And thats still wrong my man. No matter how many times you state it. The current success is a direct result of the reception to the work. This was launched by the quality of his initial return special. I get what you're saying but you simply cannot credit a show from 20 years ago for the level of sustained dominance we see up until today. The current success has zero to do with the show and everything to do with the work product he creates with each opportunity.
Again, I get what you're saying but i just think you're wrong. At best, we will agree that thee was interest from corporate partners due to his prior success with TCS. But him making rounds and doing material in clubs, working the circuit and the reception and interest he continued to build is what ultimately made Netflix give him the deal.. and after that it was due to the actual work itself and consumer response.
The interest was from TCS. The interest wasn't from his comedy special which aired in 2004.
His comedy special in 2004 didn't get him 20 million dollars to do a comedy special in 2017.
TCS popularity, his exit even after being offered 50 million dollars to shoot another season is what led to him getting 20 million dollar Netflix show deals.
TCS is what put him the position to be offered a 20 million a show deal.
TCS is how most know of Dave Chapelle. So to say that's not the reason for his current or the reason for the Netflix deal, is lying at best.
Netflix didn't care about him doing the rounds or working a circuit. They knew about his past success and wanted to cash in. They knew that he had the public's interest due to his story, his history, his prior success with TCS and threw him the money because of it.
But if you believe it's all because of his last stand-up special in 2004, and because he touted the circuit.
Then cool.