Look the rock origin story is the American Dream
It's insane
Up there with Lebron Williams sisters tiger ball Brothers etc etc etc
He is in that rare air... he is a true MOVIE STAR by definition.
That smile that glare that eyebrow that voice that charisma that physique
Is pure box office gold
You can't MAKE that.
He CAN act. He can.
I seen it.
But he gotta take a risk.
The Thing is his role
That will redefine his entire career.
Darkseid is HIS role
he NEEDS to hire that youtube chick to be on his team. I'm serious
She sees him not as he is not what he wants to be but his best damn self.
The Rock as Darkseid is insane.
I don't care if you have to retrofit him as Black Adam TURNS INTO Darkseid
Cause you KNOW Rocky gonna fight tooth and nail NOT to be a COMPLETE villian.
I don't care.
Have Josh Brolin call him to explain how it feels to be Thanos. And how kids LOVE HIM. And how his already great career was elevated.
With all the make up and everything it is enough of a separation to not HURT his "BRAND".
He can STILL be the hero.
He can be Colossus or Bishop or STEEL or even Gladiator @
We not even thinking independent comics
Hell he could be Doc Savage.
He just has to take a chance.