Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What started out as you just trying to be helpful to Erika turned into an Emotional affair and she let it be know that she wanted to allow the relationship to extend beyond you just being "Computer friends."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your introduction to Vikki was a meeting that occurred strictly by chance, and totally unexpected. You haven't been to "Macy's" in years since you usually order things online, but since you were in the neighborhood you decided to visit the store to make a purchase of some new cologne. Apparently, not much has changed as you walk towards the fragrance section and have to navigate through the models/perfume ladies attempting to sell you the latest fragrance from the designer of the week.

Of course you don't mind because the ladies are usually very attractive and smell great. You pretty much knew what you wanted so it would be "in and out" of the store quickly, but someone caught your eye. A quick glimpse told you that the young lady to your right near the "Calvin Klein" section was a former coworker named Sonia, so you approached her only to find that you made a mistake (but, a good one).

You apologized and explained that you though she was someone else and she told you that her name was Vikki. She laughed and said that "Us brown girls all look alike." Vikki then asked you what fragrances did you like and that started you and her becoming "scent testers," for each other. The conversation was really flowing and figured it was nice while it lasted, but you assumed Vikki wanted to continue shopping without you. Quite the contrary Vikki told you that since she was so instrumental in assisting you that you had to now buy her dinner.

You ended up at "Pio Pio," and had a great meal and Vikki enjoyed the "Aji verde" (green sauce) on her "Juanita chicken." Overall, you would have to say that this was one of the best unplanned "blind dates" that you ever had, and you expressed that to Vikki, and she agreed.

Then Vikki asked you: "What would make it the perfect blind date?"


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Back in March Jaya,(a platonic female friend) who works for the "New York City Department of Probation," got injured on the job and had to go out on disability for a few months. Unfortunately, Jaya had fallen behind on a few bills because she is currently not receiving her full salary and she approaches you for a loan.

What made things interesting is not that she asked for a loan from you, but the way she did it. You see, you got this phone call via "face time," and you assumed she was trying to give you an incentive to loan her the money?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My stick, I just love my stick
My stick, I just love my stick

Girl, your ride is bad but you can't compare
To my baby black Cadillac, oh, so rare
Take a vacation, I don't care
'Cause I can get some stimulation anywhere

You just come too quick, I'd rather work my stick
Get a little satisfaction, work the stick in my ride
You just come too quick, I'd rather work my stick
Get a little satisfaction, work the stick in my ride


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were scheduled to attend a family gathering in Atlanta, Georgia and since you're on a budget you decided to take Amtrak there. The trip was long and would take about 18 hours and 30 minutes, but you used to enjoy riding on trains as a small child and you figured it would be nice to see the country.

Since the trip was so long you probably should have upgraded to a "Roomette" that is a private room that transforms into a bed at night and has a restroom and shower include within the room. That sounded good, but once again you're on a budget, a very tight budget.

When you boarded you found an empty window seat and relaxed and prepared for the long ride. You looked around hoping to spot some attractive females that you might try to flirt with, but no luck, so you just chilled that was until you were pulling into Philadelphia. You decided to take a trip to the Dining card and order a cheese burger and some kettle fries. Not soon after you heard a strange voice that said: "Oh, that looks delicious and I've never seen fries that look like that, can I try one?" You turned to see where the voice was coming from and to your surprise it was a very attractive mocha complexion woman speaking to you.

You offered her a fry, which lead to another and then another and before you knew it she was seating down next to you sharing your lunch. After a few minutes she apologized and introduced herself as "Bianca." She explained that she was traveling to Atlanta, and that she was staying in a "Roomette" on the train since it was an 18 hour trip. You explained that you were going to Atlanta too, but was traveling coach.

Bianca, quickly thinking and still very hungry, said that since your lunch looked so tasty she ordered a cheese burger and some kettle fries and a Ginger ale. Bianca suggested that you bring your meal back to her room and you can eat and talk there. You ended up spending a good two hours in Bianca's room and you seemed to be enjoying each other's company.

You're still not sure what you said or did, or perhaps it was just the rocking of the train as the sun was going down, but Bianca's attitude changed, but not in a bad way. Bianca said that:

"Since you were kind enough to allow a total stranger to eat off your plate, I feel the need to return the favor."

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You met Sahara in "Keyfood" last Tuesday and it never really occurred to you until later that women are very smooth when it comes to picking up guys. Most of the time they are not as direct as men would be, but tend to start up conversation in a very subtle way.

Sahara was no different when she started a conversation with you while you were looking over the various cuts of steak. First, she asked you were you looking for steaks for a "Labor Day" cookout or one that your wife or girlfriend might be preparing (she's checking to see if you're available)?
After you tell her that's it's just for you she tells you that some "Indian flat bread" would be an excellent companion to any steak that you might select, have you ever had any?

You told her "no," and she said that she could prepare some for you if you like. Now, all the while you've realized that Sahara is an attractive woman and it's been a good while since a woman has offered to cook for you so you accept her proposal. Sahara suggests that if you have no plans for this coming Saturday night, that would be a good day for you to come over (she only lives a block and a half away from you).

Upon arriving at Sahara's apartment you notice that she's dressed for comfort because she's baking the bread and it's very hot in the kitchen. She then suggested that you share a bottle of wine while the bread bakes.

Now, you're not sure if Sahara's actions were an accident or not, but she slipped a bit of wine on her shirt and felt the need to change, and what a change she made. Sahara come back out in an outfit that was designed to entice you and simply asked:

"Now that I have you alone, is the bread and wine the only things that you desire in this house?"


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Apparently, there was a problem with the air conditioning unit at the gym that you frequent, and you suffered from heat exhaustion while working out on the treadmill.

One of the staff, Kitty Doshi suggested that you be escorted into her private office so that she can attend to you. She would provide you with fresh oxygen, liquids and the air conditioner worked fine in her office.

However, there were a few methods that you questioned, but they felt good.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your girlfriend, Devette invited you to a wedding this weekend to held in Virginia Beach, Virginia at the Embassy Suite by Hilton. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was even better, good food, drinks and they actually hire a DJ that was playing some good music.

Unfortunately, your girlfriend had a bad reaction to the shrimp cocktail or something and ended up having to go back to the hotel room to lay down. You escorted her up to the room and was willing to sit with her until she was feeling better, but she insisted that you return to the party and enjoy yourself (although, you would make periodic trips to the room to check on her).

There is a saying "When it rains it pours," and you realized this when your girlfriend's office mate, Lalita approached you looking a bit "light headed," but also in the need of some assistance. Some guy that must have been with the Groom's party, and had been drinking too much believe that he "owned" Lalita and that gave him the right to be very "handsy" with her (he was trying to feel her up and kiss her).

Lalita wanted you to pretend to be her boyfriend and assume that would keep the guy away, and apparently it worked. You chilled for about 40 minutes with Lalita, talking and dancing a bit, but you could see that she was a bit "tipsy." After a while you explained to Lalita that Devette wasn't feeling well and that you needed to run upstairs and check on her. So you wanted to know if Lalita felt safe at the party or wanted to leave with you and go back to her room?

She figured that she would "call it a night," and asked you to escort her to room in case the guy that was bothering her planned on trying something else (you did notice that he kept watching her even after you pretended to be her boyfriend).

When you get to her room she invites you in and explains that she might have something that could help provide relief to Devette's stomach, so you go inside the room while Lalita looks for the "Rolaids" or whatever she has to cure a bellyache. However, instead of Lalita coming out with the medication she comes out in a towel and starts teasing you.

Then Lalita tells you: "I'm not feeling well, when you finish checking on Devette are you going to come back to my room and check on me?"


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your next door neighbor, Ella loves to use you as her "tester" when she decides to cook or bake and recently she invited you over to try this tea she recently purchased from the Health food store.

Ella, explained that the tea contains Ashwagandha and Chai and is supposed to be good for your sex drive and since she doesn't currently have a boyfriend she would use you as a "tester" to see what affect it had on you.

Apparently, the tea works!


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You met Riva Jindal at a party this summer held in the "Hamptons," and she sort of drifted your way because she felt that some of the people there were a bit on the snobbish side, in addition to the fact that their a cliquish group.

Most of your time was spend with Riva and you had hope to continue the relationship, but "Cinderella's lost slipper" presented itself in the form of Mr. Jindal. He arrived at the affair sometime later and all hopes of your "fairytale" beginning ended there.

Nevertheless, when the clock struck midnight Riva gave you her business card, and suggested that "if you're willing to put in the work, she might have a position for you." This was a cryptic message to call her at work if you're interested in seeing her again, which you did.

The conversation started off friendly, and then you followed her lead and they began to get more risque, and she even began to provide visual imagines of what could be...

Each day you would contemplate her offers as enticing as they appeared, while trying to preserve what few morals you had left.
But eventually you knew you were slowly "falling down the rabbit hole."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unfortunately, at least 4 coworkers came down with flu-like symptoms and our manager decided that for our monthly meeting should be done via "Zoom." You signed on early and not soon after you got a phone call from one of your coworkers, Diya Singh. Diya was having problems signing on and you were able to talk her through it until she was online.

Diya is a "sweetheart" of a person and would probably make somebody a good wife, and you say this because on more than one occasion when you called in sick, Diya would actually call you at home to check on you and was willing to bring you medication and food if you needed it.

Anyway, the meeting may have lasted about 40 minutes and the beautiful part about working from home is that you didn't have to get fully dressed for it. You could just throw on anything because you were only viewed from the chest up (note: don't be like Jeffery Toobin, lol). After the meeting Diya called you back to "Thank you" once again, and you started talking a bit about the meeting and then the conversation pivoted to other things.

Somehow the subject of "phone sex" came up, and you and Diya joked about how with "Zoom" the woman would have to be attractive since the customer could now see her. Nevertheless, you told Diya that with her look and voice she would make a lot of money. She said "thank," but felt that she was too shy to ever think of doing something like that.

You told her, let's have some fun, and you sent her a "Zoom" link from your computer and had her sign on (it would be a private connection between you and Diya). Just for fun act and pretend you're a phone sex operator...

Diya started off slow, but after a while you channeled her "inner freak," and had you wondering where the hell has this girl been hiding?

And, you like Diya, but you were ready to "risk it all" for this woman.

After she "climaxed" you could no longer see Diya on the screen and she logged off a few seconds later. You tried called her to see if she was okay, but the call went to voice mail.
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She told you that she was coming over because she was bored and just wanted to watch tv or a movie with you (you've gone out a few times and haven't had sex with her).

You basically ignored her because you know that she likes to "tease" you and really focused on the movie. Apparently, she didn't like that...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A good friend of mine told me that he was dating this young girl that worked in McDonald's and was very pretty. He put an emphasis on the fact that she was extremely pretty and he enjoyed her company because she had a very positive outlook on life (not bitter from past relationships).

The funny thing he told me was that he said to her if anyone asks, "we're cousin." He felt self conscious about the age gap and that she looked very young at times.

It makes you wonder, "Why are we so concerned with how other people view our relationships?"


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were invited to a cookout yesterday and took an Uber out to Kelli's house in Long Island. You were Kelli's guest and the plan was to meet with her and then take the Uber to the cookout that was in the "Hamptons."

When you arrive at Kelli's place, no one is home and you can't reach her by phone. Mary Theresa (your Uber driver) feels bad for you and suggest you and her "hang out" at the beach for a little while.

You only "hung out" with Mary Theresa for about an hour (since she has to get back to work), but she was kind enough to drive you back to your original locations and wants to know if you want to spend time with her next weekend?
