Arya had more prep time than Batman.
Where is this thread if it ain’t on front page?
I thought it was odd it wasn’t on the 1st page.
Let me help you out bro. The Lord of light name is Rholor. His “enemy” is the Great Othet. That is who the White Walkers supposedly pray to. In the books the walkers are called the Others.
to hide the shitty looking cgi monsters, In Avengers they had a swarm and brainless zombies too. All these studios must be copying and pasting from each other.Yo why they have this shit so dark i couldn't see who was who or who was doing what?
Epic episode tho![]()
I think the fact that she was being chased by dead Starks had her shook man. And that she thought she wanted it with Death but she didn’t realize the extent of the horror. She had given up. Then the Red Woman looked her in her eyes and reminded her of her purpose. Once she had that she was back in the saddle.
That’s from the books and wiki bro not the showI'm sure they could have squeezed in a 5 minute flash back to explain this instead of us having to remember clues people mention through out the series.
I dont think most people care that Arya killed him. Its more so that the character was being hyped since the beginning of the story and he went out without really showing why he was to be feared unless you count his army in general.
In fact for the last few sessions it has been stated that the NK was a bigger threat than fighting over the kingdom. If anything it felt like that should have been the final fight and not Cersei. Also, it did seem like the final conflict would be between NK and Jon or Bran.
I'm just happy they didn't pull some time travel bullshit out there ass.
After watching it again. The night king had to die in a “cheap” way. There was no realistic way anybody was gonna beat him in any kind of combat and once he rose the dead he had far too many troops.
I really would have liked for him and Bran to have some type of moment in the minds before he died.
Maybe I missed it but why the hell did Dany ground her Dragon? That was beyond stupid.
Nigga, you got the AUDACITY to say I created a Strawman Argument... and question people’s reading comprehension skills... when you LITERALLY typed this shit below, in red.The core of a straw man argument is giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.
Either you're being disingenuous or you're stupid. My argument was never that the NK should have become "Sub-zero" or that the show did not reveal his explicit "intent", even if there was no layers there. My argument was about the way in which you bring about the ultimate demise of a strong antagonist. There are principle ways in which writers can build and destroy an antagonist and clearly it's going over your head right now. The sheer volume of complaints is the clearest signal as to the GoT writers/producers missing.
You can continue to rant and vomit in the thread about predictions and all that other bullshit, but you're arguing with yourself.
But you go right ahead constructing arguments that you've invented about predictions from 2-3 years ago and shit like they actually matter. No one is arguing about predictions. And not one time over the last 24 hours did I mention anything about predictions as the issue. I mentioned supplementary material because you're in this bitch asking like you're the only muthafucka in the thread that knows what's going on in the story. It's not a question of information. It's an issue of execution and the complaints are because people thought they didn't execute on that intent in the way antagonist typically can be "revealed" nor was his demise worthy of a such a powerful antagonist. You're acting like a trump ass nigga who got some info and act like you're the only person who has had it.
Like I said, I gave the shit a 9.9999 and you are acting like a hoe ass nigga because I said there were some legitimate things that could have gotten this to a perfect 10 FOR ME... don't you realize how much of a homo you're acting like right now??![]()
Nigga like "No. You absolutely can't have any issues at all with this episode. You have to absolutely love everything about it in the exact same way that I did! It's perfect." faggot
I'm gonna let you have the last word because bitch ass niggas and bitches will continue to argue all fucking day because that's what bitches do. You can have it. It ended "perfectly".
You Ole... “I never complained about the Night King’s intent... and never complained about not seeing the ‘upper limits’ of his powers... you taking my words out of context”- looking ass Nigga.Yall niggas kill me with the straw man argument. No one argued that the NK should have killed everyone with his bare hands. We're arguing that the main antagonist's storyline was brought to conclusion without covering his intent nor requiring him to display the extremity of his capabilities. Thus, when he died the way he did, it left many viewers feeling let down. Multiple people in this very thread keep saying it in various ways. It's because the producers slightly missed the mark there...
Exactly the same as GOT. Humans created machines to fight each other. The machines became sentient and could no longer be controlled. Machines started to wipe out humans.
Children of the forest created the night king. The night king developed his own goals and could not be comtrolled. The night king started killing the children of the forest and humans
Humans created machines. Machines became sentient and could no longer be controlled. Machines went to war to wipe out all humans
After watching it again. The night king had to die in a “cheap” way. There was no realistic way anybody was gonna beat him in any kind of combat and once he rose the dead he had far too many troops.
Generals don’t fight, they command.
Dude, they COVERED the Night King’s intent.
But you ignored it.
In last episode, they had a big discussion during the battle planning where Bran said: “He wants an Endless Night. He wants to destroy this world. And I am it’s memory”
Newsflash >> This Line told you what the Night King’s INTENT was.
Then Sam chimes in and says: “That’s what Death is... innit? Our memories separate us from animals. If I wanted to destroy this world.. I would start with you (Bran) also.”
Newsflash >> This Line REINFORCES what the Night King’s intent was.
People have waited 8 years for that simple explanation. But it wasn’t enough for you.or you were not paying attention. Or you had it in your mind that the Night King was some important character that needed several episodes to unravel all his deepest mysteries.
No, they don’t need some convoluted backstory for the Night King because some of us know that villains don’t always need a ‘complex reason’ to do the shit they do.
You been watching the Night King “display the extremity of his capabilities” for YEARS now.
- He brings the Storm.
- He can raise the Dead (this power alone should be enough for you
- He can survive a High Fall... because he’s already dead.
- He can withstand Dragonfire.
- He can freeze the ground.
- He too cold for ordinary fire to affect him.
- He can toss an Ice Javelin ‘hard enough’ to Kill a Dragon.
- He can turn newborn babies into MORE White Walkers, like himself.
How much MORE do you need to know / or see??
“This shit wack. I wish I could’ve seen the Night King’s UPPER LIMITS”
Apparently, You just salty because the show simply refused to venture off into Dragonball-Z territory.
You felt let down because you missed the important dialogue.... and the Night King did not go “Super-Sayin” mode.![]()
A lot of ppl are just disappointed because they thought NK would have hands or at least display them once if he did
He caught Arya mid air in the throat
Those are hands
Somebody will still come here talking about "But why couldn't he sense her body heat like the Predator?"
Nigga, you got the AUDACITY to say I created a Strawman Argument... and question people’s reading comprehension skills... when you LITERALLY typed this shit below, in red.
You Ole... “I never complained about the Night King’s intent... and never complained about not seeing the ‘upper limits’ of his powers... you taking my words out of context”- looking ass Nigga.
Stop typing.
Every time you respond you make yourself look silly.
Got the Cotdamn ‘nerve’ to call other people functional idiots... when your own words PROVE my point the whole time.
Wait lemme guess... you never said that shit above, huh?
Sure, I get it.... I misinterpreted, or misconstrued your words, right? I’m missing the point, huh? I created a Strawman, huh? I have no idea what a Strawman is, right?
Have several seats & STFU.
You are asking me why doesnt he retire on an icy beach up North?
Do you realize that he has never fulfilled his purpose and that Westeros is still full of living human beings?
He was created/programmed to be death. He is what he is. As long as there are the "living" he will never stop "killing".
No disrespect, but your counters are lame. You have every right to feel slighted about not finding his deeper level motivations, but sometimes those do not exist.
We spent so much time on the Night King theories that we never stopped to think that he is no one. A nobody. The showrunners told us though.
Pay Attention. He wants an Endless Night... in order to ELIMINATE all of mankind. The fuck was you watching last episode?
The Children of the Forest turned the Night King into a MONSTER. Literally. They used him as ‘a weapon’.... so in return, he started DESTROYING everything & everyone in his path. Whether they had anything to do with it. Or not.
“You want a weapon? I’ll give you a weapon. I’ll destroy everything. Then we’ll see what’s what. I will RULE this galaxy / planet / country / or city” - Said countless movie villains.
Oh wait... where did we hear that before on this show?
“I wish I was the Monster you all think I am. I wish I had enough poison for the whole PACK of you. I would gladly make you all swallow it!!!” - Tyrion Lannister
There are COUNTLESS movies where the ‘creation’ goes bezerk... and starts killing everyone.... just because. Keep up.
Not every villain needs a ‘good reason’.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
The show is called Game of Thrones.
And the Night King’s ‘Throne’ involves killing everyone & ruling over the Dead.
It’s been 8 years, bro. You should’ve figured this out a loooong time ago.![]()
Let me help you out bro. The Lord of light name is Rholor. His “enemy” is the Great Othet. That is who the White Walkers supposedly pray to. In the books the walkers are called the Others.
After watching it again. The night king had to die in a “cheap” way. There was no realistic way anybody was gonna beat him in any kind of combat and once he rose the dead he had far too many troops.
I really would have liked for him and Bran to have some type of moment in the minds before he died.
Maybe I missed it but why the hell did Dany ground her Dragon? That was beyond stupid.
It is a very bad story. They needed to come up with something better. Sorry that you dont understand what I am trying to say.
I know what was shown. I am saying WHY. Why be so lazy and take such a lame easy way out on a character that could have been more complex.
Symbols mean nothing? Ok. He was just a mindless zombie that made the Targargyen like symbols.
Bran can travel into people's minds but didn't warg into him so we can get a pay off.
All this supernatural stuff and he get stabbed in the back by a character who never met him before. No by Jon or anyone else?
If you dont see this is lame dumb lazy writing... you are "amazing". Good for you.
But she never mentioned him by name and we know the show has been combining characters and or freestyling for a minute now smh