Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why does he want an endless night nigga. Why? They didn’t say why? In a good drama the villain has an exposition!!!!!!!!!! Shakespeare damn it.

Also night king is so powerful but the stabbed in the back?
Dude, they COVERED the Night King’s intent.
But you ignored it.

In last episode, they had a big discussion during the battle planning where Bran said: “He wants an Endless Night. He wants to destroy this world. And I am it’s memory”

Newsflash >> This Line told you what the Night King’s INTENT was. :yes:

Then Sam chimes in and says: “That’s what Death is... innit? Our memories separate us from animals. If I wanted to destroy this world.. I would start with you (Bran) also.”

Newsflash >> This Line REINFORCES what the Night King’s intent was. :rolleyes:

People have waited 8 years for that simple explanation. But it wasn’t enough for you. :smh: or you were not paying attention. Or you had it in your mind that the Night King was some important character that needed several episodes to unravel all his deepest mysteries. :rolleyes:

No, they don’t need some convoluted backstory for the Night King because some of us know that villains don’t always need a ‘complex reason’ to do the shit they do. :smh:



You been watching the Night King “display the extremity of his capabilities” for YEARS now.
  • He brings the Storm. :yes: Clearly.
  • He can raise the Dead (this power alone should be enough for you :hmm:)
  • He can survive a High Fall... because he’s already dead. :rolleyes:
  • He can withstand Dragonfire.
  • He can freeze the ground.
  • He too cold for ordinary fire to affect him.
  • He can toss an Ice Javelin ‘hard enough’ to Kill a Dragon.
  • He can turn newborn babies into MORE White Walkers, like himself.

How much MORE do you need to know / or see?? :dunno:

“This shit wack. I wish I could’ve seen the Night King’s UPPER LIMITS” :hmm:

Apparently, You just salty because the show simply refused to venture off into Dragonball-Z territory. :rolleyes:

You felt let down because you missed the important dialogue.... and the Night King did not go “Super-Sayin” mode. :rolleyes:

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Stop with the “All Time Shit”.

Archie Bunkers place was a much better show than this shit.

Sneaking up on Jon Snow isn’t that special of a feat. He is a dope. The Night King is a supernatural demon with mad ducking powers.

Play it out more and let us see some drama. Lame ass writers. Homo bitches.
You've got to be on the fucking autism spectrum or something.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
What do you mean? They are already forever aligned? House Mormont swears fealty to House Stark.
I mean more formally through marriage or something like that.

They should have a tighter bond than a fealty one. They had a fealty bond with the Boltons as well... Look how that turned out.


Rising Star
Btw i expected Melisandre to come to winterfell beginning of this ep but thought she was going to come with a gang of red priests/priestesses, she rode up on the horse dolo like dam bitch where you been this whole time and what u been doing

She's the real MVP.


Rising Star
Why does he want an endless night nigga. Why? They didn’t say why? In a good drama the villain has an exposition!!!!!!!!!! Shakespeare damn it.

Also night king is so powerful but the stabbed in the back?

Well he wants an endless night because the children of forest created him to kill all of mankind in Westeros. In classic fantasy lore, they could not control their creation.

Theres still alot for us to learn, but here his purpose is to be a force of nature, the embodiment of death.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Posted by one of my homies:
The Lineage of Catspaw Taken from Rhagar Targaryen by Robert Baratheon at the battle of the Trident.

Stolen from Robert's armory by Littlefinger and given to an assassin to kill Bran, the eventual Three-Eyed Raven and used to Frame Tyrion Lannister, it was then returned to Littlefinger.

Littlefinger gives to Bran in an attempt to be secretly smarmy and gets a faceful of "Chaos is a Ladder" and leaves him shook AF.

Bran passes the blade to Arya saying "It's wasted on a cripple".

Also the dagger is seen in a book that Sam is studying when he finds out about the Dragonglass mine under Dragonstone.

Arya trains with the blade against Ser Brienne of Tarth and demonstrates her insane knife skills--directly foreshadowing what she's going to end up doing.

Arya then executes Littlefinger with the said same blade.

Within the Stark saga this closes the circle. Arya Stark, first of her name, straight up prison shanks The Night King


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know that is the story. You don’t get that I am saying it is lame!!!! So he was created to fight the first men. Ok cool. Why do you want to kill everyone now? Night King is mindless and smart at the same time. Smiling like a moron with no freaking purpose. It is very poorly written and anyone that is satisfied with this story arch is super lame.
Well he wants an endless night because the children of forest created him to kill all of mankind in Westeros. In classic fantasy lore, they could not control their creation.

Theres still alot for us to learn, but here his purpose is to be a force of nature, the embodiment of death.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Why does he want an endless night nigga. Why? They didn’t say why? In a good drama the villain has an exposition!!!!!!!!!! Shakespeare damn it.

Also night king is so powerful but the stabbed in the back?

Why does Sauron want to rule the world? Sauron so powerful but killed by destroying a ring?

This is the fantasy genre, not superhero or thriller or spy movies

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
I know that is the story. You don’t get that I am saying it is lame!!!! So he was created to fight the first men. Ok cool. Why do you want to kill everyone now? Night King is mindless and smart at the same time. Smiling like a moron with no freaking purpose. It is very poorly written and anyone that is satisfied with this story arch is super lame.

Why do the terminators want to kill all mankind?

Why do the machines in the Matrix wnat to kill all mankind?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How is Mel the MVP. She lit swords on fire and had the Dothraki kill them Selves? Then she started another fire and walks into the snow all “la deli da” like and kills herself. I was liked wtf am I watching???

Mel to Arya in Season 3

"I see a darkness in you. And in that darkness, eyes staring back at me. Brown eyes. BLUE EYES. Green eyes. Eyes you'll shut forever. We will meet again."

To me, that's the most powerful shit. Because that reminder is what sparked Arya to go kill the NK
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Rising Star
How is Mel the MVP. She lit swords on fire and had the Dothraki kill them Selves? Then she started another fire and walks into the snow all “la deli da” like and kills herself. I was liked wtf am I watching???

She gave Arya the pep talk she needed.

Arya was starting to lose her shit before that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah I got it when it was first said and hoped it was bs cause it would be so lame.
Mel to Arya in Season 3

"I see a darkness in you. And in that darkness, eyes staring back at me. Brown eyes. BLUE EYES. Green eyes. Eyes you'll shut forever. We will meet again."

To me, that's the most powerful shit. Because that reminded is what sparked Arya to go kill the NK


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Dragons vs Cersei's huge
How white people will see it: They weaked Dany army by killing off the darthraki and most of the unsullied. So cersi has a chance at winninf.

How militants will see it: Basically all the brown people were sacrificed 1st.

Im mixed about it cause that was not a glorious death for the darthraki.

The unsullied made more sense cause they fight like statues that feel no pain.
Word,notice how there were no unsullied or Dothraki hiding in the crypt..RACISTTTT


Rising Star
OG Investor
Y’all were definitely right about watching it on the app stream. Literally just watched it again... same TV... same settings completely different picture. Episode isn’t dark at all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah I got it when it was first said and hoped it was bs cause it would be so lame.

I thought it was lame when Kenard killed Omar but that's how that shit be. The person you underestimate.

All the foreshadowing was there for Arya. Serio with the speech. Mel with the words. The training with Jaqen. Bran giving her the knife. The training sequence with Ser Brienne. Folks may not like that it was Arya who did it, but we can't front like it came outta nowhere.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
I thought it was lame when Kenard killed Omar but that's how that shit be. The person you underestimate.

All the foreshadowing was there for Arya. Serio with the speech. Mel with the words. The training with Jaqen. Bran giving her the knife. The training sequence with Ser Brienne. Folks may not like that it was Arya who did it, but we can't front like it came outta nowhere.
Arya had more prep time than Batman.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
See that is where you fucked up cause that was Mel’s entire purpose on the show. She wanted to find Azod Ahai not start fires.
And why do the book readers keep mentioning Azor Ahai, i can’t remember not one reference in the show , so i don’t get why people keep expecting that story line especially when it’s a few minutes left in the game.


BGOL Legend
Me and @largebillsonlyplease have already discussed this. The NK did was he was supposed to do. That's not where the issue is. The payoff for the audience would have been stronger if, even just for a short period of time, that advantage was neutralized (like it seemed to be for a second before the NK resurrected the dead), and we'd see engagement on a different level. The NK not going out of his way to engage unnecessarily was not the issue. What I'm saying is that it could have been a richer climax had it become necessary for him. With that being said, I still gave it at 9.99999 out of 10.



Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
In the terminator it is actually explained when they want to kill mankind!!! I am glad you mentioned that. Terminator 1 and 2 was written well!

Exactly the same as GOT. Humans created machines to fight each other. The machines became sentient and could no longer be controlled. Machines started to wipe out humans.

Children of the forest created the night king. The night king developed his own goals and could not be comtrolled. The night king started killing the children of the forest and humans

Humans created machines. Machines became sentient and could no longer be controlled. Machines went to war to wipe out all humans