Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your cousin, Vanessa does a lot of business with various members of the United Nations in midtown Manhattan, and because of this she tends to get invited to special events and parties. Vanessa felt that it might be nice for you to "hang out" with her as a "Plus One," and invited you to a party last night.

So you threw on a suit and met Vanessa in front of the Millennium Hilton located at One UN Plaza and escorted her to this International soiree which turned out to be fun. However, the evening took a very strange twist.

You had separated from your cousin and was just standing around enjoying the atmosphere when "nature" called and you took a brief trip to the bathroom. This trip to the bathroom was no different from any other trip you took to the bathroom, or so you thought, because as you were washing your hands you were accosted by 2 rather large gentleman.

You had no idea what was going on and they basically ordered you to follow them (you're a bit nervous because they were telling you this as they lead you to the elevator). You're thinking you must have violated some "International law" as they lead you upstairs to room 1407, opened the door and told you to please wait inside (you thought about running out, but you felt that the two behemoths were positioned right outside the door).

Five minutes later, a young lady dressed in a long white and gold trim saree appears and explains that she is the daughter of one of the Diplomats that was in attendance at the party. She also informed you that you met her at the party and that she wanted to get to know you better; however, do to "certain complications" she must keep any relationships she has "State side" very private.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your friend, Bilal set you up on a "blind date" with Selena. Upon arrival you noticed that she was entirely covered up and even had her face covered. Bilal told you that she was a very nice young lady who was looking to get married and he felt that you might like her.

The date went well, although when you offered to treat her to dinner she politely refused (this meant that you still would not be able to see her face). Nevertheless, you stayed respectful to Selena for the entire time.

However, you found that once you got back to Selena's place, she wasn't as pious as she appeared to be...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You became acquainted with Nadia Das because you both worked for the same law firm. She was the first year hot shot graduated from Harvard and you worked in the mailroom. One would assume that you were polar opposites because of the cultural differences and educational backgrounds, but assumptions are nothing more than perceptions not necessarily based in reality.

Initially, you would address her as "Ms. Das" when you would visit her office on your morning mail run and she was quick to inform you that the formality was not necessary and that you should refer address her as Nadia. Although Nadia never asked you to sometimes you would limit you conversations with her because you didn't want the people that she worked with to assume there was more to your relationship than just being coworkers. Furthermore, you could see how some "Colonizers" were trying to plant their flag in the new hire, and their jealous of your friendship with Nadia could affect how they treated her as well as you.

Nadia picked up on this too, which lead to you and her having a long talk about "the office." Which somehow lead to this...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Maryam Rajan has worked with you for years and on occasion mentions her husband Jon and her children. She paints a picture of her having the "perfect life" in her multi bedroom home in Richmond Hills, Queens.

However, this particular evening due to a watermain break in midtown Manhattan train service has been suspended and now she has to find an alternative route home. Even though your heading "uptown" you ask her if she would like you to drive her home? Her face lights up and she accepts your offer.

On the way, she explains a few things that you're not aware of and the first thing is that her husband is not the man that she purports him to be, and she was afraid to ask him to come pick her up because he would have said "No." He works the evening tour 4:00 PM to 12:00 AM, and could have easily taken an early lunch break or said that it was an emergency, but she knew he wouldn't because he had denied her in the past.

You could see the sorrow in her eyes as she told the story, and she tried hard to force a smile. At that point, the subject of her marriage came up again and she said that her marriage to Jon was an arranged one (that she had objected to) and although they have children together, she has never had an orgasm. In addition, to that she has only been with one man, Jon.

Then Maryam asks: "Do you find me attractive?"
You: "Yes"

Maryam: "Then we should have sex."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Aisha worked in your local "Keyfood" supermarket as a cashier, and you came to know her over time since you frequented the store often. She had asked you if you were aware of any place that was hiring because she had been looking for another job and you ended up exchanging phone numbers.

In a "perfect world" she would staying at your place since it was closer to her job, but in reality you never made overtures that you desired a romantic entanglement with her. That's not to say you didn't drop hints, but she would often laugh at your comments.

Late Sunday night around 11:00 PM, you get a phone call from Aisha and she wants to know if she can come over. She explains to you that she needs to get out of the apartment because she has been arguing with her roommate and needs to "cool off," before it gets physical. You told her she was welcome to come over and that you would pay for a cab.

She arrived at your place in about 30 minutes and you met her downstairs so that you could pay for the cab. You could see that Aisha was a bit stress and tried to explain to you what the argument was about with her roommate. When you got upstairs you and Aisha sat in the living room for a few minutes and then she excused herself and went to the bathroom.

Now, you remember Aisha going to the bathroom and not soon after calling you from the bathroom (she needed a wash cloth, soap, towel).

But, you're still not sure how you got here, but you ain't complaining.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Saturday night around 2:00 AM you heard some people in the hallway. It wasn't an argument, but just some women talking as if they were coming home from a party and you looked out the peephole and though you saw Tamara (Tamara currently lives next door). You waited for them to go inside and then you went to take out the garbage and noticed that Tamara had dropped her wallet on the floor.

You had 2 options:
1. Wait until later today and bring the wallet over.
2. Knock on the door now and bring it to her since she's going to need it if she goes out.

You know it's late, but Tamara will be happy to have her wallet, so you tap on the door and she comes to the door (you can hear some of her female friends or cousins laughing and talking in the house while some music is playing).

Now, because Tamara has been drinking she is in a very good mood and comes to the door in "evening wear," and dancing to the music as you try to return her wallet to her.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A very good female friend, Sheila (you've know here for over 20 years) wants to hook you up on a "Blind date" with one of her coworkers.

Her coworker, Padma saw a photograph of you and Sheila together and not only thought you were very attractive, but wanted to meet you.

Sheila set things up, but refuses to show you a picture of Padma, and wants your meeting to be a surprise.

Where do you take Padma on your first date?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You still can't understand why Marla feels such a strong attraction to you when there are plenty of young guys at work that "hit on her?" One might assume that she has "Daddy issues," due to her father being absent in her life. However, the reality is that she lives with her parents and has a very good relationship with her father and one might go as far as to say she is a "Daddy's girl."

So, not soon after you've exchanged numbers with her she starts contacting you and includes erotic messages...
