Fuck this place! (The Expat thread)

I have been trying to leave for the longest, they have blocked every attempt I have made. I just don't want to stay here and deal with the retarded schemes that white supremacists come up with to showcase their supposedly superior intellect.

I just want to cut my ties with the US and live in peace somewhere else, not have to deal with the uncivilized behavior and crying like what they did over some companies display for pride month.
I have been trying to leave for the longest, they have blocked every attempt I have made. I just don't want to stay here and deal with the retarded schemes that white supremacists come up with to showcase their supposedly superior intellect.

I just want to cut my ties with the US and live in peace somewhere else, not have to deal with the uncivilized behavior and crying like what they did over some companies display for pride month.
What’s stopping you? I’m 100k of liquid cash away from my goal. After that, I’m out.
I have enough for sure. If I just sell the cars it’s 100k, I could live several years off that alone. I’ve been to the D.R a couple times. I’m gonna visit Thailand, Indonesia and The Med to rule places out. Portugal and Spain are overrun with expats and will run up the cost of living. I’m trying to get in early and cheap somewhere that isn’t poppin yet.
You should check out Colombia. Beautiful women, and the cost of living is good. You can actually have a decent meal for about $10, most uber rides are about $2. Thailand is great as well.

First of all, GREAT thread.

I've temporarily come out of lurking status to offer a caveat: do you homework, and be thorough about it.

About this video: Costa Rica is a very RACIST country. Funny how they don't mention this. Having lived there (withing the last 10 years), I never, ever found San Jose to be welcoming to anyone not white, or perceived to be American (read WEALTHY). The only place that is welcoming to Black folks is the province of Puerto Limon. That is where the vast majority of Black, Indian, and multi-racial people live.

That being said, there is NO substitute for visiting a place, at length, to get to know a place.
Watch these and other videos about travel with your common sense engaged. There is often a hidden motive behind them, such as being palatable so as to gain more "likes" and monetize the venture.

Just sayin'.
First of all, GREAT thread.

I've temporarily come out of lurking status to offer a caveat: do you homework, and be thorough about it.

About this video: Costa Rica is a very RACIST country. Funny how they don't mention this. Having lived there (withing the last 10 years), I never, ever found San Jose to be welcoming to anyone not white, or perceived to be American (read WEALTHY). The only place that is welcoming to Black folks is the province of Puerto Limon. That is where the vast majority of Black, Indian, and multi-racial people live.

That being said, there is NO substitute for visiting a place, at length, to get to know a place.
Watch these and other videos about travel with your common sense engaged. There is often a hidden motive behind them, such as being palatable so as to gain more "likes" and monetize the venture.

Just sayin'.
I’ve been there and I saw what you saw. Same with The D.R; which is more racist than Costa Rica, but ninjas still flock there. It’s not on my short list but I see why many have it on theirs.

Damn that pool is nice!!!!!
