The Demon Spawn you quoted is on ignore. No where did I say get mad or punish his son. I don't have kids. I have common sense. I've always valued learning from others mistakes. I know what I and others did at my age, what we were lacking in education. Who did what because of, or in spite of, parental influence and actions. I have friends with kids, nieces and nephews that I've partially raised. I've seen good and bad parenting up close and have seen the fallout of both.
I've seen people who were wild as hell growing up being overly strict because they know what they did behind their parents backs as well as people who are too trusting with their kids who don't supervise enough.
The mothers that I see freak out, single or married, is not usually because of the porn itself, it's because of their child growing up and maturing beyond what THEY as a parent are prepared to deal with and all the fears (pregnancy, STDs, being labeled, growing up too fast, not having a child hood, failing grades dropping out) that it can lead to that children aren't thinking about because their perspective is limited. He needs to learn and focus on self control and that there is a time and place for sex but that he shouldn't be ruled by his desires.
BTW FUCK YOU for your comment about single mothers and that cockeyed midget you quoted.