Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
Did I miss it, but did anyone ask whether the Dothraki got wiped out? I know it sure looks like it, but who can tell with all the clouds and darkness. Hard to believe that they just are gone from the face of the earth, leaving half the Unsullied as Dany's only fighting force left along with maybe one dragon.

How white people will see it: They weaked Dany army by killing off the darthraki and most of the unsullied. So cersi has a chance at winninf.

How militants will see it: Basically all the brown people were sacrificed 1st.

Im mixed about it cause that was not a glorious death for the darthraki.

The unsullied made more sense cause they fight like statues that feel no pain.


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Arya at the next great hall meeting when bran tells everyone what she did



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yall niggas kill me with the straw man argument. No one argued that the NK should have killed everyone with his bare hands. We're arguing that the main antagonist's storyline was brought to conclusion without covering his intent nor requiring him to display the extremity of his capabilities.

Dude, they COVERED the Night King’s intent.
But you ignored it.

In last episode, they had a big discussion during the battle planning where Bran said: “He wants an Endless Night. He wants to destroy this world. And I am it’s memory”

Newsflash >> This Line told you what the Night King’s INTENT was. :yes:

Then Sam chimes in and says: “That’s what Death is... innit? Our memories separate us from animals. If I wanted to destroy this world.. I would start with you (Bran) also.”

Newsflash >> This Line REINFORCES what the Night King’s intent was. :rolleyes:

People have waited 8 years for that simple explanation. But it wasn’t enough for you. :smh: or you were not paying attention. Or you had it in your mind that the Night King was some important character that needed several episodes to unravel all his deepest mysteries. :rolleyes:

No, they don’t need some convoluted backstory for the Night King because some of us know that villains don’t always need a ‘complex reason’ to do the shit they do. :smh:



You been watching the Night King “display the extremity of his capabilities” for YEARS now.
  • He brings the Storm. :yes: Clearly.
  • He can raise the Dead (this power alone should be enough for you :hmm:)
  • He can survive a High Fall... because he’s already dead. :rolleyes:
  • He can withstand Dragonfire.
  • He can freeze the ground.
  • He too cold for ordinary fire to affect him.
  • He can toss an Ice Javelin ‘hard enough’ to Kill a Dragon.
  • He can turn newborn babies into MORE White Walkers, like himself.

How much MORE do you need to know / or see?? :dunno:

“This shit wack. I wish I could’ve seen the Night King’s UPPER LIMITS” :hmm:

Apparently, You just salty because the show simply refused to venture off into Dragonball-Z territory. :rolleyes:

Thus, when he died the way he did, it left many viewers feeling let down. Multiple people in this very thread keep saying it in various ways. It's because the producers slightly missed the mark there... despite all those same people saying it was still the greatest episode they've seen. Yall are acting like real bitches in response to people saying "although it was great, I wish I would have gotten a little more of the NK considering the years run-up to his apex moment".

Just say you were satisfied with it and you through it was perfect. Stop all the bullshit with "what did yall want him to do?.... become Sub Zero". That's stupid.

You felt let down because you missed the important dialogue.... and the Night King did not go “Super-Sayin” mode. :rolleyes:
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Rising Star
A lot of ppl are just disappointed because they thought NK would have hands or at least display them once if he did

Dude, they COVERED the Night King’s intent.
But you ignored it.

In this very episode, they had a big discussion during the battle planning where Bran said: “He wants to destroy this world. And I am it’s memory”

Newsflash >> This Line told you what the Night King’s intent was. :yes:

Then Sam chimes in and says: “That’s what Death is... innit? Our memories separate us from animals. If I wanted to destroy this world.. I would start with you (Bran) also.”

Newsflash >> This Line REINFORCES what the Night King’s intent was. :rolleyes:

People have waited 8 years for that simple explanation. But it wasn’t enough for you. :smh: or you were not paying attention. Or you had it in your mind that the Night King was some important character

No, they don’t need some convoluted backstory for the Night King because some of us know that villains don’t always need a ‘good reason’ to do the shit they do. :smh:



You been watching the Night King “display the extremity of his capabilities” for YEARS now.

- He can raise the Dead (this power alone should be enough for you :hmm:)

- He brings the Storm. Clearly.

- He can survive a High Fall

- He can withstand Dragonfire.

- He can freeze the ground.

- He too cold for ordinary fire to affect

- He can toss an Ice Javelin ‘hard enough’ to Kill a Dragon.

- He can turn newborn babies into MORE White Walkers, like himself.

How much MORE do you need to know?? :dunno:

“This shit wack. I wish I could’ve seen the Night King’s UPPER LIMITS” :hmm:

Apparently, You salty because the show simply refused to venture off into Dragonball-Z territory. :rolleyes:

You felt let down because you missed the important dialogue.... and the Night King did not go “Super-Sayin” mode. :rolleyes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What do you mean? They are already forever aligned? House Mormont swears fealty to House Stark.
House Stark should forever align themselves with House Mormont.

It wasn't that many Mormonts, but they proved that they were about that action.


Rising Star
I hope Cersei and Euron make the final battle a lot harder on them. One reason I like Euron so much is in the books, Euron is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more sinister and evil and powerful. The show version of Euron is basically comic relief by comparison. I hope they get into the book "lore" when it comes to Euron in these final two episodes and have him put on the Valyrian steel armor and call the kraken on their ass


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
You felt let down because you missed the important dialogue.... and the Night King did not go “Super-Sayin” mode. :rolleyes:

Yall niggas are ridiculous. I've watched the show twice. I've read a ton of supplementary material. I've already laid out in this thread what I thought the NK's intent was and why this war was initiated. I'm saying I don't think they did a compelling job of executing on that in a way that connects in the final episode. I swear you niggas think because someone disagrees with you that they don't understand. Sit the fuck down. The execution of his death leaves much to be desired... thus the fucking complaints about it by literally millions of people. There is no quantifiable or qualifiable argument for it. It's an opinion. You aren't right. I'm not right. It's clearly a subjective evaluation based on how certain people prefer the arch of a powerful antagonist to take before his demise. His death didn't fully resonate with a lot of people because of the shortcomings in which he was dealt with in this battle.

And you're doing the super stupid ass Straw man bullshit again. I didn't argue that the shit was wack. I said it was the difference between a 9.99999 to me and a 10. Yall niggas acting butt fucking hurt over the .00001

I also didn't say they needed a drawn-out backstory where the NK rights out his intentions in his daily Ice Diary. FOH. Stop being so obtuse.

I can't believe yall niggas are dragging this out over this comment

Yeah. I imagine we're going to see where Bran was during that battle and that will be used as a way to explain it. But his death seemed a bit anti-climatic... intense because of the moment, but the payoff would have been better had it taken much more to kill him....but maybe I'm just being picky
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Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
I'm glad Lady Mormont died,she was annoying.

I have no problem with Arya killing the Night King but I would have been nice to see him fight her. They big him up as this threat yet he gets taking out,so easy..

It's disappointing that Daenerys keep getting bailed out..I want her to die.

Outside of Arya,last night's episode was boring....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bro these niggas are dumb bitches that are used to soul plane level movies. Don’t sweat the band wagon fans.
Yall niggas are ridiculous. I've watched the show twice. I've read a ton of supplementary material. I've already laid out in this thread what I thought the NK's intent was and why this war was initiated. I'm saying I don't think they did a compelling job of executing on that in a way that connects in the final episode. I swear you niggas think because someone disagrees with you that they don't understand. Sit the fuck down. The execution of his death leaves much to be desired... thus the fucking complaints about it by literally millions of people. There is no quantifiable or qualifiable argument for it. It's an opinion. You aren't right. I'm not right. It's clearly a subjective evaluation based on how certain people prefer the arch of a powerful antagonist to take before his demise. His death didn't fully resonate with a lot of people because of the shortcomings in which he was dealt with in this battle.

And doing the super stupid ass Straw man bullshit again. I didn't argue that the shit was wack. I said it was the difference between a 9.99999 to me and a 10. Yall niggas acting butt fucking hurt over the .00001

I also didn't say they needed a drawn-out backstory where the NK rights out his intentions in his daily Ice Diary. FOH. Stop being so obtuse.

I can't believe yall niggas are dragging this out over this comment


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Show Euron is a bitch.
I hope Cersei and Euron make the final battle a lot harder on them. One reason I like Euron so much is in the books, Euron is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more sinister and evil and powerful. The show version of Euron is basically comic relief by comparison. I hope they get into the book "lore" when it comes to Euron in these final two episodes and have him put on the Valyrian steel armor and call the kraken on their ass


Rising Star
Btw i expected Melisandre to come to winterfell beginning of this ep but thought she was going to come with a gang of red priests/priestesses, she rode up on the horse dolo like dam bitch where you been this whole time and what u been doing


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yall niggas are ridiculous. I've watched the show twice. I've read a ton of supplementary material. I've already laid out in this thread what I thought the NK's intent was and why this war was initiated.

Nah bro, they TOLD YOU what the NK’s INTENT was.... so who gives a fuck ‘what you thought it SHOULD BE’ at this point. :hmm:

And this is the whole problem.

“The books are the books. And the show is the show.” - GRRM

But you caught up ‘in your feelings’... in that wasteland between the Books and the Tv show. :yes:

Notice, I made lots of predictions in this thread. And I was dead wrong. But you don’t see me COMPLAINING that ‘my predictions’ don’t match up to what the Writers wrote.

But YOU DO. :yes:

And that’s the BIG difference.

Nobody is creating a Strawman Argument. :smh: Because You been bitching that ‘what you saw on tv’... doesn’t match up to ‘what YOU THINK the Night King should have been, in terms of seeing him in Combat, and hearing all about his past-life:... and seeing him unleash his “Upper Power Limits” when he goes FULL Super-Sayan mode. :yes:

And you also complained that he was killed too easily. :yes: Because we don’t know his ‘upper power limits’ and all his Hand-to-Hand Combat skills whenever he goes Full Sayan. :rolleyes:

Nah bruh, I heard you very clearly. :yes:
I understood it the first time you wrote it. :D


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Listen. I will even ignore the physics. A human can’t ride a dragon for so many reasons. Dragons aren’t real. Even if they were you would fall off. Even if you could hold on you would be hurt by the wind speed. You also would be blinded. You also could not breathe. So let’s not even mention riding dragons. Everyone will just sound dumb.
You try and put a saddle on a dragon and if you don't come back a 2 piece extra dark then I'll try it
Until then?

Jon I think could hold on he's got strength he's a fighter

Nah she's not about that grip strength shit lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My point it is written badly. Duck the books then. Ok write a good show. This show has been sucking for the last 2 seasons. Y’all lanes don’t wanna admit the shit. There is no drama and y’all forcing it. The NK motivation was lame abs how he went out was lame. Him smiling threw the films was Freddy Kruger level corny.
Nah bro, they TOLD YOU what the NK’s INTENT was.... so who gives a fuck ‘what you thought it SHOULD BE’ at this point. :hmm:

And this is the whole problem.

“The books are the books. And the show is the show.” - GRRM

But you caught up ‘in your feelings’... in that wasteland between the Books and the Tv show. :yes:

Notice, I made lots of predictions in this thread. And I was dead wrong. But you don’t see me COMPLAINING that ‘my predictions’ don’t match up to what the Writers wrote.

But YOU DO. :yes:

And that’s the BIG difference.

Nobody is creating a Strawman Argument. :smh: Because You been bitching that ‘what you saw on tv’... doesn’t match up to ‘what YOU THINK the Night King should have been, in terms of seeing him in Combat, and hearing all about his past-life:... and seeing him unleash his “Upper Power Limits” when he goes FULL Super-Sayan mode. :yes:

And you also complained that he was killed too easily. :yes: Because we don’t know his ‘upper power limits’ and all his Hand-to-Hand Combat skills whenever he goes Full Sayan. :rolleyes:

Nah bruh, I heard you very clearly. :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stop with the “All Time Shit”.

Archie Bunkers place was a much better show than this shit.

Sneaking up on Jon Snow isn’t that special of a feat. He is a dope. The Night King is a supernatural demon with mad ducking powers.

Play it out more and let us see some drama. Lame ass writers. Homo bitches.

The same way she walked right up on Jon in knee deep snow at the very same spot without him hearing her.
GoT is the most foreshadowing azz show of all time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Right. She just rode up. Light some fires and killed herself. Like ok. That makes sense. I thought you were looking for the chosen one? Forgot about that?
Btw i expected Melisandre to come to winterfell beginning of this ep but thought she was going to come with a gang of red priests/priestesses, she rode up on the horse dolo like dam bitch where you been this whole time and what u been doing


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Nah bro, they TOLD YOU what the NK’s INTENT was.... so who gives a fuck ‘what you thought it SHOULD BE’ at this point. :hmm:

You can't be serious. You didn't tell me what the NK's intent was. And I didn't say what I thought his intent "should" be. I talked about the execution on it. You're too busy trying to argue that you're struggling with reading comprehension. You're being a real bitch right now, champ. Take your medicine for your cramps. Yall acting like butt-hurt Renly right now.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
But you caught up ‘in your feelings’... in that wasteland between the Books and the Tv show. :yes:

Who said anything about the the books? Stop being an assuming idiot.

Notice, I made lots of predictions in this thread. And I was dead wrong. But you don’t see me COMPLAINING that ‘my predictions’ don’t match up to what the Writers wrote.

Who the fuck said anything about predictions? That's why I said you're being a straw-man faggot right now.

Nobody is creating a Strawman Argument. :smh: Because You been bitching that ‘what you saw on tv’... doesn’t match up to ‘what YOU THINK the Night King should have been,

Do you know what a strawman is? You clearly don't :smh:

And you also complained that he was killed too easily. :yes: Because we don’t know his ‘upper power limits’ and all his Hand-to-Hand Combat skills whenever he goes Full Sayan. :rolleyes:

Nah bruh, I heard you very clearly. :yes:
I understood it the first time you wrote it. :D

Exactly what a strawman is, above, Renly.

Fall back. I'm not going to keep arguing with you in this thread. Yall niggas really act like fucking girls sometimes though... not the girls on GoT though... like certified bitches


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yall niggas kill me with the straw man argument. No one argued that the NK should have killed everyone with his bare hands. We're arguing that the main antagonist's storyline was brought to conclusion without covering his intent nor requiring him to display the extremity of his capabilities. Thus, when he died the way he did, it left many viewers feeling let down. Multiple people in this very thread keep saying it in various ways. It's because the producers slightly missed the mark there... despite all those same people saying it was still the greatest episode they've seen. Yall are acting like real bitches in response to people saying "although it was great, I wish I would have gotten a little more of the NK considering the years run-up to his apex moment".

Just say you were satisfied with it and you through it was perfect. Stop all the bullshit with "what did yall want him to do?.... become Sub Zero". That's stupid.[/QUOi

I dont understand why people want to see a had to hand combat between NK when a slight touch by valerian steel will destroy him. He saw his General weapon get destroyed and then killed by Valerian Steel.

They played to their strengths by using their numbers. The sheer volume of their army and ability to resurrect the death was their strength. Why go toe to toe? Ppl have to think for a second.

The Knight and his generals never engaged anyone with Valerian sword. They cant survive a stab or Slash.


Master Tittay Poster
Platinum Member
"Arya’s defining moment does beg the question of whether or not she — and not Jon or Dany as has been widely speculated — is the One Who Was Promised.

According to the prophecy of the One Who Was Promised, the One, a prophesied savior in the religion of R’hllor who is the reincarnation of legendary hero Azor Ahai, is destined to “lead the people against a darkness” by wielding a flaming sword called Lightbringer.

“There will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world,” it reads. “In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him.”


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor

Me and @largebillsonlyplease have already discussed this. The NK did was he was supposed to do. That's not where the issue is. The payoff for the audience would have been stronger if, even just for a short period of time, that advantage was neutralized (like it seemed to be for a second before the NK resurrected the dead), and we'd see engagement on a different level. The NK not going out of his way to engage unnecessarily was not the issue. What I'm saying is that it could have been a richer climax had it become necessary for him. With that being said, I still gave it at 9.99999 out of 10.
