Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Since school was out you were just relaxing and enjoying your vacation until September. Over the years you picked up a variety of skills from pass employment and training, therefore you were able to fix the majority of the things that would malfunction in your home (which included electrical, plumbing and carpentry).

Your neighbors, the Misra's were well aware of your unique "skill set," and Mr. Misra recently asked you for a small favor. He had recently purchased a large flat screen television set and wanted it mounted on the wall, but "Best Buy" wanted to charge him over $200.00 for installation. He was hoping that you could do it and he would probably pay you for your services and throw in other perks.

Yesterday morning you ran into Mrs. Misra on your way to the supermarket and she told you that the television had arrived yesterday and wanted to know when you would be able to put it up? You asked her would it be okay if you worked on it when you came back from the store within the next 40 minutes?

She said: "Ok."

They wanted the television in the bedroom and Mrs. Misra came in the room and moved a few things around to provide you with the space you needed and then you and her unboxed the television set. The mounting part was no problem, but you probably should have waited for Mr. Misra to come home, but Mrs. Misra was actually strong enough to lift one side and you were able to properly mount it.

You were happy to see that you got it on the wall, hooked up the cables and decided to take a break before you checked to see if it was working properly.

As your sitting there Mrs. Misra asked you if you wanted to something to drink, because it was hot and humid within their home and you were sitting there sweating. Mrs. Misra complained about the heat too and then did the strangest thing?

She started changing her clothes in front of you and you're wondering is she trying to hint at doing something more with you?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were standing in line at "Starbucks" when you first saw Janavarthini and the first thing you noticed was her long thick hair so you commented:
"Your hair is so long and pretty"
Jana: "Thank you"
Within a few minutes the barista called out :"Thin" "Thin"
You looked around and noticed the young lady you were just talking to responded, so you asked:
"Your name is Thin?"
Jana: "No, actually it's Janavarthini"
You: "Jamavatha"

Jana: "No, Janavarthini, I know it's a mouthful, and I know it doesn't instantly roll off your tongue, but neither do I"



Rising Star
Platinum Member
You were standing in line at "Starbucks" when you first saw Janavarthini and the first thing you noticed was her long thick hair so you commented:
"Your hair is so long and pretty"
Jana: "Thank you"
Within a few minutes the barista called out :"Thin" "Thin"
You looked around and noticed the young lady you were just talking to responded, so you asked:
"Your name is Thin?"
Jana: "No, actually it's Janavarthini"
You: "Jamavatha"

Jana: "No, Janavarthini, I know it's a mouthful, and I know it doesn't instantly roll off your tongue, but neither do I"

I can't download from Redgifs anymore. Anyone know how to do it?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can't download from Redgifs anymore. Anyone know how to do it?

If any video that I post doesn’t appear, simply "refresh" the page.

PS. This one is the best to me:

Last edited:

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shira, despite being "tight lipped" about some of the details in her life tried to hint that that description might describe other aspects of her body.

You were about to find out just how true that is.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ananya told you that she was going to prepare a "home cooked meal" for you since you were a bachelor and tended to eat out a lot. You told her that you would appreciate that, but asked her: "Can you really cook?"
Ananya: "Of course, I am a good cook
You: "Now, don't buy something from a restaurant and then bring it home and set it up like you made it, lol"
Ananya: "No, I am going to send you a video as I am preparing the food"

So, you wanted for the video chat of Ananya cooking in the kitchen.

You're not exactly sure what she is making, but you like what she is preparing for you.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
While you held a position of Vice President within your company, you were under no illusion that you needed to "keep your head on a swivel," and that you could be out the door for the slightest impropriety. Nevertheless, it was against your nature to navigate your way around the office like a "eunuch." You just choose your words very carefully when it came to addressing the opposite sex.

Chaya seemed to like the way you move and overtime you developed a "friendly relationship" with her. Often times you would find yourselves discussing relationships and Chaya had a difficult time accepting the fact that she was in her 30s and not married, for that matter she didn't even have a boyfriend.

You would offer her a male perspective, but had to remind her that you were "very single" also.

Although you didn't need to stay late last Friday, but you decided to get ahead of a few projects so you put in a few extra hours. Chaya, who was on her way home had stopped by to stay "Good night," and noticed you were still working and figured she would keep you company (Chaya lives alone).

Somehow the subject of "flirting" came up and Chaya felt that she didn't know how to flirt, so you told her pretend that she is a spy and that she needed to seduce an enemy agent to obtain some vital information.

and so it began...

You assumed that Chaya would approach flirting with a verbal assault, but she took things to another level and you probably should have stopped her after you saw her lock your office door.

But all to often the libido overrules the mind.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You really enjoyed the Summer Olympics this year and found yourself watching as many events as possible especially Women's Soccer. You never played soccer on any level, but you have always had an admiration for the skill set required and the fact that the players have incredible stamina.

With that in mind you figured that you needed to get back into shape so you went bike riding around Central Park, but since you had some time you stopped off to watch some people playing soccer to the right of the roadway. One young lady stood out for several reasons, and the first was that she was the only female out there playing against a bunch of guys, in addition, to that she was very good, fast and easy on the eyes.

Fate would have it that the soccer ball came in your direction and you returned it to the playing field at least twice. This must have caused the young lady (who you would soon come to know as Kyra) to take notice of you and your bicycle. Kyra liked your bike and asked you if she could ride it? You were reluctant for the obvious reasons and the simple fact that you didn't know her. However, the good thing about your bicycle is that you have to be around 6 feet tall to ride it because of the size of the bike frame and your seat is up also.

You told her that you needed an "Allen key" to adjust the seat and you have a few at home. So you're thinking that would be the end of it and she says then let's go to your house then.

You're nervous because usually when something seems to good to be true, it usually is so you tell her that if she wants to you and her can meet up and go bike riding the next day. She said she didn't have a bike, so you offered to rent her a "Citibike."

You called Kyra the next day and she was more than ready to go bike riding with you which surprised you because this young lady was riding up the hills with no problems. After the ride you stopped off at a local Mexican restaurant and grabbed some tacos and burritos, and in some ways I guess you could call this a date?
Kyra enjoyed the bike ride and wanted to go around the park again this Tuesday, but afterwards she asked if she could come by your place and take a shower (you've only know her for a few days, but you threw "caution to the wind," and invited her over.

One thing lead to another after you got back to your place and she took a shower, and you realized that Kyra was like the damn "Energizer bunny."
