BREAKING: INVESTIGATION ENDS, AG BARR HAS MUELLERS REPORT .... an impending twitter fest now looms


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
For crying out loud Republicans are up here saying that Schiff should resign ...... as if he was in charge of the house intel committee... when the investigation started.


You can tell me that repubs are hiding something. Notice how overtly aggressive they are before this report becomes public

And that’s because they know it’s shit in there that can seen as obstruction.

I put money on it being the Comey shit...

At that time... the investigation wasn’t known... like trump was aware of the investigation about him being a foreign agent. So if they didn’t find that he committed collusion then they probably found that the firing of comey was in his right.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For crying out loud Republicans are up here saying that Schiff should resign ...... as if he was in charge of the house intel committee... when the investigation started.


You can tell me that repubs are hiding something. Notice how overtly aggressive they are before this report becomes public

And that’s because they know it’s shit in there that can seen as obstruction.

I put money on it being the Comey shit...

At that time... the investigation wasn’t known... like trump was aware of the investigation about him being a foreign agent. So if they didn’t find that he committed collusion then they probably found that the firing of comey was in his right.

Much respect to you @fonzerrillii @jagu as a Lawyer. But with all do respect your profession and the system of justice in this country is utter shit. Particularly, at the highest levels where government, power, rich and white intersects. It shouldn't be anywhere near this easy to game the system. A few shouldn't be able to completely show and exploit the flaws in the wheel. A man under scrutiny(even if he's the president) shouldn't have a say in the hands of justice while being investigated. Looney tunes stuff.

If there's one good thing that's come out of this Trump craziness, it's shown everyday Americans, and I suspect political heads, how flawed our system is in stymying high crimes.
The theory of check and balances as originally designed to prevent this very thing is flawed and rotten.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They wont release the report...its all a con.

This is the Looney Tune type stuff I'm talking about. Something this serious shouldn't be this easy to be blocked. If so, it should take an incredible majority to be blocked.
Flawed! Goverment! Flawed system of Checks and Balances!


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
This is the Looney Tune type stuff I'm talking about. Something this serious shouldn't be this easy to be blocked. If so, it should take an incredible majority to be blocked.
Flawed! Goverment! Flawed system of Checks and Balances!

Barr shouldn't have the power to do what he just did. Mitch shouldn't have the power to do what he just did. The entire system is broken.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Barr shouldn't have the power to do what he just did. Mitch shouldn't have the power to do what he just did. The entire system is broken.

Exactly! It undermines the entire system when ONE person has the power to do such a thing. Especially with something so sensitive and important.
The system is not truly based on Checks and Balances. Instead, it's based on "hoping" that the people that hold these positions will act honorable and put the position above any personal agenda.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
So Satans Turtle is going to block us from seeing it based on Barr? Sounds about white.

Lets hope that there's a leak, but Bob never leaked shit before. I think he hurried up cause he was getting pressure to finish it and maybe he knew the state could pick up on some of the other shit.

If the Dems have any balls, they will Benghazi the fuck out of this and bring everyone in. I'm sick of capitulation.

I'm hoping that between the people who sat on grand juries, other intelligence officials etc that info leaks out, but that can't be a plan of action. We need to vote and get dems in power. The house is still investigating and that would not have been able to happen without dems coming out to vote. If the GOP held both houses, that would be the last we ever heard about any of this.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Are they I’ll give me the Democrats more ammunition...Hey America if y’all want to see the report vote for us we will release it

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
This is the Looney Tune type stuff I'm talking about. Something this serious shouldn't be this easy to be blocked. If so, it should take an incredible majority to be blocked.
Flawed! Goverment! Flawed system of Checks and Balances!

The framers never imagined this level of partisanship, nor Fox New propaganda.

Nixon was removed because people of his own party did the right thing.

Also they put the ultimate power in our hands. In 18 months we can throw them all out.

Also those votes were just for show. The House will subpoena the report and call Mueller to testify.

The biggest problem, and I’ll say it again, as I warned for two years, the Justice department has said a sitting President cannot be indicted yet millions of Dems listened to people assuring them Trump would be perp walked out of the White House. People hung all their hopes on it. And ad I said months ago, when it doesn’t happen people will say the system is rigged. Hell there are still people in this thread claiming Trump will be arrested and removed.

As far as Trump, this fuckery falls on us for allowing him to become president in the first place. For Bernard Sanders for keeping his campaign against Hilary going months after she had secured enough delegates to win. For all the folks who allowed the term superpredator or who always believed whitewater conspiracies or any other bullshit from the 90s, or who just didn’t want a woman president, for all the people on this board and across the internet that worked everyday trying to convince people not to vote, for every progressive that voted Jill Stein, for people like Susan Sarandon that said Hilary was just as bad as Trump.

You can’t expect Mueller to come in and save you after you allowed someone as obviously unqualified and corrupt as Trump to be elected.

It didn’t bother us in 2016 so we can’t get up in arms now.

In a a way this is better. The next election that comes up, knowing no court is going to come in and undo our mistakes and knowing how much damage one corrupt man can do, mayhe we won’t be so fucking nonchalant about voting, get our asses out and vote against this dude no matter who the nominee is.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
She's been correct on everything

Bruh, some of us were saying in 2016, if you let Republicans have all three branches of government, shit like this will happen. Trump was openly a crook and corrupt and the people of this country elected him and also elected a party to protect his fuckery. There’s a saying “Every Democracy gets the government it deserves...”

The mechanism to remove Trump is there. The House could impeach and force a vote in the Senate. But republicans won’t remove, especially now.

Also, remember Trump is an idiot. Vlad is not. He’s the former head of the KGB.

He could signal to Trump “I’m going to help you win the White House” without saying it outright. Multiple Russians could say to Trump officials that Moscow supports your campaign. That’s not a crime.

Then Vlad helps Trump get elected without Trump working with him or agreeing to it. Also not a crime on Trump’s part.

Now that Trump is put in office, Vlad wants favors.

If you’re Mueller, you see Vlad helping Trump everywhere, but you never find any evidence of Trump coordinating or assisting because he didn’t. He just acceoted the help. So your reports says you found no evidence of collusion. And even if your report comes out showing how much Vlad helped, if Trump just sat back and let it happen, what can you charge him with? Even the Trump tower meeting. Don Jr. goes there to see if the Russians have dirt on Hilary. But if he doesn't accept it or doesn’t use it. And if the Russians don’t show it, just claim to have it, what crime can be charged?

That was the rope-a-dope. There never was collusion. Just corrpution. Just foriegn interferrence in our election that should be met with a strong deterrent, but isn’t.

The answer that is 2020.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Bruh, some of us were saying in 2016, if you let Republicans have all three branches of government, shit like this will happen. Trump was openly a crook and corrupt and the people of this country elected him and also elected a party to protect his fuckery. There’s a saying “Every Democracy gets the government it deserves...”

The mechanism to remove Trump is there. The House could impeach and force a vote in the Senate. But republicans won’t remove, especially now.

Also, remember Trump is an idiot. Vlad is not. He’s the former head of the KGB.

He could signal to Trump “I’m going to help you win the White House” without saying it outright. Multiple Russians could say to Trump officials that Moscow supports your campaign. That’s not a crime.

Then Vlad helps Trump get elected without Trump working with him or agreeing to it. Also not a crime on Trump’s part.

Now that Trump is put in office, Vlad wants favors.

If you’re Mueller, you see Vlad helping Trump everywhere, but you never find any evidence of Trump coordinating or assisting because he didn’t. He just acceoted the help. So your reports says you found no evidence of collusion. And even if your report comes out showing how much Vlad helped, if Trump just sat back and let it happen, what can you charge him with? Even the Trump tower meeting. Don Jr. goes there to see if the Russians have dirt on Hilary. But if he doesn't accept it or doesn’t use it. And if the Russians don’t show it, just claim to have it, what crime can be charged?

That was the rope-a-dope. There never was collusion. Just corrpution. Just foriegn interferrence in our election that should be met with a strong deterrent, but isn’t.

The answer that is 2020.
You're right, but that's not being an idiot. That's just doing business. It's scumbag shit, but Russia going to Russia regardless. That's what I said all the fuck along. And it's not so much about favors. Ain't nothing honorable about Trump. Putin does like that Trump has the view that America shouldn't be the world police. Trump's been involved in enough crooked shit to know how this goes. Mistakes he makes are usually due to his unchecked arrogance.

We talk about folks on the right being blind, but I'am also in awe of how some folks on the left let emotion get too them so much that they can't see straight and our consistently wrong with their analysis. I laughed when they said Bannon was president. Laughed when they said Pence was president. And find it equally funny when they say Putin is running shit. Trump does what benefits Trump.

Much like you, I said 2020 was the key all along. The dangerous thing about all this Russia business is it doesn't really explain what makes Trump get followers. The fucking people who are on the fence and help push trump over tell folks exactly why they follow Trump but fools on the left insist on telling them why they follow Trump. :hithead: And what does that lead to? Folks doing the same dumb shit to give Trump openings to relate to people. It's going to be a long 2019/20. :smh:

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
You're right, but that's not being an idiot. That's just doing business. It's scumbag shit, but Russia going to Russia regardless. That's what I said all the fuck along. And it's not so much about favors. Ain't nothing honorable about Trump. Putin does like that Trump has the view that America shouldn't be the world police. Trump's been involved in enough crooked shit to know how this goes. Mistakes he makes are usually due to his unchecked arrogance.

We talk about folks on the right being blind, but I'am also in awe of how some folks on the left let emotion get too them so much that they can't see straight and our consistently wrong with their analysis. I laughed when they said Bannon was president. Laughed when they said Pence was president. And find it equally funny when they say Putin is running shit. Trump does what benefits Trump.

Much like you, I said 2020 was the key all along. The dangerous thing about all this Russia business is it doesn't really explain what makes Trump get followers. The fucking people who are on the fence and help push trump over tell folks exactly why they follow Trump but fools on the left insist on telling them why they follow Trump. :hithead: And what does that lead to? Folks doing the same dumb shit to give Trump openings to relate to people. It's going to be a long 2019/20. :smh:

Dude this hyperemotionalism on the left, storming the Supreme court interrupting hearings, yelling at folk having dinner cost Dems the Senate.

And it didn’t change a fucking thing. I wish I could get AOC, Omar, Maxine, and everyone else on the left to shut the fuck up about anything besides expanding Obamacare, middle class jobs, and building infrastructure.

The biggest case against Trump across the country has nothing to do with Russia. It’s that he wants to throw you off your healthcare.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The framers never imagined this level of partisanship, nor Fox New propaganda.

Nixon was removed because people of his own party did the right thing.

Also they put the ultimate power in our hands. In 18 months we can throw them all out.

Also those votes were just for show. The House will subpoena the report and call Mueller to testify.

The biggest problem, and I’ll say it again, as I warned for two years, the Justice department has said a sitting President cannot be indicted yet millions of Dems listened to people assuring them Trump would be perp walked out of the White House. People hung all their hopes on it. And ad I said months ago, when it doesn’t happen people will say the system is rigged. Hell there are still people in this thread claiming Trump will be arrested and removed.

As far as Trump, this fuckery falls on us for allowing him to become president in the first place. For Bernard Sanders for keeping his campaign against Hilary going months after she had secured enough delegates to win. For all the folks who allowed the term superpredator or who always believed whitewater conspiracies or any other bullshit from the 90s, or who just didn’t want a woman president, for all the people on this board and across the internet that worked everyday trying to convince people not to vote, for every progressive that voted Jill Stein, for people like Susan Sarandon that said Hilary was just as bad as Trump.

You can’t expect Mueller to come in and save you after you allowed someone as obviously unqualified and corrupt as Trump to be elected.

It didn’t bother us in 2016 so we can’t get up in arms now.

In a a way this is better. The next election that comes up, knowing no court is going to come in and undo our mistakes and knowing how much damage one corrupt man can do, mayhe we won’t be so fucking nonchalant about voting, get our asses out and vote against this dude no matter who the nominee is.

You’re absolutely right in your thinking and solution. In a truly fair and democratic system I would be 100% with you. Go out and vote and get them out. But we both know the game is rigged and daily these people are taking further and further steps to make sure your vote DOESN’T count! These people aren’t going to allow you to go to the polls and exercise your right. They aren’t going to take a chance of being out stead and vuneral to the legal pressures they face. They would rather sooner burn this entire bitch to the group that allow you and I to express our right freely and fairly.

That is the friengthening reality. How do you beat that by just voting? Answer: You can’t!

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor

You’re absolutely right in your thinking and solution. In a truly fair and democratic system I would be 100% with you. Go out and vote and get them out. But we both know the game is rigged and daily these people are taking further and further steps to make sure your vote DOESN’T count! These people aren’t going to allow you to go to the polls and exercise your right. They aren’t going to take a chance of being out stead and vuneral to the legal pressures they face. They would rather sooner burn this entire bitch to the group that allow you and I to express our right freely and fairly.

That is the friengthening reality. How do you beat that by just voting? Answer: You can’t!

If everyone votes in 2020, you can replace Republican leadership in these states. Republicans not in office cannot gerrymander and can’t voter suppress. Yes, it sucks that we have to work hard to vote in some places.

But if everyone checked their voter status now, worked out any problems. Kept checking then voted no matter what, we could change the voter supression.

This discussion is why I never thought we should focus on mueller. Your disappointment over the report is making you lose hope. Don’t.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Dude this hyperemotionalism on the left, storming the Supreme court interrupting hearings, yelling at folk having dinner cost Dems the Senate.

And it didn’t change a fucking thing. I wish I could get AOC, Omar, Maxine, and everyone else on the left to shut the fuck up about anything besides expanding Obamacare, middle class jobs, and building infrastructure.

The biggest case against Trump across the country has nothing to do with Russia. It’s that he wants to throw you off your healthcare.
:yes: Exactly. It's like I'm watching a horror show and the characters keep doing dumb shit.

The part that drives me crazy is they are all online cheerleading this emotional shit. Trump sets the bait with a tweet or saying something, and they get all in their fucking emotions. I'd like for folks to stay the fuck away from Trump rallies. Any fucking idiot who participated in that shit the first time around helped create Trump. If people have on their Trump gear, leave them the fuck alone. Trump is playing victim and says his supporters are victims. The emotional fucks on the left help with that narrative.

Middle class jobs? Infrastructure? Obamacare? What the fuck is that? All they talk about is Russia and the fucking wall. Trump about to go hard on that fucking wall and they will take the bait.

Its' going to be an uphill battle.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All the pleas are getting copped right now...

First there was fake news.... Now Faux News is reporting there was bad information.

Ex-CIA Director John Brennan admits he may have had 'bad information' regarding President Trump and Russia

Bad information.

That’s what former CIA Director John Brennan is blaming for his near-constant attacks on President Trump after Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe into alleged collusion between Trump and Russia ended up clearing the president.

Brennan, whose role in the Obama administration helped land him a job as an MSNBC contributor and lent his perspective on national security major gravitas, once warned that the Mueller probe showed “our Nation’s future is at stake.” But on Monday, a day after Attorney General William Barr released a summary of Mueller's findings, showing there was no evidence Trump or anyone close to him colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, Brennan admitted he may have gotten it wrong.

“I don't know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” Brennan told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

There's more, but I'm not posting all that shit.

This shit is sickening....


Rising Star
All the pleas are getting copped right now...

First there was fake news.... Now Faux News is reporting there was bad information.

Ex-CIA Director John Brennan admits he may have had 'bad information' regarding President Trump and Russia

Bad information.

That’s what former CIA Director John Brennan is blaming for his near-constant attacks on President Trump after Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe into alleged collusion between Trump and Russia ended up clearing the president.

Brennan, whose role in the Obama administration helped land him a job as an MSNBC contributor and lent his perspective on national security major gravitas, once warned that the Mueller probe showed “our Nation’s future is at stake.” But on Monday, a day after Attorney General William Barr released a summary of Mueller's findings, showing there was no evidence Trump or anyone close to him colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, Brennan admitted he may have gotten it wrong.

“I don't know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” Brennan told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

There's more, but I'm not posting all that shit.

This shit is sickening....

This was the former HEAD OF THE CIA. I can only imagine the type of moves he was making based of "bad information" while holding that position.

I really think there are people who have real PTSD and will need professional help to move on from this. And I 100% blame the media - many of whom STILL won't admit they were wrong and continue to stoke the flames.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If everyone votes in 2020, you can replace Republican leadership in these states. Republicans not in office cannot gerrymander and can’t voter suppress. Yes, it sucks that we have to work hard to vote in some places.

But if everyone checked their voter status now, worked out any problems. Kept checking then voted no matter what, we could change the voter supression.

This discussion is why I never thought we should focus on mueller. Your disappointment over the report is making you lose hope. Don’t.

We could have stopped at “if everyone voted!” That’s unfortunate because we know that will never happened and it shouldn’t have to. Ideally it should be 1 more vote than the next guy. That’s it! Some white unicorn or situation shouldn’t be the standard. They know that and as a result have put just enough mechanisms in place to off by just enough the final tally.

I hate to be that person, but in many ways, those that can vote but chose not to participate are just as guilty. What’s sad is I don’t think any of this has motivated enough of them to vote in the upcoming presidential elections. It’s going to take an act to get enough of them to offset the crap that’s in place to disenfranchise their vote.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All the pleas are getting copped right now...

First there was fake news.... Now Faux News is reporting there was bad information.

Ex-CIA Director John Brennan admits he may have had 'bad information' regarding President Trump and Russia

Bad information.

That’s what former CIA Director John Brennan is blaming for his near-constant attacks on President Trump after Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe into alleged collusion between Trump and Russia ended up clearing the president.

Brennan, whose role in the Obama administration helped land him a job as an MSNBC contributor and lent his perspective on national security major gravitas, once warned that the Mueller probe showed “our Nation’s future is at stake.” But on Monday, a day after Attorney General William Barr released a summary of Mueller's findings, showing there was no evidence Trump or anyone close to him colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, Brennan admitted he may have gotten it wrong.

“I don't know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” Brennan told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

There's more, but I'm not posting all that shit.

This shit is sickening....

Stand up guy for admitting that. But unfortunately this too will be used against him and others. I’m not sure if you can ever play fair when others use anything at their disposal to win.

I’m not sure what info he got. But I think the conclusion is correct. The chances of Trump being completely clean and innocent of any of this is highly improbable.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude this hyperemotionalism on the left, storming the Supreme court interrupting hearings, yelling at folk having dinner cost Dems the Senate.

And it didn’t change a fucking thing. I wish I could get AOC, Omar, Maxine, and everyone else on the left to shut the fuck up about anything besides expanding Obamacare, middle class jobs, and building infrastructure.

The biggest case against Trump across the country has nothing to do with Russia. It’s that he wants to throw you off your healthcare.

I certainly agree here. In a society where people truly cared about the dealings of their government then this would fly 100% and someone like Trump would have never gotten elected. But the truth is most everyday Americans have no idea who or what Russian is beyond they’re supposed to be kinda bad...kinda. So to make Russia the forefront of an argument to an ignorant populace is bond to be a losing proposition. Most can’t identity enough with the “evil” of Russia motivate and garner their vote.

Make no doubt about it. The GOP and White House will use this to hammer that the other side care more about foreign affairs than they do fixing your back yard.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

Stand up guy for admitting that. But unfortunately this too will be used against him and others. I’m not sure if you can ever play fair when others use anything at their disposal to win.

I’m not sure what info he got. But I think the conclusion is correct. The chances of Trump being completely clean and innocent of any of this is highly improbable.
And that’s why the report did not exonerate him even his lap dog Attorney General couldn’t give him a clean bill of health.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And that’s why the report did not exonerate him even his lap dog Attorney General couldn’t give him a clean bill of health.

We’re in agreement EB but at some point you have to look at this thing big perspective and ask yourself is it going to get you to where you want to be? Is this Russian-Trump connection the best ticket to winning the next election? This is what Pelosi meant when we said it was a waste of time. IMO, with things stacked the way they are in place to protect Trump, the answer is no! Do enough Americans care? The answer is no!

Dems can’t continue to make or create the illusion of Russia-Trump as their central thesis. What they plan to offer the American public. People look at that stuff as pretty far from their immediate and daily concern. That’s an absolute way to lose.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

We’re in agreement EB but at some point you have to look at this thing big perspective and ask yourself is it going to get you to where you want to be? Is this Russian-Trump connection the best ticket to winning the next election? This is what Pelosi meant when we said it was a waste of time. IMO, with things stacked the way they are in place to protect Trump, the answer is no! Do enough Americans care? The answer is no!

Dems can’t continue to make or create the illusion of Russia-Trump as their central thesis. What they plan to offer the American public. People look at that stuff as pretty far from their immediate and daily concern. That’s an absolute way to lose.
Not necessarily wait until you see some numbers come out I really think most of the country is pissed off that are not trump supporters at that report when you have a most office early advisers got court and lying about Russia and they couldn’t even talk to trump face-to-face everyone knows it’s bullshit right now


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

We’re in agreement EB but at some point you have to look at this thing big perspective and ask yourself is it going to get you to where you want to be? Is this Russian-Trump connection the best ticket to winning the next election? This is what Pelosi meant when we said it was a waste of time. IMO, with things stacked the way they are in place to protect Trump, the answer is no! Do enough Americans care? The answer is no!

Dems can’t continue to make or create the illusion of Russia-Trump as their central thesis. What they plan to offer the American public. People look at that stuff as pretty far from their immediate and daily concern. That’s an absolute way to lose.
Also this is why the Democrats should stay on this because Trump people do not know how to keep their mouth closed



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not necessarily wait until you see some numbers come out I really think most of the country is pissed off that are not trump supporters at that report when you have a most office early advisers got court and lying about Russia and they couldn’t even talk to trump face-to-face everyone knows it’s bullshit right now

The questions is what people? The ones that were already planning on voting against Trump? That’s not what Dems need. They already have those people. They needed people disgusted in Trump camp to either decide to sit the next election out and/or vote for the other side.

Guess what? If these people aren’t disgusted with Trump by now I don’t think they will ever be and this circulating report, IMO, ain’t changing their minds.

Those who vote independent like for Bernie etc are clowns and need to go kill themselves.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Also this is why the Democrats should stay on this because Trump people do not know how to keep their mouth closed

Once more how many Trump supporters are they losing? The answer is no where near as much as needed.

Logically I think part of our problem is we think those supports still haven’t seen how foolish this administration is and when they do they’ll abondon them. Guess what? They knew from day 1 the Trump admin was and is a clown show and still they’re deciding to stay! Why? Because that clown gives them and their family the best opportunity to keep the status quo. That’s the real heart of the Trump administration. He will continue to help keeep things white and right, gays out, and minorities in their places.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

Once more how many Trump supporters are they losing? The answer is no where near as much as needed.

Logically I think part of our problem is we think those supports still haven’t seen how foolish this administration is and when they do they’ll abondon them. Guess what? They knew from day 1 the Trump admin was and is a clown show and still they’re deciding to stay! Why? Because that clown gives them and their family the best opportunity to keep the status quo. That’s the real heart of the Trump administration. He will continue to help keeep things white and right, gays out, and minorities in their places.
It is not about his supporters anymore.. his supporters is not going to win anything for him it’s about everyone else


BGOL Investor
All the pleas are getting copped right now...

First there was fake news.... Now Faux News is reporting there was bad information.

Ex-CIA Director John Brennan admits he may have had 'bad information' regarding President Trump and Russia

Bad information.

That’s what former CIA Director John Brennan is blaming for his near-constant attacks on President Trump after Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe into alleged collusion between Trump and Russia ended up clearing the president.

Brennan, whose role in the Obama administration helped land him a job as an MSNBC contributor and lent his perspective on national security major gravitas, once warned that the Mueller probe showed “our Nation’s future is at stake.” But on Monday, a day after Attorney General William Barr released a summary of Mueller's findings, showing there was no evidence Trump or anyone close to him colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, Brennan admitted he may have gotten it wrong.

“I don't know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” Brennan told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

There's more, but I'm not posting all that shit.

This shit is sickening....

Quoting Fox News bro? Seriously?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is not about his supporters anymore.. his supporters is not going to win anything for him it’s about everyone else

Good! You know how you keep and motivate everyone else? Give them something concrete to vote for. Give them candidates with clear messages that they can gravitate towards. Give them more than vote for us “just because” you don’t want to vote for them.