...dog...WHAT!?!?!?! Losing weight and Mo'Nique turning into the mother from Precious in real life are not the same thing!
You do realize she's not an actor right? Even with her "deep voice" that shyt could sound crazy. But the "data" that she was providing made those Billionaires think they were investing in a sure thing. That whole scenario had NOTHING to do with her voice!
Let me help you out, make this a little more easier for you to digest:
The Christian Bale Dark Knight movies. What's the most memorable thing about the Christian Bale Batman character? The voice! Pete Holmes rose to popularity off of it. Those HISHE still clown that voice for Batman. Those movies would be damn near perfect if it weren't for that voice. Mo'Nique isn't right for that role, and there is nothing wrong with that! She's the only person that thinks getting beat out for a role by Viola Davis is some kind of slight against her.
But I am pretty sure that all that I said will be ignored and you'll pivot to another point, so I'll ask again. Wasn't all them awards for the same role?