Will Biden Allow Another Dem To Challenge Trump? He has the lowest approval rating of the CENTURY for the start of a re-election year!


Rising Star
You're not qualified to start a thread on here much less question data with your Maga logic. Politics aside "You not like us homie". Never will be.

I don’t know what group of morons you’re identifying with as “us” but the majority of Democrats want Biden to step down so it objectively is not MAGA logic.

Your lil’ memes is losin’ steam
They figured you out
The forced opinions is not convincin’
Y’all need a new route


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wow. What has Kamala Harris done to you?

Don't you agree that not voting is a vote for Trump?

@Soul On Ice -- These Biden die-hards are gonna fuck around and get us all put in chains. :smh:
Hey bruh. The only way a woman is winning in the next 10 years I'd if they are VP like Harris and the president steps down amd she becomes president for some time so that the country can live that and see that it's not a big deal.

Then I believe a woman can have an actual chance to be elected.

That will not be 2024


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
This is some straight FUCK SHIT by Obama :smh: I bet these two will never be seen with each other ever again.

Obama said fuck you to his own pastor, and said fuck you to his own former VP, current President. Damn that is cutthroat as fuck.

Obama is being honest! Biden is obviously going to lose. Putting your head in the sand is not going to change it.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Here's what I think is happening:

1. The media, with low ratings, saw blood in the water after the debate and ran with sensational and inaccurate headlines to generate profit. They have admitted this.

2. That, in turn, influenced big money dem donors who then threatened to pull their big money because the MEDIA was tanking some polls.

3. That, in turn, worried party leaders who need that big money to win because shitheads like Musk can donate $45M per month to trump thanks to Citizens United, and those dem leaders expressed their concern about losing that money.

4. That, in turn, caused the media - again with garbage ratings bleeding cash - to report that party leaders want Biden to step aside (not because they don't think he can do the job, but because other rich people were extorting them)

5. And that greed has led to the snowball effect we are seeing. It's all about money. Not democracy. The media and big donors are selling out democracy and the will of the voters over money.

Corporate media has failed us.



Rising Star
This is some straight FUCK SHIT by Obama :smh: I bet these two will never be seen with each other ever again.

Obama said fuck you to his own pastor, and said fuck you to his own former VP, current President. Damn that is cutthroat as fuck.


Obama's a POLITICIAN...always has been.....and this is politics at the highest levels.

Do yall really expect loyalty from politicians?


Rising Star
Cope! Cope! Cope!

Attack that liberal media and those fake polls! It's all made up! It's the deep state!!!


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
How do we know? Obama ain't said shit and the people who said he said it won't identify themselves.

We don’t know. I’m responding to the idea of Black men attacking Obama for saying the obvious(if he said it).

Black folks are caping way too hard for Biden.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Cope! Cope! Cope!

Attack that liberal media and those fake polls! It's all made up! It's the deep state!!!

You white people are all the same.
