of Clara Oswald, the impossible girl. Strangely enough, there were some good episodes with Bill Potts as his companion. I know for sure Jodie Whittiker is a good actress but too many companions and really weak storylines. If she and Yasmin had had a subplot of attraction from jump, it would have made the series much better. They could have ditched Ryan and Graham along the way, maybe brought them back here and there.

My favorite companion was Donna Noble because she always fought with the doctor and wasn't all starry-eyed about him like the others. Oi!
Basically, what you said. Capaldi was set to be really solid, but they spent so much time apologizing for him being older that the show lost touch with what made it good. Then they re-focused on Clara (because somehow, nuWho thought that companions were the most important piece or something), and she just stuck around for too long and became too important. Capaldi's last season with Bill was basically what his entire run could have been if they had just let him be himself.

I had no issue with Whittaker and her companions. Honestly, I feel like they kept the wrong one, because I don't like Yas. She's pushy and she does the exact opposite of what The Doctor says to do sometimes. The lesson with Clara was supposed to be that that eventually leads to a bad end, but here we are again, and it's supposed to be okay or cool. I don't rightly care about any attraction issues, because I've never like that with companions, anyway (a lot of Martha's run was wasted on that, and the absence of it is a big thing that sold me on Donna's run).


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Basically, what you said. Capaldi was set to be really solid, but they spent so much time apologizing for him being older that the show lost touch with what made it good. Then they re-focused on Clara (because somehow, nuWho thought that companions were the most important piece or something), and she just stuck around for too long and became too important. Capaldi's last season with Bill was basically what his entire run could have been if they had just let him be himself.

I had no issue with Whittaker and her companions. Honestly, I feel like they kept the wrong one, because I don't like Yas. She's pushy and she does the exact opposite of what The Doctor says to do sometimes. The lesson with Clara was supposed to be that that eventually leads to a bad end, but here we are again, and it's supposed to be okay or cool. I don't rightly care about any attraction issues, because I've never like that with companions, anyway (a lot of Martha's run was wasted on that, and the absence of it is a big thing that sold me on Donna's run).



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Doctor Who actress Tanya Fear found days after a missing persons report was filed with L.A.P.D.

Family members had set up a #FindTanyaFear Twitter page in the hopes of locating her.
By Nick Romano
Updated September 13, 2021 at 05:35 AM EDT



UPDATE: Actress Tanya Fear has been found after having been missing for the past few days, a representative for the Los Angeles Police Department confirmed to EW.
"It is with great pleasure and relief to report, that Tanya has been found safe, by Police today," her family said in a statement provided to EW by her manager. "We understand she is not physically harmed, but as a precaution, is being assessed at a local hospital. We wish to thank the Police, members of the public for their efforts in locating Tanya, as well as the outpouring of concern and support over the last several days. Tanya's family are relieved and extremely grateful."
A missing persons report was filed with authorities on Thursday after Fear had been seen last leaving her L.A. home without her phone or purse. The original story continues below.
EARLIER: Friends and family of Doctor Who and Kick-Ass 2 actress Tanyaradzwa "Tanya" Fear are asking for help after reporting her missing.
Fear, 31, lives near the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles and was last seen three days ago at the Trader Joe's in Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood, according to a Twitter account that was set up to #FindTanyaFear.

A press release, shared on the social media account, mentions that Fear left her home on Thursday without her cell phone or purse, and was later reported missing by a friend.
"I am devastated about this situation, and I appeal to anyone with information to please come forward to bring our daughter back home safely," Fear's mother, Yvonne Marimo, said in a statement.
The family asks that anyone with information reach out to the @FindTanyaFear Twitter account.
Fear's manager, Alex Cole, and the Los Angeles Police Department didn't immediately respond to EW requests for comment.

Cole told ABC 7's Eyewitness News that he spoke with her several days ago and she seemed fine.

"Since she's been here, she's had a great career and this is just the beginning," he said in a statement. "We're obviously concerned and (hope) we find out this is a simple mistake and we find her."
The Twitter page includes information about how to recognize Fear, including a photo.

Tayna Fear

UPDATE: Actress Tanya Fear has been found after having been missing for the past few days, a representative for the Los Angeles Police Department confirmed to EW.
"It is with great pleasure and relief to report, that Tanya has been found safe, by Police today," her family said in a statement provided to EW by her manager. "We understand she is not physically harmed, but as a precaution, is being assessed at a local hospital. We wish to thank the Police, members of the public for their efforts in locating Tanya, as well as the outpouring of concern and support over the last several days. Tanya's family are relieved and extremely grateful."
A missing persons report was filed with authorities on Thursday after Fear had been seen last leaving her L.A. home without her phone or purse. The original story continues below.
EARLIER: Friends and family of Doctor Who and Kick-Ass 2 actress Tanyaradzwa "Tanya" Fear are asking for help after reporting her missing.
Fear, 31, lives near the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles and was last seen three days ago at the Trader Joe's in Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood, according to a Twitter account that was set up to #FindTanyaFear.

A press release, shared on the social media account, mentions that Fear left her home on Thursday without her cell phone or purse, and was later reported missing by a friend.
"I am devastated about this situation, and I appeal to anyone with information to please come forward to bring our daughter back home safely," Fear's mother, Yvonne Marimo, said in a statement.
The family asks that anyone with information reach out to the @FindTanyaFear Twitter account.
Fear's manager, Alex Cole, and the Los Angeles Police Department didn't immediately respond to EW requests for comment.

Cole told ABC 7's Eyewitness News that he spoke with her several days ago and she seemed fine.

"Since she's been here, she's had a great career and this is just the beginning," he said in a statement. "We're obviously concerned and (hope) we find out this is a simple mistake and we find her."
The Twitter page includes information about how to recognize Fear, including a photo.

Fear appeared on a 2018 episode of Doctor Who as Dr. Jade McIntyre. She also appeared on shows like Spotless, Endeavour, and Midsomer Murders, and in the film A Moving Image.
The actress had recently embarked on a stand-up comedy career.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I kinda got mixed feelings on this one. I have no major beef with Davies, and heck, one of my favorite episodes is written by him. But that said, I also feel like this could be seen as a step backwards as far as the show's evolution goes. Even with all of the positive comments from people now, I feel like there were tons of people who were not exactly fans of his from back in the day.

I guess we'll just have to see.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I kinda got mixed feelings on this one. I have no major beef with Davies, and heck, one of my favorite episodes is written by him. But that said, I also feel like this could be seen as a step backwards as far as the show's evolution goes. Even with all of the positive comments from people now, I feel like there were tons of people who were not exactly fans of his from back in the day.

I guess we'll just have to see.

that is a fair assessment. I'm a big fan of his and yeah you right the show has to evolve but I haven't watched in a few seasons

I think this will bring some folks back to the show

and also steady the ship a little moving forward


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
that is a fair assessment. I'm a big fan of his and yeah you right the show has to evolve but I haven't watched in a few seasons

I think this will bring some folks back to the show

and also steady the ship a little moving forward
I agree that it will probably bring more people in than push people away. But some of these are the same fans that still want David Tennant to return and other things that really aren't possible or practical. I just get a little nervous when the border end of the fanbase starts to get appeased. It rarely produces positive results.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

How Game of Thrones prepared Jacob Anderson for playing a fighter pilot on Doctor Who

GoT and Broadchurch actor portrays recurring character Vinder on time travel show.
By Clark CollisOctober 26, 2021 at 11:37 AM EDT


Jacob Anderson is making his Doctor Who debut as the recurring character Vinder on the upcoming season of the Jodie Whittaker-starring time travel show, which premieres on BBC America on Sunday.
Anderson previously worked with Doctor Who showrunner Chris Chibnall on season 1 of the crime drama Broadchurch, which also featured Whittaker. But the actor of course has previous experience in the fantasy, and monster-y, realm thanks to his portrayal of Grey Worm on Game of Thrones. So did appearing on the HBO show help prepare him for his role on Doctor Who?
"It probably did prepare me a lot just in terms of the things that become normal," he says. "People will always be like, well, Game of Thrones is tens of millions of dollars, whatever, per episode. But there were days on Game of Thrones when one of the assistant directors was dressed up like in a green suit trotting around pretending to be a horse. [Laughs] It's really hard to take it seriously. That thing with the green suit, I think he had to stop doing it, because me and Nathalie Emmanuel and Amelia (Clarke) were [cracking up]. So I think I was prepared in that way."

Presumably the experience also taught Anderson how to remain tight-lipped about plot details.
"Yeah, but I think I've told you things in this interview that I wasn't supposed to tell you," says Anderson. "So I'm maybe a little bit out of practice!"
Read that (still essentially spoiler-free) interview below.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How did you get the role on Doctor Who?
Well, the answer would be a long and storied career in acting! No, I got a call from my agent saying, "Chris Chibnall wants to talk to you." That sounds a little bit scary. Chris Chibnall wants a word!
It's like, maybe he finally noticed the stuff you stole from the set of Broadchurch.
Exactly! I couldn't do the second and third series, maybe he wants to finally tell me off about it. [Laughs] No, it was like, "Chris Chibnall wants to talk to you about a part in Doctor Who that he's written and he'd really like you to do it." I was just like, "Yes! [Laughs] It would be nice to speak to Chris again, I've been wanting to for a while, but the answer is yes." It's a thing that I've always wanted to be a part of. And I kind of auditioned for Doctor Who in the past. But, yeah, luckily I think Chris had me in his head when he wrote the character and asked me to do it and that was it. I was bounding around the room, I was so excited, it's such a bucket list item for me and it's become more than that, actually working on the show has made it so much more than a bucket list item. Now it's just one of the most fulfilling work experiences I've had. But, yeah, that's how it happened and it was a very exciting phone call to get. I've been waiting for that phone call for 15 years. Really, 25 years.

Even I still dream of playing the Doctor and I'm not even an amateur actor.
You'd make a great Doctor!
Well, thank you very much. What do you remember about the first day you were on set?
I was just like a child. The first thing I did was some stills in my costume and hair and makeup. I did the stills by a green screen that's literally next to the door of the TARDIS. I saw the blue doors and it was like I was being called to the doors. I just went straight in. I was like, "I'm sorry, I just have to do this quickly," and just walked.
I visited the TARDIS set during Peter Capaldi's tenure as the Doctor and the great thing is it's 360 degrees. You can imagine that you really are traveling through space and time.
Yeah. Yeah. It's really immersive. Like you say, it's completely 360. So it's a trip walking in there, if you were a fan of the series when you were younger, because it feels like you're walking into a memory or a dream or something. I just touched everything. [Laughs] Flipped all the switches, pushed all the buttons, looked under the console. Went up the stairs, looked at what was going on around there. It was very exciting.
Jacobn Andreson on BBC's "Doctor Who."

What can you tell us about your character?
Vinder is a fighter pilot, and a very skilled fighter pilot and decorated, and he has found himself in the middle of, I think I can say, like a controversy and he finds himself stranded somewhere. Basically, he finds himself in the middle of this huge event, this huge galactic-scale event and that's where his story begins
What was it like working with Jodie Whittaker?
Well, luckily for me, I'd worked with Jodie a few times so I felt very comfortable going in. I was like, okay, I've got an ally in there. But I kept hearing from people that it's just the best place to work, honestly you're going to have the time of your life. Jodie is so the steward of the culture of that crew and cast. It's such a family and she is so good at keeping everybody together. It's all hands on deck, just people putting so much love into it. [What] I love so much is all of these things that are made out of other things. It's something that I've always loved about Doctor Who. There's a thriftiness and there's a handmade quality to it that when you walk on set, it's so immersive. My mode of travel, I was just like, oh, that's a Sega Megadrive! Oh, that's an Atari keyboard! But it's not immediate. You're, like, how have they turned this so beautifully into what is is now? And that spirit goes through the whole show, it goes through all of the departments, the actors are all not only are we having fun, but there's room to explore and try things and everybody cares about making the show as good as possible. I think that all trickles down from her and Chris, obviously. So, yeah, it was so good to see her again but to see her in that role. I don't even mean the role of the Doctor, I mean the role of the person that's keeping everybody together and especially given the last couple of years we've had and given the measures that had to be put in place obviously and rightly so. She's amazing. I love Jolie. Jodie! I don't even know her name! Joey Wintaker? Yeah, I love Jodie.
Is it true that you are doing the new Interview With a Vampire show (it was recently announced that Anderson is playing Louis in the AMC show)?
I am, yeah.
Tell us a little bit about that.
[Laughs] It's an adaptation of the Anne Rice novel of the same name and it's very good, it's very very good. The scripts are incredible and I'm very excited.
And are you also making a film with Prevenge writer-director-star Alice Lowe?
Yes, hopefully. Alice Lowe is such a genius and, that film, I've never in my life read anything like it. It's completely singular and unique and weird and wonderful in all the best possible way. It's called Timestalker and I'm so excited to be a part of that. I am so angry about how underrated she is. I've been a fan of Alice Lowe's since I was a teenager, since I first discovered Garth Merenghi. She's amazing. She shot a feature film in 11 days while seven or eight months pregnant. On top of that, she's just a brilliant writer and director and a brilliant actor and a brilliant comedy actor. She can do anything. I'm a big fan of hers and she's just as cool to chat to.

Above, watch the trailer for the new season of Doctor Who, which premieres Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on BBC America.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

How Game of Thrones prepared Jacob Anderson for playing a fighter pilot on Doctor Who

GoT and Broadchurch actor portrays recurring character Vinder on time travel show.
By Clark CollisOctober 26, 2021 at 11:37 AM EDT


Jacob Anderson is making his Doctor Who debut as the recurring character Vinder on the upcoming season of the Jodie Whittaker-starring time travel show, which premieres on BBC America on Sunday.
Anderson previously worked with Doctor Who showrunner Chris Chibnall on season 1 of the crime drama Broadchurch, which also featured Whittaker. But the actor of course has previous experience in the fantasy, and monster-y, realm thanks to his portrayal of Grey Worm on Game of Thrones. So did appearing on the HBO show help prepare him for his role on Doctor Who?
"It probably did prepare me a lot just in terms of the things that become normal," he says. "People will always be like, well, Game of Thrones is tens of millions of dollars, whatever, per episode. But there were days on Game of Thrones when one of the assistant directors was dressed up like in a green suit trotting around pretending to be a horse. [Laughs] It's really hard to take it seriously. That thing with the green suit, I think he had to stop doing it, because me and Nathalie Emmanuel and Amelia (Clarke) were [cracking up]. So I think I was prepared in that way."

Presumably the experience also taught Anderson how to remain tight-lipped about plot details.
"Yeah, but I think I've told you things in this interview that I wasn't supposed to tell you," says Anderson. "So I'm maybe a little bit out of practice!"
Read that (still essentially spoiler-free) interview below.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How did you get the role on Doctor Who?
Well, the answer would be a long and storied career in acting! No, I got a call from my agent saying, "Chris Chibnall wants to talk to you." That sounds a little bit scary. Chris Chibnall wants a word!
It's like, maybe he finally noticed the stuff you stole from the set of Broadchurch.
Exactly! I couldn't do the second and third series, maybe he wants to finally tell me off about it. [Laughs] No, it was like, "Chris Chibnall wants to talk to you about a part in Doctor Who that he's written and he'd really like you to do it." I was just like, "Yes! [Laughs] It would be nice to speak to Chris again, I've been wanting to for a while, but the answer is yes." It's a thing that I've always wanted to be a part of. And I kind of auditioned for Doctor Who in the past. But, yeah, luckily I think Chris had me in his head when he wrote the character and asked me to do it and that was it. I was bounding around the room, I was so excited, it's such a bucket list item for me and it's become more than that, actually working on the show has made it so much more than a bucket list item. Now it's just one of the most fulfilling work experiences I've had. But, yeah, that's how it happened and it was a very exciting phone call to get. I've been waiting for that phone call for 15 years. Really, 25 years.

Even I still dream of playing the Doctor and I'm not even an amateur actor.
You'd make a great Doctor!
Well, thank you very much. What do you remember about the first day you were on set?
I was just like a child. The first thing I did was some stills in my costume and hair and makeup. I did the stills by a green screen that's literally next to the door of the TARDIS. I saw the blue doors and it was like I was being called to the doors. I just went straight in. I was like, "I'm sorry, I just have to do this quickly," and just walked.
I visited the TARDIS set during Peter Capaldi's tenure as the Doctor and the great thing is it's 360 degrees. You can imagine that you really are traveling through space and time.
Yeah. Yeah. It's really immersive. Like you say, it's completely 360. So it's a trip walking in there, if you were a fan of the series when you were younger, because it feels like you're walking into a memory or a dream or something. I just touched everything. [Laughs] Flipped all the switches, pushed all the buttons, looked under the console. Went up the stairs, looked at what was going on around there. It was very exciting.
Jacobn Andreson on BBC's "Doctor Who."

What can you tell us about your character?
Vinder is a fighter pilot, and a very skilled fighter pilot and decorated, and he has found himself in the middle of, I think I can say, like a controversy and he finds himself stranded somewhere. Basically, he finds himself in the middle of this huge event, this huge galactic-scale event and that's where his story begins
What was it like working with Jodie Whittaker?
Well, luckily for me, I'd worked with Jodie a few times so I felt very comfortable going in. I was like, okay, I've got an ally in there. But I kept hearing from people that it's just the best place to work, honestly you're going to have the time of your life. Jodie is so the steward of the culture of that crew and cast. It's such a family and she is so good at keeping everybody together. It's all hands on deck, just people putting so much love into it. [What] I love so much is all of these things that are made out of other things. It's something that I've always loved about Doctor Who. There's a thriftiness and there's a handmade quality to it that when you walk on set, it's so immersive. My mode of travel, I was just like, oh, that's a Sega Megadrive! Oh, that's an Atari keyboard! But it's not immediate. You're, like, how have they turned this so beautifully into what is is now? And that spirit goes through the whole show, it goes through all of the departments, the actors are all not only are we having fun, but there's room to explore and try things and everybody cares about making the show as good as possible. I think that all trickles down from her and Chris, obviously. So, yeah, it was so good to see her again but to see her in that role. I don't even mean the role of the Doctor, I mean the role of the person that's keeping everybody together and especially given the last couple of years we've had and given the measures that had to be put in place obviously and rightly so. She's amazing. I love Jolie. Jodie! I don't even know her name! Joey Wintaker? Yeah, I love Jodie.
Is it true that you are doing the new Interview With a Vampire show (it was recently announced that Anderson is playing Louis in the AMC show)?
I am, yeah.
Tell us a little bit about that.
[Laughs] It's an adaptation of the Anne Rice novel of the same name and it's very good, it's very very good. The scripts are incredible and I'm very excited.
And are you also making a film with Prevenge writer-director-star Alice Lowe?
Yes, hopefully. Alice Lowe is such a genius and, that film, I've never in my life read anything like it. It's completely singular and unique and weird and wonderful in all the best possible way. It's called Timestalker and I'm so excited to be a part of that. I am so angry about how underrated she is. I've been a fan of Alice Lowe's since I was a teenager, since I first discovered Garth Merenghi. She's amazing. She shot a feature film in 11 days while seven or eight months pregnant. On top of that, she's just a brilliant writer and director and a brilliant actor and a brilliant comedy actor. She can do anything. I'm a big fan of hers and she's just as cool to chat to.

Above, watch the trailer for the new season of Doctor Who, which premieres Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on BBC America.

Wait - what did I miss, what happened to the two men, the black and the white guy, that were with her?


Mr. Pool
Ah ok. What about their characters do you know they just decided to stay somewhere or were they killed off?
In "Revolution of the Daleks," Ryan chose to resume a normal life on Earth and Graham chose to join him to remain with his grandson. The Doctor provided the two men with their own psychic paper as a parting gift and Ryan and Graham decided to continue investigating alien events and protecting the Earth together. Before going to investigate possible alien sightings, Graham tried to help Ryan ride a bicycle again as he and Grace had done before they met the Doctor. The two men saw a vision of Grace smiling at them as they bonded.

I hate this story. I hate this doctor. I hate this show. Bring on the new doc!


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
They left..white guy hosts the UK version of that game show The Chase,not sure what the brotha doing now

Wait what? I thought I saw them in the trailers? Maybe they're just in the first episode to explain why they're not in the rest of the series. Oh well, won't be missed. I absolutely HATE any storyline with the benevolent savior white man. HATE it.


Mr. Pool
Wait what? I thought I saw them in the trailers? Maybe they're just in the first episode to explain why they're not in the rest of the series. Oh well, won't be missed. I absolutely HATE any storyline with the benevolent savior white man. HATE it.
Worst companions ever, I never thought I'd hate doctor who. Seemed impossible.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
In "Revolution of the Daleks," Ryan chose to resume a normal life on Earth and Graham chose to join him to remain with his grandson. The Doctor provided the two men with their own psychic paper as a parting gift and Ryan and Graham decided to continue investigating alien events and protecting the Earth together. Before going to investigate possible alien sightings, Graham tried to help Ryan ride a bicycle again as he and Grace had done before they met the Doctor. The two men saw a vision of Grace smiling at them as they bonded.

I hate this story. I hate this doctor. I hate this show. Bring on the new doc!


Don't hold back, tell 'em how you really feel brother.

Yes, I remember the episode now, I watched all of last season with one eye. Sometimes not even that it was so forgettable. I disagree with Jodi being a bad Dr tho. She needs some scripts and for heaven's sake get her out of those Steve Urkle clothes.


Mr. Pool

Don't hold back, tell 'em how you really feel brother.

Yes, I remember the episode now, I watched all of last season with one eye. Sometimes not even that it was so forgettable. I disagree with Jodi being a bad Dr tho. She needs some scripts and for heaven's sake get her out of those Steve Urkle clothes.
In my hate and anger I may have misspoken, Jodie is a great actress(loved her in attack the block, broadchurch) and she could have been an amazing doctor. Instead they made her an idiot who runs around without a plan and acts like a dick. Her character and the stories they gave her really ruined any chance of Jodie being remembered as anything more than a stain on the legacy of doctor who. Also fuck chibnil with a red hot poker through the eye ball and cut off his hands so he can't ever write anything ever again, then remove his tongue so he can't voice to text lmao


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
In my hate and anger I may have misspoken, Jodie is a great actress(loved her in attack the block, broadchurch) and she could have been an amazing doctor. Instead they made her an idiot who runs around without a plan and acts like a dick. Her character and the stories they gave her really ruined any chance of Jodie being remembered as anything more than a stain on the legacy of doctor who. Also fuck chibnil with a red hot poker through the eye ball and cut off his hands so he can't ever write anything ever again, then remove his tongue so he can't voice to text lmao


Nah B, you got me dying here because I agree with you 100. That fucking savior white man rubbed me the wrong way from jump, as did her attire. I didn't like the updated screwdriver either - too flashy looking. Jodi could have killed it with some halfway decent scripts but....

Allow me to restate I fucking hated the white dude being the answer to all the Black kid's needs. Hated that shit. Plus he has or had a father. He couldn't teach him to ride a bike? That whole arc with the white dude and black kid was uncomfortable and lazy writing.


Mr. Pool

Nah B, you got me dying here because I agree with you 100. That fucking savior white man rubbed me the wrong way from jump, as did her attire. I didn't like the updated screwdriver either - too flashy looking. Jodi could have killed it with some halfway decent scripts but....

Allow me to restate I fucking hated the white dude being the answer to all the Black kid's needs. Hated that shit. Plus he has or had a father. He couldn't teach him to ride a bike? That whole arc with the white dude and black kid was uncomfortable and lazy writing.
Man that's why I don't even come in this thread like that lol this shit pisses me off so much it's almost hard to believe, making good doctor who is easy work. The shit writes itself, somehow this no chin fat skinny fuck chibbs can't put a decent sci Fi story together, So that made me wonder, how the fuck is this possible? And how the fuck can none of the writers script a decent who story? Started googling the writing team and every last one of them has a strict background in drama and political/political correctness projects....questions answered. Zero genre writers on the squad, zero. Just a bunch of joyless pricks who want to appease the bbc.

This show is weirdly important to me and I know it may sound silly as fuck but the eclestan(sp?)----matt smith years helped get me through some rough patches and good times, it's like a loyal friend lol Always used doctor who as an escape and it has a lot of meaning to me and my younger brother as welI know...I know.... Silly, But it's real to me damn it(to quote the famous meme) so to see the state of the show is infuriating, which is why I tend to stay away from this thread so I don't clog it up with my angry musing and ranting lol

I do have hope now that RTD is back, but I'll stay cautious, it's still the bbc.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Man that's why I don't even come in this thread like that lol this shit pisses me off so much it's almost hard to believe, making good doctor who is easy work. The shit writes itself, somehow this no chin fat skinny fuck chibbs can't put a decent sci Fi story together, So that made me wonder, how the fuck is this possible? And how the fuck can none of the writers script a decent who story? Started googling the writing team and every last one of them has a strict background in drama and political/political correctness projects....questions answered. Zero genre writers on the squad, zero. Just a bunch of joyless pricks who want to appease the bbc.

This show is weirdly important to me and I know it may sound silly as fuck but the eclestan(sp?)----matt smith years helped get me through some rough patches and good times, it's like a loyal friend lol Always used doctor who as an escape and it has a lot of meaning to me and my younger brother as welI know...I know.... Silly, But it's real to me damn it(to quote the famous meme) so to see the state of the show is infuriating, which is why I tend to stay away from this thread so I don't clog it up with my angry musing and ranting lol

I do have hope now that RTD is back, but I'll stay cautious, it's still the bbc.

Your last line says it all.

They had some good racial segments with Bill Potts and then this guy comes in with the magical whitey and we're right back to the 50's.

Another thing, the prior doctors either had hot companions or ran into hot chicks during their adventures. Where are the hot chicks? Know your fucking audience. You want the Indian chick to be eye-candy okay but who else? Jodi has an okay body in a scrawny white girl way. I mean come on.

Like you said this guy has strayed from everything that made Dr Who Dr Who.


Mr. Pool
Your last line says it all.

They had some good racial segments with Bill Potts and then this guy comes in with the magical whitey and we're right back to the 50's.

Another thing, the prior doctors either had hot companions or ran into hot chicks during their adventures. Where are the hot chicks? Know your fucking audience. You want the Indian chick to be eye-candy okay but who else? Jodi has an okay body in a scrawny white girl way. I mean come on.

Like you said this guy has strayed from everything that made Dr Who Dr Who.
Also where's the fun? Where's the adventure, the wonder? Doctor who is first and foremost a children's show(albeit British kids who aren't little dumb-asses like our kids lol) then it's a show that's supposed to make adults feel like a kid again and share that with the fam. Instead it's turned into a slow paced convoluted pice of politically motivated dog shit, sprinkle in the white saviour complex and you've lost me... Hey chibbs thanks for telling us about Rosa parks.... Never heard of her lol hey thanks for creating amazing new monsters like teeth on his face blue guy and...and.... Uhm....oh big cgi scorpions! That's very creative. Best part is the new series is full of all the old monsters that chibbs was so adamant about not using lol fuck that bob's burgers looking four eyed male feminist pink toe.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Shots so bad I could barely watch, glad the chibnil era is almost over. Hopefully RTD saves the shows once again.

I seen damn near every episode of doctor who and all spin offs

Until Capaldi.

I watched half that season and never returned.

And I miss the hell out it.

But the reviews I heard from fans kept me away.

I'm going to try to get back in but my queue is so full right now.

Also I don't want watch just to get myself angry.