Caitlin Clark Is The Truth


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No one arguing how popular she was. She was set to make a killing from endorsements. And guess what? She fumbled the bag, by failing a drug test. They were never gonna put her on a team after failing that test. Sha'Carri not being in the olympics was a big loss for the USA and fans of track. Most of us wanted to see her face off against the Jamaicans. Im sure a lot more people would've watched....

You more concerned about what white people want and reasonable black people. That actually want to see women basketball be successful. You would prefer to see the league fold, if it means seeing the little white chick as the face of the league

She smoked weed which is legal in most states and doesn’t enhance physical performance.

White people and Coons want her on the team because she’s White. All that growing the sport is bullshit. Women’s basketball is already huge internationally and most of these women’s basketball games will be coming on at 3am 7am 11am these were never going to be huge rating games in the US anyway at those times…yall just want the White girl on the team. I would respect your cooning more if you owned up to it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She smoked weed which is legal in most states and doesn’t enhance physical performance.

White people and Coons want her on the team because she’s White. All that growing the sport is bullshit. Women’s basketball is already huge internationally and most of these women’s basketball games will be coming on at 3am 7am 11am these were never going to be huge rating games in the US anyway at those times…yall just want the White girl on the team. I would respect your cooning more if you owned up to it
Rules are rules. We can say weed is nothing but everyone had to adhere to the same rules for drug testing.

Can’t really blame herself for failing the drug test. It actually hurt the US team as they were absolutely counting on her.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Rules are rules. We can say weed is nothing but everyone had to adhere to the same rules for drug testing.

Can’t really blame herself for failing the drug test. It actually hurt the US team as they were absolutely counting on her.

Rules are rules Clark didn’t try out because of the tournament and team USA felt she was too inexperienced….move on lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Rules are rules Clark didn’t try out because of the tournament and team USA felt she was too inexperienced….move on lol
That doesn’t make sense. Failing a drug test is huge. If Clark failed a drug test and they still wanted her to play then it would make sense.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That doesn’t make sense. Failing a drug test is huge. If Clark failed a drug test and they still wanted her to play then it would make sense.

Points is just because an Athlete is popular doesn’t mean they’re getting on the team. She smoked weed after her mother passed, team USA had the option of giving her an exemption they chose not to despite the public outcry.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Save it, Bruh.

There's more than 100+ players in the WNBA... and Caitlin is ranked #15 in Scoring and #4 in Assists.

So if Caitlin is "playing like ass"... then what are all the other 85+ women "playing like".... if they score FEWER points & dish out FEWER assists then she does? :hmm:

Nah, I'm not a Caitlin Clark fan.... You just post real dumb shit about basketball. :hmm:
This is what I mean about Caitlin Clark fans. Y'all don't know shit about basketball. I won't bother posting the rest of her stats. The only cats cosigning you are Kid Rock and a coon.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She smoked weed which is legal in most states and doesn’t enhance physical performance.

White people and Coons want her on the team because she’s White. All that growing the sport is bullshit. Women’s basketball is already huge internationally and most of these women’s basketball games will be coming on at 3am 7am 11am these were never going to be huge rating games in the US anyway at those times…yall just want the White girl on the team. I would respect your cooning more if you owned up to it
Most states?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Points is just because an Athlete is popular doesn’t mean they’re getting on the team. She smoked weed after her mother passed, team USA had the option of giving her an exemption they chose not to despite the public outcry.
You not getting an exemption for a failed drug test. If everyone passed their drug test and she failed hers, that was on her.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"She's ranked 49th in shooting..."

Luka Doncic.... the guy you said is a perennial MVP candidate... was ranked #44 in "shooting percentage" THIS YEAR.
Luka Doncic led the NBA in turnovers THIS YEAR.

You citing irrelevant stats, Bruh. :hmm:

"She shoots 32% from 3pt range..."

- Caitlin is Top 5 in 3PT MADE. :hmm:
- Caitlin is 3rd in 3PT ATTEMPTS taken. :hmm:
- There's only 2 chics in the entire WNBA who even ATTEMPT to shoot more threes than she does. (Kelsey Plum & Arike Ogunbowale)

Wait a sec...
- Caitlin Clark shoots 32% from 3PT range.
- Kelsey Plum shoots 34% from 3PT range.
- Arike Ogunbowale shoots 30% from 3PT range.

And there's only 4 chics who average making more 3pters than she does, this year.

You citing stats like hers are sooooo much lower than everyone else's.
That's what makes your argument sound so dumb.

What lemme guess..... Caitlin is "playing like ass".... But only 4 chics in the whole league hit more threes than she does, on average.

If she's playing like ass.... but only 4 chics are hitting more 3s than she is.... then what are the other 96+ players "playing like"? :hmm:

Sitchyo ass down. Stop typing.
Man Chill. I am throwing in the towel.

Thread critic is getting bodied.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She's TOP 5 in the WNBA... in MADE 3-pointers. :hmm:
Yes, she's sooo bad at making 3s... that she's ranked #4 in the whole league. :hmm:

"The more shots Caitlyn takes the more she misses"... That's a REAL dumbass flex.

Only an idiot tries to clown "the league leaders" in the very stats that they are leading EVERYONE else in. :hmm:

And you keep comparing Luka's 2pt FG percentage... to Caitlin's 3pt FG percentage... as if they are BOTH the same stat.

Luka shoots 38% from three-point range. Not 50%.
Caitlin shoots 33% from three-point range.

Apples to Apples. Nitwit.

You just keep writing 2 sentences of dumb shit. :hmm: Constantly.

Stop typing. :hmm:
Man who is this nigga? He came in the thread throwing haymakers :lol:

Nigga got his stats queued up:lol:

Yall better leave this nigga be