Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
I know that is the story. You don’t get that I am saying it is lame!!!! So he was created to fight the first men. Ok cool. Why do you want to kill everyone now? Night King is mindless and smart at the same time. Smiling like a moron with no freaking purpose. It is very poorly written and anyone that is satisfied with this story arch is super lame.

You are asking me why doesnt he retire on an icy beach up North?

Do you realize that he has never fulfilled his purpose and that Westeros is still full of living human beings?

He was created/programmed to be death. He is what he is. As long as there are the "living" he will never stop "killing".

No disrespect, but your counters are lame. You have every right to feel slighted about not finding his deeper level motivations, but sometimes those do not exist.

We spent so much time on the Night King theories that we never stopped to think that he is no one. A nobody. The showrunners told us though.


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
I'm glad Lady Mormont died,she was annoying.

I have no problem with Arya killing the Night King but I would have been nice to see him fight her. They big him up as this threat yet he gets taking out,so easy..

It's disappointing that Daenerys keep getting bailed out..I want her to die.

Outside of Arya,last night's episode was boring....
Nigga strong af, and got mad troops

It was the best way to get him, and only way


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Dead humans aren’t batteries. They harvest their own engineered humans for batteries. They kill the non engineered humans in Zion.
:rolleyes: - of course your argument would be myopic,
despite the movie spending 15 to 20 minutes in 2 scenes with Morpheus and later Smith explaining motive in detail

Oversimplified - destroying Zion, to the machines, was the same as how farmers rangers etc will cull specific animal populations


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Exactly the same as GOT. Humans created machines to fight each other. The machines became sentient and could no longer be controlled. Machines started to wipe out humans.

Children of the forest created the night king. The night king developed his own goals and could not be comtrolled. The night king started killing the children of the forest and humans

Humans created machines. Machines became sentient and could no longer be controlled. Machines went to war to wipe out all humans
oh - ok you only retain simple narrative....

its beyond you to comprehend the critique and points readers of the series and those familiar with nuance and complexity are talking about right now


Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

It’s occurred to me during many GoT conversations throughout the day that people are genuinely disappointed that Jon Snow and the Night King didn’t go mano y mano. You gotta be some kind of fucking moron to have truly believed that Jon would have prevailed in that situation. A surprise attack is really the only way that NK could have lost.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

It’s occurred to me during many GoT conversations throughout the day that people are genuinely disappointed that Jon Snow and the Night King didn’t go mano y mano. You gotta be some kind of fucking moron to have truly believed that Jon would have prevailed in that situation. A surprise attack is really the only way that NK could have lost.

He was expecting Jon. That's why Viserion had Jon pinned down.


Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor

It’s occurred to me during many GoT conversations throughout the day that people are genuinely disappointed that Jon Snow and the Night King didn’t go mano y mano. You gotta be some kind of fucking moron to have truly believed that Jon would have prevailed in that situation. A surprise attack is really the only way that NK could have lost.

Ppl have dreams and expectations even when the path shows the journey to be the opposite.

The knight king wasnt coming near a ground fighter or anyone with the material to kill him.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
She was scared..Hence the pep speech from the red witch .... BUT, she was more concussed than anything.

He's saying she wasn't scared she clearly was

You are never going to change my mind on this one. No one effortlessly lays that many walkers down , then all of sudden starts shaking in their boots. Even If George came out and said this is where arya runs away scared. I would say that is the most ridiculous out of nowhere shit you have written.

I'm glad Lady Mormont died,she was annoying.

I have no problem with Arya killing the Night King but I would have been nice to see him fight her. They big him up as this threat yet he gets taking out,so easy..

It's disappointing that Daenerys keep getting bailed out..I want her to die.

Outside of Arya,last night's episode was boring....

Yall keep saying easy, what part of lasts nights episode seemed easy?

Plus besides having the gold in javalin the night king has showcased no combat skills since the show has started.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Who the fuck said anything about predictions? That's why I said you're being a straw-man faggot right now.
You can't be serious. You didn't tell me what the NK's intent was. And I didn't say what I thought his intent "should" be. I talked about the execution on it. You're too busy trying to argue that you're struggling with reading comprehension. You're being a real bitch right now, champ. Take your medicine for your cramps. Yall acting like butt-hurt Renly right now.
Do you know what a strawman is? You clearly don't :smh:
Lemme help you out, Chief... because you really STRUGGLING to keep up with the rest of us...

You just said today quote: “I’ve read a lot of SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL (which is NOT directly from the tv show :hmm:) and I’ve already LAID OUT what I THOUGHT the Night King’s intent was... and why he started this war.”

Ok, Cool. First of all... where did all that ‘supplemental material’ come from? Hmm? A Classified Ad? A Footnote? A Website? Some random Producers Script Notes? Do tell.

If it didn’t come DIRECTLY from the tv show... then either you pulled it out the crack of your ass... or it was DERIVED from the books, somehow. :yes:

Newsflash >> All those ‘History & Lore” videos on YouTube get their material FROM THE BOOKS.

Yeah, you stuck in the ‘wasteland’ between the TV Show.... and all the Book Material, Champ. :yes: and the tv show is disappointing you in some aspects.... because it doesn’t match all your ‘supplemental reading’ and ‘fill in the blanks’ for you.about the Night King. :rolleyes:

If you stuck to the TV Show... your nagging questions about ‘power limits’ and ‘intentions’ would be answered. End of story.

Since we got that settled... let’s move on...

Now since you brought it up, let’s backtrack.... if your previous ‘layout’ of what the Night King’s Intentions were... is EXACTLY to have an “Endless Night” and destroy mankind... just as Bran TOLD YOU his intention was last episode... then ‘how did they execute it badly if you both had established the same ‘finish line’? Hmm?

Be clear... If you & Bran both said the SAME THING... then where did they wrong? Hmm?

Why are you BITCHING about them saying the exact same thing (about the Night King’s Intentions) that YOU said awhile back? Do tell, Einstein. :hmm:

More than likely, the REAL answer is...

Your previous ‘layout’ about the Night King’s ‘intentions’ says absolutely NOTHING about creating an ‘Endless Night’.... and it was nothing but a PREDICTION that was wrong, as of last night.

There’s really no 2 ways around that. :smh:
And you cannot have it both ways. :hmm:

You cannot say (2-3 years ago)....”here’s what I THINK is going on with the Night King and his INTENTIONS...” then several years later, realize you were absolutely wrong when Bran REVEALS the Night King’s TRUE intentions... then turn around & BLAME the Writers for ‘bad execution’, jackass. :hmm:

So Let’s review...

You complained about ‘not being told the Night King’s intentions’ (which you clearly were, in season 8 episode 2).

You complained about ‘the execution’ of being told what those true intentions were (because it didn’t go as ‘in depth’ as you wanted it to & it didn't reveal his PAST and all kinds of other nitpicky shit.)

And you also complained about ‘not knowing what the Night King’s upper limits’ of his powers were. (When he would literally have to go Super Sayan for you to SEE what those upper limits ARE)

Guess what??? None of that is a Strawman Argument. :hmm: That’s exactly what I been saying. But I was embellishing it with humor. :yes:

So I repeat.... IF what Bran said about the Night King’s Intentions MATCHES EXACTLY ‘what you THOUGHT his Intentions were, years ago’... then you are bitching for absolutely no damn good reason. :hmm:

Simple as that.

Negro, have a seat.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
You cannot say (2-3 years ago)....”here’s what I THINK is going on with the Night King and his INTENTIONS...” then several years later, realize you were absolutely wrong when Bran REVEALS the Night King’s TRUE intentions... then turn around & BLAME the Writers for ‘bad execution’, jackass. :hmm:


I didn't even read the rest of your reply.

You're just rambling. No one is talking about 2-3 years ago and his intentions and comparing them to what's been revealed since 2-3 years ago. You're ranting like a functional idiot right now and I'm not going to continue to waste time with you.

You're like fucking @divine and Apple at this point :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
See that is where you fucked up cause that was Mel’s entire purpose on the show. She wanted to find Azod Ahai not start fires.

But she never mentioned him by name and we know the show has been combining characters and or freestyling for a minute now smh


International Member
Yeah. I said I was being extra picky about it.... it's still by far the best episode of anything I've ever seen.

It's not that Arya saved that day that did it... i figured she was going to do that at some point because she's been training for it. It's that he died without ever really being challenged and died in a "cheap" way to me.
i agree
Sam :hmm:


get your ass down in the crypt with the women and children next time.

trying to kill white walkers with tears. :smh:


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
shit was dope, didnt like how easy night king got killed tho damn the generals didnt even came in action.

but arya was tough

The NK and the generals were battle-tested so we didn't need them to engage in the Great War battle finale :rolleyes:

The Generals were just strolling around from stage to stage like Coachella.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Why does he want an endless night nigga. Why? They didn’t say why?
Pay Attention. He wants an Endless Night... in order to ELIMINATE all of mankind. The fuck was you watching last episode?

The Children of the Forest turned the Night King into a MONSTER. Literally. They used him as ‘a weapon’.... so in return, he started DESTROYING everything & everyone in his path. Whether they had anything to do with it. Or not.

“You want a weapon? I’ll give you a weapon. I’ll destroy everything. Then we’ll see what’s what. I will RULE this galaxy / planet / country / or city” - Said countless movie villains. :rolleyes:

Oh wait... where did we hear that before on this show?

“I wish I was the Monster you all think I am. I wish I had enough poison for the whole PACK of you. I would gladly make you all swallow it!!!” - Tyrion Lannister

There are COUNTLESS movies where the ‘creation’ goes bezerk... and starts killing everyone.... just because. Keep up.

Not every villain needs a ‘good reason’.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.

The show is called Game of Thrones.

And the Night King’s ‘Throne’ involves killing everyone & ruling over the Dead.

It’s been 8 years, bro. You should’ve figured this out a loooong time ago. :smh:


International Member
The NK and the generals were battle-tested so we didn't need them to engage in the Great War battle finale :rolleyes:

The Generals were just strolling around from stage to stage like Coachella.

fuck that i wanted that action


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I didn't even read the rest of your reply.

You're just rambling. No one is talking about 2-3 years ago and his intentions and comparing them to what's been revealed since 2-3 years ago. You're ranting like a functional idiot right now and I'm not going to continue to waste time with you.

You're like fucking @divine and Apple at this point :smh:
Nigga.... YOU have been talking about ‘what the Night King’s Intentions were’ this WHOLE TIME.

You been BITCHING about ‘how it played out’... and ‘the bad execution’ of it. :rolleyes:

You even brought up ‘your thoughts about the Night King’s Intentions’...... FROM YEARS AGO. :hmm:

I didn’t make that up. Those are your words. Not mine. :hmm:

How tf did I know that you read ‘supplemental material’..... and had a ‘layout of what the Night King’s Intentions were’? :rolleyes:

Then you turn around and say: “nobody is talking about that”. :hmm: Negro please.

Ayo, Stop typing, bruh.

You sounding real silly now. And you keep introducing all kinds of nonsense to DEFLECT from ‘what YOU said’ over the last few pages of this thread. :hmm:

Yeah, you should stop talking to me. :yes:

Because you looking more & more foolish with every response.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
So the Lord of Light is just some random god who is helping man fight the Night King? We dont even get a 5 minute back story or anything?
Let me help you out bro. The Lord of light name is Rholor. His “enemy” is the Great Othet. That is who the White Walkers supposedly pray to. In the books the walkers are called the Others.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
You sounding real silly now. And you keep introducing all kinds of nonsense to DEFLECT from ‘what YOU said’ over the last few pages of this thread. :hmm:


The core of a straw man argument is giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.

Either you're being disingenuous or you're stupid. My argument was never that the NK should have become "Sub-zero" or that the show did not reveal his explicit "intent", even if there was no layers there. My argument was about the way in which you bring about the ultimate demise of a strong antagonist. There are principle ways in which writers can build and destroy an antagonist and clearly it's going over your head right now. The sheer volume of complaints is the clearest signal as to the GoT writers/producers missing.

You can continue to rant and vomit in the thread about predictions and all that other bullshit, but you're arguing with yourself.

But you go right ahead constructing arguments that you've invented about predictions from 2-3 years ago and shit like they actually matter. No one is arguing about predictions. And not one time over the last 24 hours did I mention anything about predictions as the issue. I mentioned supplementary material because you're in this bitch asking like you're the only muthafucka in the thread that knows what's going on in the story. It's not a question of information. It's an issue of execution and the complaints are because people thought they didn't execute on that intent in the way antagonist typically can be "revealed" nor was his demise worthy of a such a powerful antagonist. You're acting like a trump ass nigga who got some info and act like you're the only person who has had it.

Like I said, I gave the shit a 9.9999 and you are acting like a hoe ass nigga because I said there were some legitimate things that could have gotten this to a perfect 10 FOR ME... don't you realize how much of a homo you're acting like right now?? :lol: :smh:

Nigga like "No. You absolutely can't have any issues at all with this episode. You have to absolutely love everything about it in the exact same way that I did! It's perfect." faggot

I'm gonna let you have the last word because bitch ass niggas and bitches will continue to argue all fucking day because that's what bitches do. You can have it. It ended "perfectly".
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Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

You are never going to change my mind on this one. No one effortlessly lays that many walkers down , then all of sudden starts shaking in their boots. Even If George came out and said this is where arya runs away scared. I would say that is the most ridiculous out of nowhere shit you have written.

Yall keep saying easy, what part of lasts nights episode seemed easy?

Plus besides having the gold in javalin the night king has showcased no combat skills since the show has started.

I think the fact that she was being chased by dead Starks had her shook man. And that she thought she wanted it with Death but she didn’t realize the extent of the horror. She had given up. Then the Red Woman looked her in her eyes and reminded her of her purpose. Once she had that she was back in the saddle.