Will Biden Allow Another Dem To Challenge Trump? He has the lowest approval rating of the CENTURY for the start of a re-election year!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The best thing to happen to the Democrats is for Biden to permanently visit his ancestors


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You know who else supporting genocide? Trump that’s who but you don’t care about that. You care about both siding this. You have 3 choices and frankly IDGAF vote for good vote for Trump don’t vote and stfu. Good day.
I won't stfu...I'll laugh and poke holes in this farce of a democracy that you and other idiots believe in


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
@Camille, very interested in your thoughts about the debate and if that changes your perspective.

Not even rubbing it in your face because I personally expected Biden to perform well tonight and this is surprising and truly disturbing to me (because of the increased odds of a Trump presidency).

It wasn't Bidens best performance, but the alternative is Trump so I'm riding with Biden.

His voice was obviously strained and the camera angles were such that he appeared weaker, but mentally he was there and he actually answered questions, unlike Trump who lied the entire time. Supposedly CNN had an agreement not to fact check.

I haven't been able to confirm but reports are that Biden had a cold and had events all day instead of being able to relax and rest for the debate. Without that orange spray tan, Trump is just as pale as Biden.

I'm not overly worried. Biden will have more appearances and another debate where he will be able to calm folks fears. The choice still comes down to someone who cares about this country who will slightly more lethargically but competently lead the country or a vengeful criminal who cares only about enriching himself and his family who will energetically run it into the ground.

Don't let Trump get back in power because he might visually appear a bit stronger or healthier. He doesnt mean us or this country any good. Project 2025 is still a thing. He has no plans of his own outside of making people who spoke or voted against him, which includes us, pay. Trimp doesn't have a guiding principle or loyalty to any sort of governing doctrine so he will be doing the bidding of the WS folk donating to his campaign. I really dont want 4 more years of Stephen Miller.

And before anyone suggests it, it is too late to replace Biden and have them appear on the ballot. Don't fall for this when people suggest it. They just don't want a black woman VP to become president should something happen to him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It wasn't Bidens best performance, but the alternative is Trump so I'm riding with Biden.

His voice was obviously strained and the camera angles were such that he appeared weaker, but mentally he was there and he actually answered questions, unlike Trump who lied the entire time. Supposedly CNN had an agreement not to fact check.

I haven't been able to confirm but reports are that Biden had a cold and had events all day instead of being able to relax and rest for the debate. Without that orange spray tan, Trump is just as pale as Biden.

I'm not overly worried. Biden will have more appearances and another debate where he will be able to calm folks fears. The choice still comes down to someone who cares about this country who will slightly more lethargically but competently lead the country or a vengeful criminal who cares only about enriching himself and his family who will energetically run it into the ground.

Don't let Trump get back in power because he might visually appear a bit stronger or healthier. He doesnt mean us or this country any good. Project 2025 is still a thing. He has no plans of his own outside of making people who spoke or voted against him, which includes us, pay. Trimp doesn't have a guiding principle or loyalty to any sort of governing doctrine so he will be doing the bidding of the WS folk donating to his campaign. I really dont want 4 more years of Stephen Miller.

And before anyone suggests it, it is too late to replace Biden and have them appear on the ballot. Don't fall for this when people suggest it. They just don't want a black woman VP to become president should something happen to him.
Yeah it was interesting hearing how people felt. I listened to it and didn’t watch it so my experience different than others. You can hear how slow Biden started off. Trump has a better delivery and this setting catered to him since there was no fact checking and no interrupting. He was allowed to lie. He was also allowed to completely ignore the question when asked and then get another 60 seconds to actually answer it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The main focus of this debate was to persuade Independents. What I saw was a complete disaster by Biden. If the Democrats feel they are strong enough to win the ticket with their loyal party, good luck.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The main focus of this debate was to persuade Independents. What I saw was a complete disaster by Biden. If the Democrats feel they are strong enough to win the ticket with their loyal party, good luck.

they KNOW they fucked up, hence letting in all these unlawful immigrants, and by making it so, you dont need an ID to vote,

they are hoping to get millions of votes that way, they KNOW they fucked up in blue cities like NYC,

with them commie nazi experimental drug mandates.. I promise you democrats are going to act like

that NEVER happend....and no bully should go unpunished...

Biden is EMBARASSING the the fuck out of America, Nobody respects biden or the democrats on a global scale,

and that lack of respect is spilling over to Americans... democrats did too much and its time they

sit the fuck down!!!

Its retarded how they pretty much laugh at reparations but THROW BILLONS AT UKRAINE AND ISREAL as if they

ever did anything for Americans...

Democrats have proven themselves to be disgusting scum especially when it comes to single STRAIGHT MEN!!!




anybody that wants a zombie for a president is lowkey an enemy of True America and True American Ways!!


Medium well
BGOL Investor
Yeah it was interesting hearing how people felt. I listened to it and didn’t watch it so my experience different than others. You can hear how slow Biden started off. Trump has a better delivery and this setting catered to him since there was no fact checking and no interrupting. He was allowed to lie. He was also allowed to completely ignore the question when asked and then get another 60 seconds to actually answer it.
It's the Trump greatest hits catalog. The same bullshit he spews in his rallies all the time. Smh


Medium well
BGOL Investor
Yep. Nothing new he been doing it for sure. He should be a lay up for a debate you know his talking points and they still just don’t get it
Just a little push back from those useless moderators and Trump would been in shambles. Mr. we had h20, was on cruise control the entire night. And where was his whore wife at?


Rising Star
It wasn't Bidens best performance


That's like saying Marilyn Monroe is not in her sexual prime.

mentally he was there

Depends on your definition of there. If "there" means "ready for the retirement home," that makes sense.

I'm not overly worried.

Even his closest supporters on Morning Joe are worried. You're the last person claiming the emperor is wearing a fantastic suit.

And before anyone suggests it, it is too late to replace Biden and have them appear on the ballot. Don't fall for this when people suggest it. They just don't want a black woman VP to become president should something happen to him.

Wow, conspiratorial shit at the close. "Don't fall for this when people suggest it"-- You sound like Tucker Carlson, "everyone is lying to you but me."

Kamala's best chance of becoming VP is Biden not running because there is not going to be a second Biden term for her to take over after.

It is just wild to claim people are only saying to replace Biden because they hate Kamala, like nobody is sincerely worried he can't win.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

That's like saying Marilyn Monroe is not in her sexual prime.

Depends on your definition of there. If "there" means "ready for the retirement home," that makes sense.

Even his closest supporters on Morning Joe are worried. You're the last person claiming the emperor is wearing a fantastic suit.

Wow, conspiratorial shit at the close. "Don't fall for this when people suggest it"-- You sound like Tucker Carlson, "everyone is lying to you but me."

Kamala's best chance of becoming VP is Biden not running because there is not going to be a second Biden term for her to take over after.

It is just wild to claim people are only saying to replace Biden because they hate Kamala, like nobody is sincerely worried he can't win.

Its like holding up a scorecard for ROADKILL!!

Yea that dead possum carcass wouldve got a 10, but

its rotting is too slow and the maggots are too small..

fuckin biden LOL... democrats really out did their selves with this ONE!!!!


Oh reparations are a JOKE to you????


and you thinkin Ill ever vote for this party again....

and dont worry republikkklans are NEXT.....

they will fuck shit up in four years and make you want a democrat

right back in there...

republikkklans were BORN TO FUCK SHIT UP!!!

cant wait for the Official Start of the TRUE SOVEREIGN AMERICAN REPUBLIC FREEDOM PARTY...!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The administration that says men can be women if they feel like it? The administration that wants boys in your daughter's dressing rooms and on their sports teams? Yep, that's the pro-women administration. A lot of you dummies are just like liberal white women. You accept anything democrats say regardless of how dumb it is.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
The administration that says men can be women if they feel like it? The administration that wants boys in your daughter's dressing rooms and on their sports teams? Yep, that's the pro-women administration. A lot of you dummies are just like liberal white women. You accept anything democrats say regardless of how dumb it is.
Acceptance and acknowledgement are different things

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
whats fucked up is NO ONE is saying WHY trump is a better alternative to biden in tangible ways?? how is trump a BETTER alternative for the black community in real ways?? Blacks dissatisfaction with dems or biden doesnt mean an automatic sign up for trump and maga yet thats the narrative thats being pushed.


Can anyone answer this question without mentioning biden or the dems???

@xfactor @Soul On Ice
thats a good question.

The only thing I got regarding Black people is that Trump closing down the border is something that will benefit Black people.