DL HUGHLEY: Come on down!! It's Your Turn to Get Shit on By MONIQUE......SMH


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Okay she probably was done wrong, but it's the entertainment business and most know in the entertainment business know it's a lot fk sh#t in it... and most black folk get it the worst. Especially black women with these aggressive attitudes (see Aunt Viv story).

But this aggressive middle linebacker about to blitz the c gap attitude... I can't fk with it.
Same woman proud she don't shave her legs and being a big girl is beautiful and sexy... can't fk with it fam.

She's like the AB of the entertainment business. Burning the very platform she can make the most money in. Who would wanna work with this type masculine energy woman if something don't go her way 100%? She needs some therapy.
I don't know what she thought but I don't know anybody that would think DL would open for her.

Promoter: Monigue we're putting together a comedy show featuring you, DL Hughley and a new comedian and we want YOU to be the headliner

Monique: ME the headliner over DL HUGHLEY????

Promoter: YESSS, you're a bigger name than him

Monique:. REALLY????

Promoter: YESSSS, here's the flyer don't pay attention to his name being first and the big ass picture of his face beside the little pic of you

Monique: OK OK, I'm back baby


Rising Star
Platinum Member
About 14 years ago I was assigned as her bodyguard for the a visit in Chicago. It was the worst assignment I ever had. She filed a complaint with my company about me because I told her she wasn't funny. She tried to belittle me and it didn't work. They ended dropping her as a client because of her actions.

did she talk about you on stage? brah


Rising Star
Platinum Member
When was the last bgol agreed with or supported a black woman who spoke up for herself??



Rising Star
About 14 years ago I was assigned as her bodyguard for the a visit in Chicago. It was the worst assignment I ever had. She filed a complaint with my company about me because I told her she wasn't funny. She tried to belittle me and it didn't work. They ended dropping her as a client because of her actions.
You obviously hate Black women. :rolleyes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I ain't got no dog in this fight....

But what's ya'll take on Monique's paperwork. From the looks of it, she might have to take that up with whomever she did her agreement with and not DL.


I don't really have a dog in this one, either. But assuming nothing is doctored, she has a point. But the fact remains that that's an issue for managers and the like to sort out. No reason to drag DL unless she legit thought or was told that he had something to do with it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I ain't got no dog in this fight....

But what's ya'll take on Monique's paperwork. From the looks of it, she might have to take that up with whomever she did her agreement with and not DL.

She's proving people right about working with her. She could have easily set DL straight by asking if he read the contract and showing him the contract that she signed and compared or something besides what she did.

I think she has a heightened sensitivity to being slighted and that's why the world gets what they get from her...

Other than that I'm here for this shit show...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I ain't got no dog in this fight....

But what's ya'll take on Monique's paperwork. From the looks of it, she might have to take that up with whomever she did her agreement with and not DL.

That’s what I wanted to see.

DL posted his proof and she posted hers. The promoters lied to her and neither one of them wanted to open for the other because they were both headliners on paper and on the stage.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
I ain't got no dog in this fight....

But what's ya'll take on Monique's paperwork. From the looks of it, she might have to take that up with whomever she did her agreement with and not DL.


I don't really have a dog in this one, either. But assuming nothing is doctored, she has a point. But the fact remains that that's an issue for managers and the like to sort out. No reason to drag DL unless she legit thought or was told that he had something to do with it.

Monique said DL says he wasn't going on after her and they changed the line up so that's why she is mad at DL. I still stand by what I said earlier, there's no way Monique was told her and DL HUGHLEY were on the same ticket and she thought she was the headliner, DL has a nationally syndicated radio show that airs 5 days a week, what does she do on the daily? Even after she signed the contracts I'm sure she saw the flyer with DLs name first and that big picture of him on the flyer


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Monique said DL says he wasn't going on after her and they changed the line up so that's why she is mad at DL. I still stand by what I said earlier, there's no way Monique was told her and DL HUGHLEY were on the same ticket and she thought she was the headliner, DL has a nationally syndicated radio show that airs 5 days a week, what does she do on the daily? Even after she signed the contracts I'm sure she saw the flyer with DLs name first and that big picture of him on the flyer

It sounds like Mo’Nique overheard DL say “I ain’t going on before that fat funky bitch”! :roflmao:


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
It sounds like Mo’Nique overheard DL say “I ain’t going on before that fat funky bitch”! :roflmao:

DL probably did say something along those lines too when/if he was told Monique was closing..lol

older version

A version older
That’s what I wanted to see.

DL posted his proof and she posted hers. The promoters lied to her and neither one of them wanted to open for the other because they were both headliners on paper and on the stage.

Interesting that the letterhead from hers is from her own Management team "HICKS Media" , not the promoters. DLs agreement looked like it was from the promoter's side with he as headliner, to control the show lineup and be paid more and he also had in his stack a schedule of appearance that ends his performance at 10:30 that lines up with show end at 10:30 on a piece of paper. Her schedule of appearance ends at 10:25 performance with a 5 minute gap to show end at 10:30.
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