Will Biden Allow Another Dem To Challenge Trump? He has the lowest approval rating of the CENTURY for the start of a re-election year!


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Remember this post and other posts calling for another Democratic nominee. Trump was a horrible candidate, but he won because he ran against Hillary who is was an even worse candidate. Even though Hillary was very disliked, it was decided that she would be the nominee. Then we ended up with Trump. Now we have Biden who was a bad candidate before, but even worse now. Keep in mind, Biden only won 51% of the popular vote against Trump. And this was while Trump was messing up Covid and Biden was the VP for Obama. Now the US has experienced Biden, the economy is worse, and he is engaged in an unpopular and polarizing conflict. I live in one of the most liberal areas of the US and I have not witnessed such a low level of confidence in a sitting President since George W Bush. Trump is a buffoon but will win against Biden. Its like a slow-moving train wreck that people are pretending not to see. The Democratic party should have been working on a moderate candidate without dirt on him. A relatively unknown Democrat could beat Trump. Trump didn't and won't win because of who he is, but we won and will again because of who he isn't.

In the end, Biden will be the Democratic candidate and Democrats(especially Black Democrats) will blame Black folks for it.
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Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
So tired of this coon!
Trying to skew the numbers.
Fucking pathetic sambo Russian republican bot!



Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
the bots are still bottin....
Brother, I know I used to accuse you of being a bot who ONLY showed up during election cycles in the past...
But I now see that you're like BGOL Batman. You arrive precisely when needed to stop these DISINFORMATION Russian bots.

Salute brother



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"It's the economy, stupid"

Polls. That's their new signal that all is doom & gloom in Biden land. Same thing was said in 2020. Biden behind in all these polls. Until he mopped trump by 7 million. All this is leading to is after Biden washes trump a 2nd time, for the maga idiots to point & say election fraud & fake votes & whatever else sore losers like to say. This is a nothing burger.



Rising Star
OG Investor
Trump's approval rating was 46% at the end of January 2020. Near Obama 2012 level. He lost the popular vote by nearly 5% and the electoral college by three closely-decided states.

Biden's current approval is 9% lower than that and the Electoral College is biased toward Republicans.

I thought some convictions might bail him out but hope of that is fading.

What reason is there to believe that Biden will win at all, much less "by even a larger margin"?
Political propoganda.


Rising Star
Polls. That's their new signal that all is doom & gloom in Biden land. Same thing was said in 2020. Biden behind in all these polls. Until he mopped trump by 7 million.

The opposite of the truth. Even people in this thread attacking my Russian heritage have acknowledged the polls had Biden winning in 2020.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
So tired of this coon!
Trying to skew the numbers.
Fucking pathetic sambo Russian republican bot!



So he received 96% of the 4% who turned out in SC; and they think that he's going to win the White House with those numbers.

96%*4% = .0348 The Dems need to put someone else up. :dunno:


Rising Star

Continue to scream into the ether. Biden is the nominee. Moving on.

He is the president, just like the polls predicted in 2020. That was the point.

I know Democrats are intent on nominating the doomed zombie... Is your loyalty to him or the country, though?

Y'all are calling me a Russian but if you were seriously anti-Trump, you would care about running a candidate who could actually beat him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He is the president, just like the polls predicted in 2020. That was the point.

I know Democrats are intent on nominating the doomed zombie... Is your loyalty to him or the country, though?

Y'all are calling me a Russian but if you were seriously anti-Trump, you would care about running a candidate who could actually beat him.
Comrade, who did Joe Biden beat to win the Presidency?


Rising Star
Comrade, who did Joe Biden beat to win the Presidency?

He beat an incumbent president during a pandemic... barely.

The conditions are totally different. It is like asking, in 1999, "Comrade, who won the last NBA championship? The Bulls are a lock for their 7th title."


Rising Star
Being Competent/Effective
Trump 48%
Biden 32%

Also, Biden was not this bad in 2020:

Trump fucks up too, of course... Everybody is 4 years older now. But Biden and Mitch McConnell are more in need of a retirement home than Trump.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
actual voters went Biden but I think most of you are missing the point of most people not caring and supporting Biden. Those low approval numbers mean something. You can't flip it and say look, he has our support! He is doomed because people won't show up. 400,000 people less voted!!!!!

2020 South Carolina Democratic presidential primary[10]

Joe Biden262,33648.6539
Bernie Sanders106,60519.7715
Tom Steyer61,14011.34
Pete Buttigieg44,2178.20
Elizabeth Warren38,1207.07
Amy Klobuchar16,9003.13
Tulsi Gabbard6,8131.26
Andrew Yang (withdrawn)1,0690.20
Michael Bennet (withdrawn)7650.14
Cory Booker (withdrawn)6580.12
John Delaney (withdrawn)3520.07
Deval Patrick (withdrawn)2880.05


Joe BidenDemocratic, Incumbent 96.2%
126,321 123,595 ahead
55Marianne WilliamsonDemocratic2.1%
0Dean PhillipsDemocratic1.7%
0 Projected Winner


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yeah he's a russian that's been around since 2004 and wasted 20 years just to show up for elections.

I swear, you Dumbocrats are some of the most brainless humans that ever roamed the Earth.

I mean, you're here wasting your time, so....

And I'm a member of no party.

Ab convo. C your way out


Rising Star
Polls favor whoever pays for them to be run. Polling companies would be out of business IF the purchaser's pick comes out on the wrong side of the poll.

It is amazing how people make assertions about issues they know nothing about.

There are hundreds of examples of internal polls being leaked by candidates who are losing, with the goal of showing they are close.

Also there are polls that never get released because the information doesn't help the purchaser.

But the purchaser does not pay pollsters to just make shit up!


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
It is amazing how people make assertions about issues they know nothing about.

There are hundreds of examples of internal polls being leaked by candidates who are losing, with the goal of showing they are close.

Also there are polls that never get released because the information doesn't help the purchaser.

But the purchaser does not pay pollsters to just make shit up!

Nigga just added a whole bunch of BS and weak ass context to prove absolutely fuck-all