Woman stops to check on toddler left on side of road,then vanishes


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Probably a mental break like others have said.

Yea something was not right at all..... that highway looked busy and she is the ONLY one that could

see a child??

It would be tolerated if it was a mental breakdown, understandable how some folks cant handle all the bullshit going on...

what wont be tolerated is some fuckin tik tok hijinx bullshit to get video views and subscribers...

but we wont know what really happend untill more info comes out...

I just hated the fact that someone was kind enough to be concerned about a child, only to be taken advantage of...

there were cases of demonic thinking people that would use realistic dolls on the side of the road,

to get people to stop so they could rob/kidnap etc.. lots of missing people and human traffickin is an

epidemic in this country..

So no need to tik tok fuckery..... but even if it was tik tok fuckery it would be wise for her,

to say mental breakdown at this point,

and it makes sense because NO CHICK LEAVES BEHIND HER PHONE and IPODS like that..

ESPECIALLY IF ITS AN IPHONE.. especially this generation, they do NOT leave behind their personal

phones like that..she wouldve took her phone with her and recorded the incident....

going to be interesting to hear what really happend tho....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Something is amiss about this whole story. This case was all over the news a couple of days ago. You would think CNN and other outlets would be all over this now that she has been found. Been on CNN for two hours now while I work. Not even a mention of her being found. Just stuff about this heat wave, Ukraine and a few other stories.


PhD in Trollin
BGOL Investor
Something is amiss about this whole story. This case was all over the news a couple of days ago. You would think CNN and other outlets would be all over this now that she has been found. Been on CNN for two hours now while I work. Not even a mention of her being found. Just stuff about this heat wave, Ukraine and a few other stories.
Just turned to cnn to see if they were talking about and like you said it was just about the heat wave


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Something is amiss about this whole story. This case was all over the news a couple of days ago. You would think CNN and other outlets would be all over this now that she has been found. Been on CNN for two hours now while I work. Not even a mention of her being found. Just stuff about this heat wave, Ukraine and a few other stories.

This could even have been some nefarious act by her. Either way, I say she was never kidnapped.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor

Carlee Russell found alive, taken to UAB Hospital

Saturday - 11:30 p.m. Update: Per the Hoover Police Department, the Hoover 911 center received a call that Carlee Russell had returned home to her residence. Hoover Police and Fire responded to the scene to evaluate Carlee and transported her to a local hospital for more evaluation. More details will be provided when they become available.

Saturday - 11:09 p.m. Update: WBRC has confirmed through Angela Harris that Carlee Russell has been found alive and taken to UAB Hospital.

Thank God. But we all have questions. I'll post bitch pics in here now knowing she's alive



Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Could it been a dwarf have no idea. What does this have to do with the fact it’s smarter to let her go alive than killing her while this search and investigation is hot?
Yeah it's smarter to let her go but criminals never do the smart thing, they panick and just think about getting rid of witnesses. I see on the news all the time where a guy is scheduled to go to trial for robbery, assault, etc.. and goes and kills the witness so they can't testify against them
Now she got some splaining to do!


When is the police/press conference? :confused:

She was found around 10:45pm I kept checking til about 1am before going on to sleep, it's now 8am and still no new reports:mad:

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Alabama. Let's see if they find something to charge her with for wasting public resources.

That’s why I mentioned the mental breakdown. She’ll gain enough sympathy from people, imo, where she could avoid any charges and just seek medical health. Her family could start a go fund me and folks will contribute greatly. Even if it was for attention, people will still sympathize and many will empathize.

If there was an attempted kidnap, then that sympathy will continue. I think this will all workout for the best, but I merely just speculating outcomes. Lol


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Social media is a wild place so they need to say something before SOCIAL MEDIA STARTS DOING WHAT SOCIAL DOES. they're already getting started on Facebook [/B]


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think this stuff is hard to stop because powerful people are involved. Somebody had came by at that moment and shot at them, it is possible they would have been in trouble for witnessing it. It is hard to figure out how to stop this stuff.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Scrapping reddit for any updates, nothing as of yet but some fake saying they were going to go live with her on FB in an hour, that was false.

I did find something peculiar.
Of all the findings, no one has yet to find anyone else reporting a child on the road. And people find that odd.

Also odd is while she called 911 on the highway, the sister in law called 911 for the street behind the highway. How she know where she went missing was a street there?

Just odd

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Scrapping reddit for any updates, nothing as of yet but some fake saying they were going to go live with her on FB in an hour, that was false.

I did find something peculiar.
Of all the findings, no one has yet to find anyone else reporting a child on the road. And people find that odd.

Also odd is while she called 911 on the highway, the sister in law called 911 for the street behind the highway. How she know where she went missing was a street there?

Just odd

Do you know the exact location of the spot? I would like to see a 3D google earth image of the area. That will tell us a little more.

God's Gift

The best of the majority of you niggas.
BGOL Investor
First time I allowed this story or this post on my phone and...

Seems like this young chick had a mental breakdown and purposely stepped away from her current circumstance.

Black men, y'all need to get you at least 1 pistol to start, a gun safety course, and a concealed carry license within the next 12 months. Goto


And join their club for $20 and you can buy a gun using payments. They will ship the gun to a registered FFA dealer after your first payment is made.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
hey where you live bruh....?? Bruh you must not know about new york, new york fears the true

American aka kniggas so much, they got a multi billion dollar a year police state around all our commmunities....

bruh these kkkops in new york, nypd got all types of fuckin gadgets, bruh they got vans out here, equipped with cameras that could see right through your clothing...

they get big rewards an incentives for arresting someone with an ""illegal" gun... bruh you get got

with a gun, you automatically going to prison.... bruh they locked up nfl players in their prime, fuckin

mega rap start... these pussy in power that shouldnt be, are super SHOOK of kniggas gettin guns,

bruh a lot of these "mass shooting" you see, are all orchestrated to make people want to beg for more

legislation to take their rights away... You see they cant just take our rights, but if we stupid and shook

enough, we will give them up, or at least thats what the powers that shouldnt be are thinkin..

I feel what you are saying but in nyc, you gotta move three steps ahead of the game...

I am all for gun rights, but I also know the most powerful weapon in all the multiverses,


cant nobody fuck with and organized and focused mind bruh....You got control of your mind,

your body follows....you control your actions for the better of you and all good people you empower

your spirit, you combine it, YOU CANT BE STOPPED.. the TRUE TRINITY.... they mindfucked the masses to think

the trinity is the name of the father son and holy spirit, true mind fuckery..

its in the name of MIND BODY AND SOUL.



True... They don't have to take our rights. Shit, we're giving them away daily.

Every time a KKKop says, "Do you mind if I search your car?" And you say, "No, go ahead." You've given up one of your rights.

If a kkkop asks me can he search my car, it's always, "Respectfully officer, yes I do mind. I do not submit to any searches or seizures. I don't answer questions, and as a matter of fact, I'd like to speak with an attorney please - immediately? I don't have anything else to say, Sir."

They hate that shit, but they know that you aren't to be trifled with. Usually they'll hit you with some stupid shit, "Well, we're going to be here all day, because I'm waiting for the dog." I'll just sit there and say nothing.