Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
You do know during his term he appointed YOUNG ultra conservative judges that will effect your kids kids generation. And his tax breaks for the wealthy increased taxes for the average American
I would not be surprised by this at all, Brother.

It's seems to me that every politician is afraid of real meaningful tax reform (especially if it'll benefit the poor and middle class).


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok, now I'm lost. Where did I say I'm the only one who could answer them?
This must be some Twilight Zone shit here.

If I asked, "What if I don't like either?" Someone could have said, "Hey Bruh, if you don't like either candidate, maybe you could just do some in depth research on their policies and choose the lesser of two evils."

See... but that's way to civilized for some on the board. We gotta get, "Fuck you... I don't agree with you... and datta datta dah!
So you were asking questions for someone else? Like in case they had those same questions but were afraid to ask?

And for the bold, why state the obvious? You should do your own research regardless. Preferably with reputable sources. Or you end up like the amoeba that are on my ignore list. Straight morons.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
So you were asking questions for someone else? Like in case they had those same questions but were afraid to ask?

And for the bold, why state the obvious? You should do your own research regardless. Preferably with reputable sources. Or you end up like the amoeba that are on my ignore list. Straight morons.
Pseudo intellectuals... :dunno:
Y'all know everything, yet say nothing... Go vote for white Daddy if you want too, and demand nothing from him. That's the routine, right? That's what you've been doing since Lyndon B. Johnson. No wonder white's fuck us around.

Please add me to your ignore list... You'll be doing me and you a huge favor.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster

Keep fuckin around with your you have a choice

Black folks cracking me up. Living in a dream world. You better do what he said


Hell yeah bro.
Abortions yesterday
Chains tomorrow!



Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster

Get em fam!

The otherside wants us back on the PLANTATION.
yes the democrats aren't perfect (though they are in my D1 eyes), but they're the ONLY wants who can stop the EVIL Republicans.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster

When the articulate brother, whilst wearing a rainbow t-shirt, said "he's doing a lot for us", the agents and bots will say he's talking about the gays etc...
Look at the numbers (not your own eyes) the Black economy is BOOMING.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Pseudo intellectuals... :dunno:
Y'all know everything, yet say nothing... Go vote for white Daddy if you want too, and demand nothing from him. That's the routine, right? That's what you've been doing since Lyndon B. Johnson. No wonder white's fuck us around.

Please add me to your ignore list... You'll be doing me and you a huge favor.
You're easily triggered I see. What is up with you no vote kats always talking about "white daddy"?

As I've asked any of the other people on this board that has responded to me similarly.

Please outline your strategy for "getting something" for your vote by not voting. Once we all stop voting, then what? Before you say, "Figure it out yourself." my strategy is to vote in my best interest utilizing the most accurate information available to me. I don't have to figure anything out because this works for me. I want to know what your plan is & how it keeps me from voting for "white daddy".


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
You're easily triggered I see. What is up with you no vote kats always talking about "white daddy"?

As I've asked any of the other people on this board that has responded to me similarly.

Please outline your strategy for "getting something" for your vote by not voting. Once we all stop voting, then what? Before you say, "Figure it out yourself." my strategy is to vote in my best interest utilizing the most accurate information available to me. I don't have to figure anything out because this works for me. I want to know what your plan is & how it keeps me from voting for "white daddy".
Sadly, no matter what is said... no matter how good the logic... those who think like you will never understand why one should never just give their vote away in a white supremacist/capitalistic society.

Good day, Sir.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sadly, no matter what is said... no matter how good the logic... those who think like you will never understand why one should never just give their vote away in a white supremacist/capitalistic society.

Good day, Sir.
It's always the same response. Your strategy is to do nothing. You either respond by telling me to "Figure it out." or you take your ball & go home. Which you appear to be doing the latter. I'm getting plenty for my vote. Just because Black americans haven't gotten reparations yet doesn't mean I'm getting nothing for it.

If you think allowing republikkkans to gain power & destroy the country for an innumerable number of years. Only for Democrats to swoop in to save the day by promising reparations to Black americans, you're as delusional as a Jew thinking Hitler is their friend.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
You vote for who you want to fight against.
I'd rather fight against Joe for my issues than some dude who is the racists' wet dream.
Brother, I literally typed who I'm am voting for in November.

I understand yours and @Camille apprehension towards my new enlightened position. A transition not seen since Hulk Hogan switched sides and turned into Hollywood Hogan.
I mean I won EVERY BGOL political debate over the last decade with a record even better than Mayweather going 320-0-1 against yall.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm stupid because I'm a Democrat first memeber now!?

You're a moron brother.

I need the democrats to prevent the evil white man from destroying my life.

I'm one of yall now. Please respect my newly found views.
I know the internet allows for anonymity & a lot of people play characters. But you're playing a republikkkan character pretending to be a "reborn" Democrat, by responding to positive Democrat posts with transparent thinly veiled insults.

I said all of that to say... You're an idiot. And only someone that shares your intelligence level think you're being genuine.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I'm always amused when the don't vote / I hate the Dems dudes in here come running and are highly upset when the Dems are doing well. Its hilarious to watch cause none of them will just admit they're Black Republicans.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
I know the internet allows for anonymity & a lot of people play characters. But you're playing a republikkkan character pretending to be a "reborn" Democrat, by responding to positive Democrat posts with transparent thinly veiled insults.

I said all of that to say... You're an idiot. And only someone that shares your intelligence level think you're being genuine.
I get it. I do.
I've destroyed you many times over these years. And probably had you swinging at the air like Cuba Gooding many times because you're an inarticulate homosexual who got clowned online.

I certainly understand your hesitancy to welcome me into the D1 club. But once I saw them stacking the courts, my position changed when everyone brought up that they're secretly wanting to ENSLAVE my people again.





Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I get it. I do.
I've destroyed you many times over these years. And probably had you swinging at the air like Cuba Gooding many times because you're an inarticulate homosexual who got clowned online.

I certainly understand your hesitancy to welcome me into the D1 club. But once I saw them stacking the courts, my position changed when everyone brought up that they're secretly wanting to ENSLAVE my people again.





Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Show me where I said that the Democrats are ruining my life? I'll wait.

Let's see, do we have prison reform? Do we have Police reform? Do we banking reform (Banking white black). These are just a few. The Republicans don't give a shit about these issues, I expect for them not too. But, the Democrats who claim to our "friends" seem to not give a shit either.

So this is disingenuous at best. YOu're saying the Dems are detrimental because these things haven't been passed but you're not acknowledging that GOP in both sides of congress are actively trying to keep these things from being passed.

So my question to you is....why does that not ever factor in with dudes like you??


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I get it. I do.
I've destroyed you many times over these years. And probably had you swinging at the air like Cuba Gooding many times because you're an inarticulate homosexual who got clowned online.

I certainly understand your hesitancy to welcome me into the D1 club. But once I saw them stacking the courts, my position changed when everyone brought up that they're secretly wanting to ENSLAVE my people again.




I appreciate sarcasm. It doesn't erase the fact you've been wrong about every political post on here but at least the sarcasm is different.

You're still a moron tho.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
So this is disingenuous at best. YOu're saying the Dems are detrimental because these things haven't been passed but you're not acknowledging that GOP in both sides of congress are actively trying to keep these things from being passed.

So my question to you is....why does that not ever factor in with dudes like you??
Actually, it is factored in by Dudes like me.

If my enemies are doing something that is going to hurt me, then that'll be expected because they are my enemies. It's my supposed friends that are surprising, because why? Because they aren't supposed to hurt their friends (constituents). We've been friendly to them for over 50 years. We've been loyal for over 50 years.

It's easy to say, "We can't help you because the people on the other side of the aisle keep blocking us from doing such and such." Okay, but it seems to me that the other side of the aisle gets their shit passed, and a lot of times you (Dems) are on board with it.

For example, How come we don't have police reform? Under Obama the Dems had the the Presidency, The House, and the Senate at one point. No police reform. Were the Repugs blocking them then? How come we don't have some type of movement on police reform now? We have a Dem President. Black people are still getting messed around with. What's stopping them from at least "introducing" a bill? Hell, I take a bill that says, "Anytime a policeman put on his uniform, his camera must be turned on."

There's nothing disingenuous about this... it's simple logic.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Actually, it is factored in by Dudes like me.

If my enemies are doing something that is going to hurt me, then that'll be expected because they are my enemies. It's my supposed friends that are surprising, because why? Because they aren't supposed to hurt their friends (constituents). We've been friendly to them for over 50 years. We've been loyal for over 50 years.

It's easy to say, "We can't help you because the people on the other side of the aisle keep blocking us from doing such and such." Okay, but it seems to me that the other side of the aisle gets their shit passed, and a lot of times you (Dems) are on board with it.

For example, How come we don't have police reform? Under Obama the Dems had the the Presidency, The House, and the Senate at one point. No police reform. Were the Repugs blocking them then? How come we don't have some type of movement on police reform now? We have a Dem President. Black people are still getting messed around with. What's stopping them from at least "introducing" a bill? Hell, I take a bill that says, "Anytime a policeman put on his uniform, his camera must be turned on."

There's nothing disingenuous about this... it's simple logic.

So to address a couple of things let's first start with obama. Obama had the house and had the Senate but with the Senate he did not have a majority. I think people in here forget to really make any kind of movements in the Senate you got to have a veto proof majority which would be 60 people. Obama never really had that the closest they came to that was 59 because the 60th person got sick and died. I can't remember which Senator it was but there was a missing Senator so we always had at most 59 senators.

Now to talk about police reform. What you're doing is you're saying the presidency and the federal government should make changes to what would fall under state and city governments which would be the police departments. For that to happen same thing as before you'd have to have a huge majority or on top of that where it would go to the Supreme Court and then it would get voted on. No different than when Biden was trying to give student loan forgiveness, it went to the Supreme Court and they Struck it down. Do you really think States like Texas or Virginia or Georgia would willingly do police reform without fighting it in any way?

To be honest with people like you, you're not on here looking for a reason to vote for the Dems. Instead you're looking for any reason, no matter how insignificant, to justify NOT voting for Democrats. That's fine, you're your own person but don't act like we don't see it.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
So one thing I want to make clear with a lot of the anti-democrat people you see on this message board.

The reason that anti-democrat are like this is that they don't really have a good grasp of how politics or the US government works. They just want to be able to say that they're somehow different and not like you other negroes. So that's why they latch on the dumb shit like tangible or talking about what have you done for me but ignore shit that has been done. Because any acknowledgment that the Democrats are doing something right or that they are a Democrat means they're not special and they can't have that that's more important than anything else to them.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
The only Bitch nigga is you... It seems to me that your father has failed you, Homie. You act like one of those guys who gives their mother a father's day card for Father's Day because Daddy said, "Fuck the both of y'all bitches... I'm out."
Your bitch ass literally asked somebody to guide you to do research. How do you even maintain in life? You a ho and have no thinking ability or understanding of politics.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
You vote for who you want to fight against.
I'd rather fight against Joe for my issues than some dude who is the racists' wet dream.
This brain dead idiots can’t think themselves out of a wet paper bag. It’s not about loving Joe Biden it’s about not wanting to be apart of a racist anti Black white Suprimacist, remove everything Black Republikkklan movement


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Your bitch ass literally asked somebody to guide you to do research. How do you even maintain in life? You a ho and have no thinking ability or understanding of politics.
That was hypothetical... but I get you now. You just like to see the ill shit that you type. You like insults, giving and taking... O'le whipping Boy ass.

I wonder if your brain was affected by all of that toilet water you drank when your mom thought that she had to shit, and to her surprise she had to fish your sorry ass out of the commode.

Annyeonghee Gaseyo, you bitch you.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
That was hypothetical... but I get you now. You just like to see the ill shit that you type. You like insults, giving and taking... O'le whipping Boy ass.

I wonder if your brain was affected by all of that toilet water you drank when your mom thought that she had to shit, and to her surprise she had to fish your sorry ass out of the commode.

Annyeonghee Gaseyo, you bitch you.

“Can somebody please show me how to use Google so I can make a decision for myself please, before I’d just rely on my hero’s like Tariq Nasheed and message board trolls, thanks I have no brain and can’t think for myself”. - Bitchmade Pussy Borg


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
“Can somebody please show me how to use Google so I can make a decision for myself please, before I’d just rely on my hero’s like Tariq Nasheed and message board trolls, thanks I have no brain and can’t think for myself”. - Bitchmade Pussy Borg
Tariq Nasheed...

:roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2::roflmao2:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For example, How come we don't have police reform? Under Obama the Dems had the the Presidency, The House, and the Senate at one point. No police reform. Were the Repugs blocking them then? How come we don't have some type of movement on police reform now? We have a Dem President. Black people are still getting messed around with. What's stopping them from at least "introducing" a bill? Hell, I take a bill that says, "Anytime a policeman put on his uniform, his camera must be turned on."

There's nothing disingenuous about this... it's simple logic.
You got reform in the crime bill 30 years ago and now dudes who werent even around are blaming the people who did it after their grandparents begged for it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You cant win folks like Killer Mike. They just want to feel more important than actually deal with the reality.

Never forget, he loves him some Confederate loving Kemp

Niggas were begging for the Crime bill also, but folks dont want to hear that truth.