Drake Fucked my Fiancée of 8 years LMAOOO


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Perhaps you’re the exception to the rule but my experience tells me that every woman will cheat.

I will tell all of the men who are listening what to watch out for....

First of all, if your woman is on the “scene” chasing fame from Instagram, some sort of modeling bs, music career, acting, etc. AND, you’re just a regular type of guy who’s not part of that world, I swear to God, there’s almost a 100% guarantee she will cheat.

second scenario (which is hard to believe, but it’s true). If you’re a man who got his act together. Lets say you’re good looking, stay in shape, have a nice car, crib, a good gig, and you are a solid 8 or 9 and let’s say you get with a girl thats somewhat of a mismatch for you. For instance, she used to be the bomb but now she has 2-3 kids, her money/credit isn’t good, she’s always needs help, etc... let’s put her looks at a 6-7. Keep in mind, you love this bitch and you’re helping her with her kids that she has from some other guys. You help her bum ass out with money because she can’t manage money for shit. You help her out with errands and everything. You are probably thinking that you don’t mind the extra sacrifice because you know she appreciates all you do and there’s no way she’d cheat. YOU ARE WRONG! Women who are losers know that they are losers. Being with a guy like you is a daily self esteem blow for this bitch. She notices attention you get from women when you go out. She is always feeling insecure, fat, etc. She realizes that she isn’t who she was 10 years ago. She might have love for you but she also has resentment for you as well. Every time you get attention from another woman, she feels worse about herself because she knows that she really doesn’t have anything to keep you. She knows that there are literally millions of better options for you, so, she secretly resents you. Meanwhile, your dumb ass is all in love with this bitch and you’re turning down bad bitches every day because you’re tired of being in the game. You’re looking to legitimately settle down, but this bitch is unhappy with herself, so to make herself feel more desirable, she will seek out attention (just think of that Aisha Curry debacle where she was upset over all of stephs attention and wanted more men in her DM).

Most likely your woman will cheat with someone familiar. Some ex nigga that she’s in touch with on social media or someone on her job. These are women’s preferred choices when cheating. I swear to god this will ALWAYS happen.

My advice to men is this... if you’re looking for a marriage type of relationship, your only option is to get with someone who’s similar to you with income, physical looks, status, etc. It’s probably better if she is 1-2 points better looking than you as well. This gives her the illusion of security. If she feels legitimately good about herself a d is confident that you aren’t getting more shine then her, she will not need other men to give her a self esteem boost. It’s never a good idea to get with a woman who you’re better looking than on a scale of 1-10.

women are a fucking mess. The only niggas who are truly happy are single men who fuck married women. Those women will do every for you and you don’t have to worry about being hurt.

Co-sign this actually happen to me! Women was hollering at me in front of my ex. Flirting and everything crazy thing I was with an attractive woman when I met my ex. She couldn’t keep up with my circle and income..felt like she was a loser. So she went back to her ex. I charge it to the game and continue to chase money and if you chase money women chase you period!

Return shorty back to the streets met this fine as gynecologist. Big house laid out crib, great credit etc etc. While I had to put a restraining order out on my ex, shit got real ugly. FYI for the fellas restraining order don’t work, police will take the woman side 10/10 times even though she at my house!

Only thing I disagree with you on I don’t fuck with no married women. My co-workers wives be coming on to me, can’t fuck up my job and money!


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Perhaps you’re the exception to the rule but my experience tells me that every woman will cheat.

I will tell all of the men who are listening what to watch out for....

First of all, if your woman is on the “scene” chasing fame from Instagram, some sort of modeling bs, music career, acting, etc. AND, you’re just a regular type of guy who’s not part of that world, I swear to God, there’s almost a 100% guarantee she will cheat.

second scenario (which is hard to believe, but it’s true). If you’re a man who got his act together. Lets say you’re good looking, stay in shape, have a nice car, crib, a good gig, and you are a solid 8 or 9 and let’s say you get with a girl thats somewhat of a mismatch for you. For instance, she used to be the bomb but now she has 2-3 kids, her money/credit isn’t good, she’s always needs help, etc... let’s put her looks at a 6-7. Keep in mind, you love this bitch and you’re helping her with her kids that she has from some other guys. You help her bum ass out with money because she can’t manage money for shit. You help her out with errands and everything. You are probably thinking that you don’t mind the extra sacrifice because you know she appreciates all you do and there’s no way she’d cheat. YOU ARE WRONG! Women who are losers know that they are losers. Being with a guy like you is a daily self esteem blow for this bitch. She notices attention you get from women when you go out. She is always feeling insecure, fat, etc. She realizes that she isn’t who she was 10 years ago. She might have love for you but she also has resentment for you as well. Every time you get attention from another woman, she feels worse about herself because she knows that she really doesn’t have anything to keep you. She knows that there are literally millions of better options for you, so, she secretly resents you. Meanwhile, your dumb ass is all in love with this bitch and you’re turning down bad bitches every day because you’re tired of being in the game. You’re looking to legitimately settle down, but this bitch is unhappy with herself, so to make herself feel more desirable, she will seek out attention (just think of that Aisha Curry debacle where she was upset over all of stephs attention and wanted more men in her DM).

Most likely your woman will cheat with someone familiar. Some ex nigga that she’s in touch with on social media or someone on her job. These are women’s preferred choices when cheating. I swear to god this will ALWAYS happen.

My advice to men is this... if you’re looking for a marriage type of relationship, your only option is to get with someone who’s similar to you with income, physical looks, status, etc. It’s probably better if she is 1-2 points better looking than you as well. This gives her the illusion of security. If she feels legitimately good about herself a d is confident that you aren’t getting more shine then her, she will not need other men to give her a self esteem boost. It’s never a good idea to get with a woman who you’re better looking than on a scale of 1-10.

women are a fucking mess. The only niggas who are truly happy are single men who fuck married women. Those women will do every for you and you don’t have to worry about being hurt.

You speak some truth but there's no rules to this homie. If you bagging married chicks you just a side piece and it's a 90% chance her husband is cheating too. Not sure why dudes think this is some type of great shit. Chicks got dudes gassed up when they coming off the bench while she taking that ass back home every night. While married men bagging tons of single chicks. Truly happy because you won't get hurt? Do these dudes pee sitting down too? What the fuck bro? That's some beta male shit. I'm just saying. No risk, no reward.

Marry your equal is wise words. You lost me with the Aisha Curry being a loser tho. She's a dime and does have a little something going on. But chicks do get envious of successful brothers. Fine chicks are insecure because most dudes scared to step to them. But don't think for a minute any of this shit makes sense. There's no rules and people do some fucked up shit to each other trying to make themselves feel good. Shit that's not in their best interest. Our personal experiences are just that. They are not facts or truths. Whatever happens, happens. Shit makes you stronger if you a real one.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let me ask the fam something.....

Does it seem like Drake goes after women who are already "supposed to be in relationships" already?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You speak some truth but there's no rules to this homie. If you bagging married chicks you just a side piece and it's a 90% chance her husband is cheating too. Not sure why dudes think this is some type of great shit. Chicks got dudes gassed up when they coming off the bench while she taking that ass back home every night. While married men bagging tons of single chicks. Truly happy because you won't get hurt? Do these dudes pee sitting down too? What the fuck bro? That's some beta male shit. I'm just saying. No risk, no reward.

Marry your equal is wise words. You lost me with the Aisha Curry being a loser tho. She's a dime and does have a little something going on. But chicks do get envious of successful brothers. Fine chicks are insecure because most dudes scared to step to them. But don't think for a minute any of this shit makes sense. There's no rules and people do some fucked up shit to each other trying to make themselves feel good. Shit that's not in their best interest. Our personal experiences are just that. They are not facts or truths. Whatever happens, happens. Shit makes you stronger if you a real one.

Spoke on this before with the fellas, fellas think they winning by being a side piece. She got two guys while y’all share one girl. Cut that woman off and realize your the prize. Go back to the drawing board and come back with two single women. So now you got two women you smashing.


News didn’t tell the people the office was fucking the mans wife.
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We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Checking is for girlfriends and fuck buddies.
Once you see a ring on a finger, you better understand you are fucking with my money. Depending on how big that ring is, thats how much money is going on your head if you fuck with certain people's wife.

Weddings and Divorces cost big money and best believe if Im the breadwinner your ass is going pay for my divorce. Most you niggas try to act as if you dudes are players, that are going to female to female as they please.

The reality is most of you are dusty ass lying ass niggas who can't keep your females or story straight. Most of you dudes dont ask questions even if you see s ring. In 2021 people don't respect personal boundaries. So to answer your question it doesn't take a woman flirting for a man to hit on her. A long as shes attractive you are gonna take your shot.

The only thing that will stop most you asshole are if you know you money or health is gonna be in question. I dont have stats on this but I bet most murders in 2021 aint shit but fucked up triangle that could be prevented if dudes had some boundaries. At some point you have to grow up and control your dick because women will be emotional until menopause.

Whats funny is that Im am the least clingly and most nonchalant dude a female could be with. Im up front with my intentions and lie 95% less than most dudes. Cheating females aint my problem. Hell my approach keeps the pussy wet because if she into you she loves the fact that you aint willing to share.

That's for the wife only. Not speaking directly on Drake but just in general. Like Mayweathers BF killing himself because Trey Songz fucked his wife. Would have done better offing Trey ass and making his wife dissapear before the divorce trial.

Might ass well get some satisfaction before you off yourself. That dumbass went out the worse way. Im referencing that more than Drake. But I agree he's a dumb ass for leaving his fiance with Drake hoe ass. But shit like this lis why black people have trust issues and cantt work together.

If you can't control your basic sexual urges how to ever you going to achieve any real organized accomplishments. Silly shit like this keeps African ad African Americans constantly behind because white people know they can control us with our dicks.

Drake knows who to pull that with. Because I guarantee he is yes mam no mam with whomever J Prince is fucking. I guarantee he aint puiling that shit with any street dude like Lil Durk either.

I remember when one of these lil Chicago drill rappers "gave the beats" to another untalented ATL thot rapper cus of some prohibited pussy behavior. My point is Drake knows who to pull that with and yall nigga should too. Because one day your dick will get you in trouble and you will never see that payback coming.
All I'm saying is that it's up to the woman to shut it down. If she doesn't shut the guy down, it's going to happen.

It won't matter how you feel, or how anyone feels. That's the bottom line.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
he did him a favor. indirectly.

she was always going to jump to the higher branch. only a matter of time. not the woman you want to marry


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man. I know a couple of women who use to f*** celebrities back in the day. I use to tell them at the time that ONE day that shit would come back to haunt their ass. That day came and we drag their asses mercilessly. The celebrities? Milli Vanilli. (CTFU) Oh that shit is hilarious.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Its been a while Hi!

Seriously when was the last time you even heard of an 8 year engagement? Maybe someone incarcerated. An 8 year engagement, would you do it? Or would you start to feel the relationship was going no where? Getting stale like a two day open loaf of bread? 8 years is two presidential terms. Most engagements I thought were like a year maybe two.


I've never heard of an 8 year engagement. Heck, even the movie title was only The 5-year Engagement, and that was 3-3.5 years too long. One or both don't want to get married.


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
Game is the game and Drake has top-flight security around him 24/7/365, which might be the only reason his dirty mackin won’t catch up to him.