How did Chris play the victim for a whole year when he haven't say a word til his special. Jada and Will were the ones talking more for the past year than Chris yet you're talking about Chris been opening his mouth. I swear yall people just make shit up.
Explain to me,how Chris was suppose to handle the situation.
It's hilarious that people are criticizing Chris for what he said about those two,especially about Jada but said the same exact thing about her and Will,a year
Chris Rock has been doing stand-ups since the event talking about it. This is the first special he's had but this is not the first time he's talked about it
Comedians tour and they test their work during the tour, even if the special doesn't tape until several months, before they get there they're working on their routine
I don't give a fuck about will or Chris or Jada.
Will was out of pocket, and he apologized. I don't know what the fuck Jada did cuz I don't follow that bitch
How was Chris supposed to handle that situation?
1. Don't just stand there and let someone walk up to you like that, then lean into it. The shit looked like a skit. And after, Chris is like, "Will Smith just slapped the shit outta me."
We know Chris is 5'9" 160 and will is much bigger, and you just gonna stand there
2. Will Smith made Chris Rock so much mother fucking money this year. His tours weren't selling out until after the slap. Then people were buying tickets at crazy rates trying to hear what he had to say about it and he talked about it on every tour. I know people who've been to his shows
3. Dead the shit. Don't wait a full calendar year to publicly talk about it.
If you don't want to do a publicly, meet him privately and talk about it and when people ask say me and him dealt with it. No, I'm not telling you what we talked about
Or say, I'm not meeting with him. Fuck him. But waiting a full calendar year to talk about it publicly is bitch shit I know comedians get the last laugh, but Chris Rock easily made a million more off of his tour because of the slap
Either way, I don't give a shit