Will Biden Allow Another Dem To Challenge Trump? He has the lowest approval rating of the CENTURY for the start of a re-election year!


Transnational Member
@Dr. Truth

There is too much risk with Biden, why are you so in love, attached to him. Rehoboth Beach is a nice retirement.


He is running for another term to protect his son from criminal prosecution, not for what is best for the country. He has also facing money laudering, bribery, and FARA violations, by remaining President he can avoid these criminal prosecutions.

The White Nationalist are going nuts with the U.S. giving weapons to this Nazi inspired group. They see it as a signal of the government tacit approval and greenlight to attack black folks.


Here is Biden legal strategy for him and his family, as President, the DOJ is less likely prosecute for bribery, money laudering, and Foreign Agent Registration Act violations. Because Trump ran his mouth off, it sabotaged the DOJ prosectuion of Biden.

In 2020, if he had not ran for office, it wouldn't be an issue going after a Vice President. Now as President he can protect himself from FARA charges by being tough on China and Russia. He has slapped tariffs on China, appeared pro labor, and setup the IRA to favor domestic production.

The Presidency is not a tool for the DNC/Biden to protect criminals from prosecution.

This is my second reason, not age related for not supporting his presidential bid.


Transnational Member
@Dr. Truth, @NightMare Paint

It looks like you are a novice, do you know anything about the Stasi?


Do you know about Zersetzung tactics that were used against dissidents?

Zersetzung (Decomposition)

Have you seen the movie Lives of Others about the Stasi? Many of their files were released and tactics I complain about were used against people. Many people resorted to suicide because they were unaware.

COINTELPRO my namesake, had many similarities to these tactics used by secret police in Germany. I know the Russian still use them against foreign journalist they want out of the country.

The invisible faggots, gay stalking me in cars is real....

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If I don't like the DNC preselected candidate that is covert Nazi, why do I have to be attacked as MAGA?

As the black President of the United States, Russia invades some African country. A group that before the invasion was calling for the genocide of all whites in Africa initially calls for resistance to this occupation. As the black President of the United States, I flood them with all kinds of weapons, Apache helicopters, drones, and F-16 fighter jets without question. They keep even keep their uniforms showing white people being slaughtered, I don't even call for them to at least disavow their ideology and destroy their uniforms. Wouldn't that signal to black people in the U.S. the government has your back if you wanted to terrorist attack whites?

This is what Obama/Biden is doing in Ukraine, except they encouraged this coup in Ukraine.

After this election, we need to setup a multi party election system so we are not caged into voting for white supremacist candidates trying to incite a race war. The U.S. political system that used to be about ideology is now based on racial identification.

If there ever was an overt race war, you’d have many so-called blacks fighting to stay oppressed instead of fighting for freedom. Just look at the desperation of old, broken males in this thread acting like a politician is going to make or break their lives.

The same males that claim that illegal immigration is a “you problem” are begging people to support a hardcore racist like Biden because “Trump will destroy America”.

blueGOL has lost their minds or sold out for free like @easy_b


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
bruh...no one is falling for your dumb shit and everyone knows I'm not a Republican either. You're just saying anything to get away from the topic. Then you make another accusation to try to put me in a box because someone disagrees with you. LOL.

but if you want to go there...

How many gay rallies did you go to today since you support them? Someone here told me you were at the Lil X concert, front row. Then you went to your weekly therapy where a woman bitch slapped you and you apologized for being a man, then cried and got your pedicure.

Little man.....and I use man loosely. You busy talking shit to me like I care. I swear some of you pathetic losers on here keep forgetting that you're not on my level. Let me remind you.....

One more just cause I can....

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Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Oh shit.

Fellas I have to admit I owe Lazarus an apology. I just thought he was a miserable little asshole of a man. I didn't realize he actually had a reason to be so bitchy. Please read this and give Laz his privacy during these trying times in his life. Thoughts and prayers.....



Rising Star
Platinum Member

Yeah it is complicated. No different than our relationship with AmeriKKKa - white supremacy-slavery-racism-jim crow-jim crow-JIM CROW= Causation. These complications are direct results of that with some sprinkled correlation. I don't trust old white politicians. Racists and/or racist apologists at some point. But we got too many talking points floating around like we don't know we're outnumbered to go vote for a lying shitbag. Ancestors gave their livelihoods for awareness and political change. Maybe they fell short in some regards, but siding with mothafukas that don't care for you and yours is bitchmade... I've seen how militant bros changed up as soon as they were accepted by yts. Thats the endgame for some - acceptance versus grinding and doing what's right and just for us all. I think bgol vet Kefta would say - The context of white supremacy. I'll add - The context of being complicit in furthering white supremacy.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Little man.....and I use man loosely. You busy talking shit to me like I care. I swear some of you pathetic losers on here keep forgetting that you're not on my level. Let me remind you.....

One more just cause I can....

See, this idiot can't stay on topic. Don't make accusations like an airhead bitch and discuss the topic of Biden being replaced.


Master Tittay Poster
Platinum Member
Trump is the most flawed candidate in history. With a well funded, competently run campaign, my dog could beat that criminal. Stop paying attention to the "professional" know nothings and listen to the people on the streets where the Electoral College points are...


Rising Star
Trump is the most flawed candidate in history. With a well funded, competently run campaign, my dog could beat that criminal. Stop paying attention to the "professional" know nothings and listen to the people on the streets where the Electoral College points are...

Is that what you said in 2016?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Black radio host fired for using questions given to her by the Biden campaign for interview. Dementia Joe needs a scripted interview and still sounded dumb as fuck.



Rising Star
Black radio host fired for using questions given to her by the Biden campaign for interview. Dementia Joe needs a scripted interview and still sounded dumb as fuck.

Imagine… the answer where he said he was proud to be the first black woman to serve with a black president… that was rigged in advance. :smh: :smh:


Transnational Member
If there ever was an overt race war, you’d have many so-called blacks fighting to stay oppressed instead of fighting for freedom. Just look at the desperation of old, broken males in this thread acting like a politician is going to make or break their lives.

The same males that claim that illegal immigration is a “you problem” are begging people to support a hardcore racist like Biden because “Trump will destroy America”.

blueGOL has lost their minds or sold out for free like @easy_b

Based on my near death experience on the road, I believe there is rampant terrorism that is being hidden by the government as evidenced by mass shootings.

Everything closes down at 10pm that is to keep somebody from space ship launching with open roads using their Telsa. With traffic that is not possible. I have connects telling me this intel. Everybody that owns an EV has a Dodge Hellcat acceleration now. Don't you find it strange that EV have ridiculous acceleration, especially Tesla. The car that tried to come at me was a Tesla

I had mine traveling at night to work. I remember when Walmart or other stores were open all day long.