"WW C"- COVID-19, GLOBAL CASES SURPASS 676 MILLION...CASES 676,609,955 DEATHS 6,881,955 US CASES 103,804,263 US DEATHS 1,123,836 8:30pm 1/28/24


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Trump watches Cuomo's press briefings every day...… yet learns absolutely fucking nothing...… same ole dotard.... if Cuomo compliments him, he does the same.... if he criticizes him.... he attacks him..... :hmm:


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
They aren't predicting it before the experts they're just reading, researching and reporting what they've discovered without any bias or influence.

Many of the experts that we expect to keep us informed are either beholden to a specific politician's/political party or billion dollar company which funds them which means they don't really have the ability to speak freely and truthfully.
Exactly. Internet allows me to get info wholesale. Fuck I look like waiting for the retail version? These folks with agendas getting the info wholesale and stepping on the product, watering it down, and filtering the fuck out of it. That leaves the masses completely fucked. :smh:

Researchers from across the fucking globe are freely publishing shit and have been. Important info isn't classified nor has it been from the beginning. Predictions and analysis of that info might be classified, but the info isn't.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

Now that this dumb fuck is out of jail.... how long before he get's dropped and is on the newest episode of 48hrs..... "The Rona Murder"? As far as Weinstein goes..... every COVID-19 positive person needs to cough in his face while walking through the virus section at Elmhurst hospital.... just saying... :hmm:



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Damn CNN, y'all didn't have to steal the idea, you could've Skyped this dude.

C'mon man.... are you that guy? Have stock in skype or something? If a teacher teaches a kid how to do math from a book..... is someone else teaching math from a different book stealing the idea of teaching math?..... they showed how to do the same thing... the correct way to clean..... no one stole any ones idea.... it ain't like it was the formula for cold fusion.... or a totally clean fuel for cars.... :smh:



Rising Star
Platinum Member
They playing to their ignorant base. Those ignorant cacs pride themselves on being 'tough'. On fighting through shit. They mistake being foolish for being tough.

The only good thing is that if you around these 'tough' cacs they ain't going to flood hospitals. They can be coughing up blood and try to walk it off. If you want fools who will soldier on for pennies and to prove a point, nothing beats the republican base. :smh:

It's crazy because most the preppers are also republicans, but they a different breed. Government shutdown or not, they shutdown already. You have preppers living next to wannabe tough guys. What a mix. :lol:

Isn't also interesting how these same people were probably "prepping" when Obama was in the White House...a perceived threat vs. a real one... :smh:


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
C'mon man.... are you that guy? Have stock in skype or something? If a teacher teaches a kid how to do math from a book..... is someone else teaching math from a different book stealing the idea of teaching math?..... they showed how to do the same thing... the correct way to clean..... no one stole any ones idea.... it ain't like it was the formula for cold fusion.... or a totally clean fuel for cars.... :smh:

I ain't THAT guy, I can't help but feel that they copied this Dr.s video right down to the painter's tape to divide the clean area. They should've had Gupta remotely interview or interact with THAT Dr. His vid is like 6 days older.

Walter Panov

Rising Star






Crazy how New York alone has more than every other country except Italy and Spain.
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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
I ain't THAT guy, I can't help but feel that they copied this Dr.s video right down to the painter's tape to divide the clean area. They should've had Gupta remotely interview or interact with THAT Dr. His vid is like 6 days older.
with something like this.... I could give two shits if 50 different doctors posted the same exact shit.... it's a simple how to clean your groceries video..... you sounding like he's your personal family physician and he's about to lose his practice cause he lost $$$ off the video being made.... :smh:



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
7:00 am …. 7063 U.S. DEATHS
4:00 pm ....8162 U.S.DEATHS ... :smh: :smh::smh:

7:00 am ….276,335 CONFIRMED CASES IN THE U.S.
4:00 pm.... 300,000 CONFIRMED CASES IN THE U.S.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
with something like this.... I could give two shits if 50 different doctors posted the same exact shit.... it's a simple how to clean your groceries video..... you sounding like he's your personal family physician and he's about to lose his practice cause he lost $$$ off the video being made.... :smh:

Bruh, all I'm saying is that they could've said something like, "We saw a helpful tip on HOW NOT to bring the virus in with your ESSENTIAL GROCERY SHOPPING from Dr. So and So that we'd like to share."

You need not read anything further into it than people have seen it elsewhere first and CNN made it seem like Gupta came up with this shit off the top of his head.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
The second video I had posted but folks pointed out the cross contamination. I think it's the same vid.
Thank you.... I forgot to say that to him going back n forth..... I'll just stick to Dr. Gupta.... … you would remember that, being a "kitchen wench and all"




Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
The tests on the cruise ships after passengers were disembarked said it survived 17 days.
That floating petri dish was probably so saturated with the virus.... it's cells didn't need a human to infect.... they were fucking each other and reproducing on all the surfaces in them... :hmm:



FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
"I don't even got that shit, but they leaving me in here with this guy?"..... Dude is a dead man laying.... he just ain't accepted it yet...… that's why he's still in there..... :smh:


You ain't lying. He repeatedly pulls down his mask, gets into the personal space of the dude with labored breathing and pulls the blanket down from his face, and is sharing a cell with multiple victims. :smh: :smh: :smh:

On a side note, I'm surprised you didn't "One Star Willie" the post.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
MY WALMART!! Almost right around the corner. Go there ALL the Time.
R.I.P To Both Workers :(

They were fine a week ago and now both dead. Still shocked at how fast this happens.
And yes if you're wondering. Its an all black Walmart
*All black cashiers
*All black customer service
*Security/Optometrist - All black.

Considering some of my posts on this thread.
I mean you have an entire state with all these Walmarts. And the only employees to die were black. Both within a week.

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