Who the fuck said anything about predictions? That's why I said you're being a straw-man faggot right now.
You can't be serious. You didn't tell me what the NK's intent was. And I didn't say what I thought his intent "should" be. I talked about the execution on it. You're too busy trying to argue that you're struggling with reading comprehension. You're being a real bitch right now, champ. Take your medicine for your cramps. Yall acting like butt-hurt Renly right now.
Do you know what a strawman is? You clearly don't
Lemme help you out, Chief... because you really STRUGGLING to keep up with the rest of us...
You just said today quote: “I’ve read a lot of SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL (which is NOT directly from the tv show

) and I’ve already LAID OUT what I THOUGHT the Night King’s intent was... and why he started this war.”
Ok, Cool. First of all... where did all that ‘supplemental material’ come from? Hmm? A Classified Ad? A Footnote? A Website? Some random Producers Script Notes? Do tell.
If it didn’t come DIRECTLY from the tv show... then either you pulled it out the crack of your ass... or it was DERIVED from the books, somehow.
Newsflash >> All those ‘History & Lore” videos on YouTube get their material FROM THE BOOKS.
Yeah, you stuck in the ‘wasteland’ between the TV Show.... and all the Book Material, Champ.

and the tv show is disappointing you in some aspects.... because it doesn’t match all your ‘supplemental reading’ and ‘fill in the blanks’ for you.about the Night King.
If you stuck to the TV Show... your nagging questions about ‘power limits’ and ‘intentions’ would be answered. End of story.
Since we got that settled... let’s move on...
Now since you brought it up, let’s backtrack.... if your previous ‘layout’ of what the Night King’s Intentions were... is EXACTLY to have an “Endless Night” and destroy mankind... just as Bran TOLD YOU his intention was last episode... then ‘how did they execute it badly if you both had established the same ‘finish line’? Hmm?
Be clear... If you & Bran both said the SAME THING... then where did they wrong? Hmm?
Why are you BITCHING about them saying the exact same thing (about the Night King’s Intentions) that YOU said awhile back? Do tell, Einstein.
More than likely, the REAL answer is...
Your previous ‘layout’ about the Night King’s ‘intentions’ says absolutely NOTHING about creating an ‘Endless Night’.... and it was nothing but a PREDICTION that was wrong, as of last night.
There’s really no 2 ways around that.

And you cannot have it both ways.
You cannot say (2-3 years ago)....”here’s what I THINK is going on with the Night King and his INTENTIONS...” then several years later, realize you were absolutely wrong when Bran REVEALS the Night King’s TRUE intentions... then turn around & BLAME the Writers for ‘bad execution’, jackass.
So Let’s review...
You complained about ‘not being told the Night King’s intentions’ (which you clearly were, in season 8 episode 2).
You complained about ‘the execution’ of being told what those true intentions were (because it didn’t go as ‘in depth’ as you wanted it to & it didn't reveal his PAST and all kinds of other nitpicky shit.)
And you also complained about ‘not knowing what the Night King’s upper limits’ of his powers were. (When he would literally have to go Super Sayan for you to SEE what those upper limits ARE)
Guess what??? None of that is a Strawman Argument.

That’s exactly what I been saying. But I was embellishing it with humor.
So I repeat.... IF what Bran said about the Night King’s Intentions MATCHES EXACTLY ‘what you THOUGHT his Intentions were, years ago’... then you are bitching for absolutely no damn good reason.
Simple as that.
Negro, have a seat.