Anytime you see probationary or other nonsense, it is a workaround, the labor agreement, and Merit Protection Service Board. I posted a termination letter blaming performance. Let's say a black employee applies for a job with impeccable credentials, they can use this probationary. period to get rid of you and manufacture performance issues that will be well documented. Even though they spent eight months vetting you in their interview process.
Your only recourse is the civil rights commission that each agency has. That is sad that each agency has a Civil Rights Commission. An employee can file a grievance under their labor agreement and go through the merit protection service board.
This nonsense, of course was started by a Democrat. You should have full protections on day one, not one year or two years from now.
I might start my own thread about this since many of you work in federal government and could use the mentorship that I can provide.
@Dr. Truth is not a big fan of my work.