DL HUGHLEY: Come on down!! It's Your Turn to Get Shit on By MONIQUE......SMH

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor

@1:15 :itsawrap:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So she claims she would always be the headliner over DL because he opened for the Kings of Comedy and she closed for the Queens of Comedy

Well I have watched the whole KOC or bits of it at least 10 times over the years

I tried to watch the QOC once and didn't get even halfway through it...... They are all Def Comedy jam comedians and not all on the same show cause their routines are interchangeable.

Not sure how funny it was to others

Queens of Comedy was held in a 2500-seat theater.

The Kings was held in a 10k seat Coliseum.

So she closed for a much smaller show......that argument is debunked and just proves her overinflated self-worth mentality. And you are fucked up if you don't agree ith her.


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
wow..this shit got interesting. Ca't wait to see how DL response. the promoter is about to get sued over this bullshit. Why Mo didn't holla at DL on the low is worth exploring. I guess she got some residual feelings about when they cut her lose.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If the order was changed, talk to the promoter....

But more importantly by her own "contract" she had a hard (pause) "out" at 1hr after the show starts,
or she walks and still gets paid.

There are 3 introductions and an intermission to go through before the headliner steps on stage. In the interest of fan/ audience enjoyment... you'd have to limit Aida and DL to what 15 minutes each to get her on stage in about an hr not including the radio hosts opening for 15 minutes.....

Well......nah, Aida needs 20-25 and DL can take his 30-45 as the closer and she can get on stage before her 1hr limit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
wow..this shit got interesting. Ca't wait to see how DL response. the promoter is about to get sued over this bullshit. Why Mo didn't holla at DL on the low is worth exploring. I guess she got some residual feelings about when they cut her lose.

I don't think shit happens to the promoter.

2 possible scenarios

1) Monique is full of shit , made up some bullshit and had a breakdown..

2) So what she provides as her contract is on her company's letterhead, not the promoters.

Now it's possible that the promoter signed a contract with her company and her company hired her and sent her the contract she is providing as proof. Might be some creative tax strategy.

If that's the case then her company lied to her....or she made that shit up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you go to the website I posted above the promoter has it printed that *LINEUP SUBJECT TO CHANGE* so I don't know if they can use that to

I believe "lineup subject to change" is meant for people who are purchasing tickets, not the talent who should already have these things in their contracts.

Either the promoter promised both they'd be headliner or one of them is full of shit (and my money is on Monique being full of:bullshit:)

No way in hell she headlines over D.L. which is evident by that poster which clearly features him more prominently than anyone else.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you go to the website I posted above the promoter has it printed that *LINEUP SUBJECT TO CHANGE* so I don't know if they can use that to

Okay I will only say this one time.

When it says Line Up Subject to Change, it doesn't mean performance order.

It means that the comedians printed on the tickets and flyers and shit might change This is so you can't get your money back if DL canceled and was replace by Tony Rock you wouldn't demand a refund.

They put that on there because cancelations happen when there is not enough time to reprint and readvertise shit.

you mofokrs really thought it meant who goes last ?

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I believe "lineup subject to change" is meant for people who are purchasing tickets, not the talent who should already have these things in their contracts.

Either the promoter promised both they'd be headliner or one of them is full of shit (and my money is on Monique being full of:bullshit:)

No way in hell she headlines over D.L. which is evident by that poster which clearly features him more prominently than anyone else.

YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you go to the website I posted above the promoter has it printed that *LINEUP SUBJECT TO CHANGE* so I don't know if they can use that to

If that is written into all the contracts then cool, maybe. But a judge is not gonna take a website over a signed contract, it's not gonna happen


Rising Star
So she claims she would always be the headliner over DL because he opened for the Kings of Comedy and she closed for the Queens of Comedy

Well I have watched the whole KOC or bits of it at least 10 times over the years

I tried to watch the QOC once and didn't get even halfway through it...... They are all Def Comedy jam comedians and not all on the same show cause their routines are interchangeable.

Not sure how funny it was to others

Queens of Comedy was held in a 2500-seat theater.

The Kings was held in a 10k seat Coliseum.

So she closed for a much smaller show......that argument is debunked and just proves her overinflated self-worth mentality. And you are fucked up if you don't agree ith her.
That aint a fair comparison from her. :lol: Them chicks' lineup aint fucking with the skill level of the mens' lineup.

She's just the tallest midget with that claim.

(She is just a lil funnier than DL at best IMO)

She tried doing that "WNBA players deserve as much as NBA players" bullshit. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
On the narcissism scale, 34 is the highest number you can score.

Robin Quivers, from the Howard Stern Show, scored a perfect 34. If you know anything about Robin, that's exactly what you would think she would score.

I guarantee, Monique would score a 34 and then get extra points on top of that somehow because of her level of delusion.


Rising Star

He deletes alot of stuff after the comment section gets too crazy. But for example his "God dont like ugly" attack on Kevin Samuels after he died. He did a long video rant, memes of him in heaven, just caddy hoe shit that no man should do. So him going toe to toe with a chick is inline with just shit a man would fly above


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
youre saying an...
Academy Award
Golden Globe,
Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award,
New York Film Critics Circle Award,
Chicago Film Critics Association Award,
Independent Spirit Award,
Screen Actors Guild Award,
National Society of Film Critics Award,
BAFTA Film Award
and Sundance Film Festival's Special Jury Prize
winner for best actress playing the part of incredibly abused/abuser... can't be intense.... for a comic book movie.





Aren't these awards for the same role though???

The most well received actors for the Amanda Waller character have been CCH Pounder (while animation she could pull off live action if she wanted to) and then VIola Davis. Listen to their voices and then listen to Mo'Nique. Just her pitch makes her horrible for the role. She is built like the original Waller, but she just ain't got IT for that character.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Aren't these awards for the same role though???

The most well received actors for the Amanda Waller character have been CCH Pounder (while animation she could pull off live action if she wanted to) and then VIola Davis. Listen to their voices and then listen to Mo'Nique. Just her pitch makes her horrible for the role. She is built like the original Waller, but she just ain't got IT for that character.
thats why its called ACTING....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
thats why its called ACTING....

...so she...Mo'Nique...is gonna change the pitch of her voice?

You listed all those awards, but aren't they for the same role? I mean what's the one thing you NEVER do for a character? You NEVER go full retard, she went full retard in Precious.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
...so she...Mo'Nique...is gonna change the pitch of her voice?

You listed all those awards, but aren't they for the same role? I mean what's the one thing you NEVER do for a character? You NEVER go full retard, she went full retard in Precious.
so when christian bale and 50 cent lost dozens of pounds to play cancer victims was that not full retard???




this bitch changed the pitch of her voice at 20 years old and fooled BILLIONAIRES into backing her bullshit business and it was the only role she ever played too..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
so when christian bale and 50 cent lost dozens of pounds to play cancer victims was that not full retard???




this bitch changed the pitch of her voice at 20 years old and fooled BILLIONAIRES into backing her bullshit business and it was the only role she ever played too..

...dog...WHAT!?!?!?! Losing weight and Mo'Nique turning into the mother from Precious in real life are not the same thing!

You do realize she's not an actor right? Even with her "deep voice" that shyt could sound crazy. But the "data" that she was providing made those Billionaires think they were investing in a sure thing. That whole scenario had NOTHING to do with her voice!

Let me help you out, make this a little more easier for you to digest:
The Christian Bale Dark Knight movies. What's the most memorable thing about the Christian Bale Batman character? The voice! Pete Holmes rose to popularity off of it. Those HISHE still clown that voice for Batman. Those movies would be damn near perfect if it weren't for that voice. Mo'Nique isn't right for that role, and there is nothing wrong with that! She's the only person that thinks getting beat out for a role by Viola Davis is some kind of slight against her.

But I am pretty sure that all that I said will be ignored and you'll pivot to another point, so I'll ask again. Wasn't all them awards for the same role?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Nah it was on paid cable and it did well.

Okay, but still premiering on Showtime vs a theatrical release in 2001 was not the same back then. On top of the comedians that they had on there; Adele Givens, Laura Hayes and Sommore. She SHOULD be closing this lineup out!!! None of them are on her level. You could make the argument that any one of the Kings of Comedy should headline (personally I think Cedric is the weakest link) Sommore is the only one of this group that MIGHT have a set to rival Mo'Nique, but I would doubt it!