Give her the benefit of the doubt.
Waiting for that press/news conference like.....
Black men, y'all need to get you at least 1 pistol to start, a gun safety course, and a concealed carry license within the next 12 months. Goto
And join their club for $20 and you can buy a gun using payments. They will ship the gun to a registered FFA dealer after your first payment is made.
Do you know the exact location of the spot? I would like to see a 3D google earth image of the area. That will tell us a little more.
Theres's a guy who had map pulled up late last night with all the streets and locations highlighted. I'll see if I can find it.
Story said I-459 S near mm 11. Don't know if you can type mm into Google maps. AAA had software when I worked there that you could
Someone posted this, that Amber Ln is what the sis said was where Carlee was missing. The street next to the highway
I'm starting to catch that odor of Tawanna Brawley all up in here...Most people are still trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and hanging on to the abduction story but the longer there is no update the more people are starting to turn
Her boyfriend statement. So I guess she was kidnapped/abducted.
I'm no expert with IG but possible he turned off public commenting and just has friends or followers allowed to comment and see.Did the boyfriend turn off comments? It's showing there are some in this screencap but when I go to IG there are none
yeah even with that boyfriend statement its still not passing the smell testMost people are still trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and hanging on to the abduction story but the longer there is no update the more people are starting to turn
If there really was kidnappers.....
That means they are still on the loose somewhere
So why no "Be on the lookout, these guys are dangerous" message from the police
No artist sketches, no description, no info on the toddler/baby yet
Its 2:00pm eastern time right now
Which means over 12 hours since she was "found"
And still not one word from the police yet
I'm glad the sista was found and is safe, but I'm not buying that she was "kidnapped for sex trafficking". A lot of this shit just ain't adding up.Red Roof Inn???
I'm gonna hold judgement until farther notice.
She was high as fuck after watching old movies, she saw Chucky....I'm no expert with IG but possible he turned off public commenting and just has friends or followers allowed to comment and see.
He has another post when she went missing days ago and he commented there.
Sidebar people are now saying glad she's safe BUT what about the child she saw, anyone remember there's a child also that she saw.
If that's a real kid, doll or midget.
Waiting on a police public statement.
Since the police have a good idea she was dropped off at the Red Roof Inn
Why can't they just work in reverse
Use traffic cams in the area to see the car that dropped her off
Cameras from gas stations, banks, office buildings, etc, etc
See if they can get a license plate number, make, model of the car
Use license plate scanners throughout the city to find the car
Then go from there in reverse
Dropped off at the red roof inn?? I thought somehow she was bought to or found her way to
a relative's house...?
This whole thing is sketchy as hell fam
Check out this tweet & click on "show more"
That was false.
I stated that earlier. People locally online actually went there because others stated there was a heavy police prescence and was all BS. No one was there.
Something like Red Roof staff thought someone may of been there be wasn't I saw someone else saying but no one was there or said there was as far as the stuff I saw.
But who knows, we all picking at straws.
If there really was kidnappers.....
That means they are still on the loose somewhere
So why no "Be on the lookout, these guys are dangerous" message from the police
No artist sketches, no description, no info on the toddler/baby
Its 2:00pm eastern time right now
Which means over 12 hours since she was "found"
And still not one word from the police yet