Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Word. Some niggas be weird bro. They simple minded and don't understand we a critiquing the story, dialogue and concepts. They taking it personal and shit.

That nigga literally thinks if you point out a hole in the writing that you don't understand it. He's acting like a fucking evangelical with the bible.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Kings and Queens don't fight either but those 2 pussies was riding around on dragons being hella dumb.

The writers strategically disadvantaged them. It was annoying, but it also heightens the feeling that the protagonists are completely fucked and overwhelmed by the situation. Collectively, all that built up to things being hopeless towards the end when everything was going wrong and Bran was about to get it...and then the release of Arya saving the day. I get why they did it and it worked. That was a huge payoff. I just feel like had we gotten a bit of that for the NK and the Generals in some way, it could have added another payoff layer. But having that entire battle in one episode was probably a limiting factor regarding how much they could reasonably put in there.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Stick to the show though. The shows doesn't even hint at any of this. Nothing is explained. Lord of Light storyline is also finished because Mel decided to kill herself for some reason. :puzzled:
I didnt get why she killed herself either. I just assumed I missed something lls.

That or it was her way of redeeming herself for killing that little girl. Wasn't she supposed to get executed if she returned.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Naw. You mean when Bran rolled his eyes back and started warging into the ravens?
His bitch ass was looking for the Night King saying "I am by the tree come and kill Theon".
Him and Dr. Strange be on that bullshit getting their boys lined up.

I wonder if we'll get any idea of where Bran was during that time he was gone? If we get any of that in the next episode (it seems non-important now though since the NK is dead), I imagine they would tie that in.. maybe.

Dany being grounded was absolutely stupid but then it created more trouble for the protagonist by eliminating a dragon and making her engage on the ground as a fighter. She never had to do that before.

That's why I'm saying I wish the writers had created a similar vulnerability for the NK and his generals before the NK died. It seemed completely unreasonable for her to be on the fucking ground during a battle when that was literally the only way she could be in serious trouble at that point.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Nigga do you not know what a qualifier means?

Did you notice the world "EXPLICITLY"?

Explicit means: stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.

Someone walks up on you and slaps the piss out of you.

What was the intention? To cause you pain!

That's an intention. But how much does it tell you?

I walk up on you and slap that shit out of you and then you find out that's it's me from BGOL and you realize that the context is that I slapped the shit out of you because you waisted hours of my time arguing with strawmen arguments about me grading a show a 9.999999 out of 10 because I thought the antagonist's arch was slightly convoluted given the conclusion. Now you understand the explicit intent of why your bitch ass got slapped. That's richer. I would have liked his conclusion to be slightly richer. Give the viewer one or the other and they're more satisfied with the demise of an antagonist. They didn't give me either one of those to the satisfaction that would have made it "perfect" for me.

is that clear enough? Do you understand how one word can change the context? Now you get it.

That's why I said you struggle with reading comprehension. You simply not understanding what EXPLICITLY means made you mangle the whole fucking distinction between those two statements.

Semantically-challenged ass fanboi
All this bullshit you just typed is called ‘moving the goal posts’. :hmm:

This nigga relying on one single word to try to change the whole context of what he actually wrote.

Explicitly..... is that what we doing out in these streets now? :hmm:

Yeah, you was explicitly bitching about not seeing the ‘upper limits’ of the Night King’s power levels. :yes:

Yeah, you was explicitly bitching about not knowing ‘the intentions’ of the Night King. :yes:

Yeah, you was explicitly claiming I created a Strawman argument... that never happened... and your own post proves it:yes:

Now you explicitly backtracking & trying to use dumbass analogies because your whole argument fell apart.... because of your own words. Not mine.

All that ‘tough talk’ don’t mean shit. :smh:
It just means you played yourself. :yes: Now you wild salty about it... and need some semantics & technicalities to bail yourself out.

Hold this “L” and have a seat, bruh.
Then STFU. Explicitly. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Listen the witch came through alone unscratched by the Whites.
Then she says nothing and starts chanting.
No one said "What the fuck are you doing"?
They just let her do that?
They trusted her. Smh

Jaime never seen anything like the mighty Dothraki yet this season they get wasted by some zombies.

Let me nit pick for a sec.... How them Dothraki all of a sudden cool with witches lighting swords on fire and shit? Drogo's crew would have saw that then cut her head off. lol


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Naw. You mean when Bran rolled his eyes back and started warging into the ravens?

Yeah. We saw him fly past the NK. I wonder if we'll ever see where else he went during that moment. It seems like there is no reason for them to go backward and cover it at this point.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Samwell Tarly fighting at the Battle of Winterfell



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok. On another note. I liked how Tyrion sat down with Bran to get to know all he knows.
Watch this go absolutely no where as well.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How is Cersei gonna die? Maybe Jon will bite her head off.
Basically that is how the writers are writing the show.


Rising Star
Ok. On another note. I liked how Tyrion sat down with Bran to get to know all he knows.
Watch this go absolutely no where as well.

It didn't go nowhere.

Tyrion told Jaime "i think we might live" after having a talk with Bran.

Bran knew what was coming. Tyrion was able to get a sense of that and thats why he told Jaime.

Turns out he was right.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When you say mention him by name what do you mean? She thought Stannis, then Gendry, then John then Dany was The Prince who was promised Azor Ahai. Help me out am I missing this?

Ok, you play semantics. They have never mentioned the name Azor Ahai. Yes she did prophesied a “prince” but since we know the show has been off book, we can’t assume they will bring in that exact character.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
- TENT - is either messing with us OR he is one of those people that just does Not get it

IF he is one of the people that just does NOT get it, Then No explaining in the world will help, But maybe one day three years from now he will sit back and the light bulb will turn on


Rising Star
Was Davos the only one besides the ppl in the crypt that didn't even swing his sword once? Davos must've been really good at hiding


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
And i thought the episode and the way he went out was great. Cause i expected them to lose and it was hella unpredictable.

I thought dany was going to kill him. She didnt. I thought jon had him. He didnt. When the dragon was blocking jon way i was like how the fuck is jon going to save Bran? Arya came out of no where.

Suprises are better to me than some big battle.

Remember the red wedding is more amazing and memorable than if Rob went off to battle.

Geoffry death came out of no where as well. People rather he suffered, but the randomness of his death was the payoff to me.

The fight on sunday was 90mins of hopelessness and then in a split second a miracle happened


BGOL Legend
We saw the NK single handedly kill a dragon, bring it back to life and ride off on that bitch. What else did yall want him to do to prove he was badass? :lol:

That was a great episode and we still have one more battle left.

I guess they just wanted to see it I get it
But i dont think it'd be good for the show because Jon would be dead right now

Arya is a trained death assassin
She snuck up on Jon like it was nothing

She got past all the night kings guard and dead walkers

She had the perfect angle element of surprise and everything

Night king was focused on bran

She jumped and he fucking turned and caught her perfectly by the throat

Go outside

Turn around

Have someone throw a tennis ball at your back without letting you know when they're throwing it

See if you turn around and catch that shit perfectly arm extended out with 1 hand

Ok now that you failed have them tell you when they're gonna throw it and try again

Ok now that you failed again
Let's stop talking about skill and hands


International Member
We saw the NK single handedly kill a dragon, bring it back to life and ride off on that bitch. What else did yall want him to do to prove he was badass? :lol:

That was a great episode and we still have one more battle left.
That proves more that he went out weak. Nigga didn't even use his sword. Lolol


Renegade of this atomic age
Was the Battle of Winterfell Too Dark?
Charles Haine

April 29, 2019


Many fans and critics complained that the battle of Winterfell was "too dark to see what was going on," but was it?

Last night's episodes of Game of Thrones, "The Long Night," detailed the final battle against the Night King and his army of White Walkers, an army of undead snow zombies determined to eradicate mankind.

Taking place over one very long night, the battle left many fans complaining that the battle was too dark and that they couldn't see key information during important sequences. While some of the disorientation was clearly deliberately included to help with the sensation of an overwhelming battle, it is showing up in practically every review of the episode.

So what was going on?


The HBO Now thumbnail for the episode is perfectly visible.

Shot by Fabian Wagner, and likely graded by longtime colorist Joe Finley of SIM/Chainsaw, who has been the colorist for the majority of the show up to last weeks "A Night of the Seven Kingdoms," under the direction of Miguel Sopachnik, the episode was visually stunning throughout.

While nighttime episodes are always tricky, especially in "historical" projects lit entirely by firelight or, in this case, the fire of dragon's breath, this episode did have something going for it in that the enemy is defined by its shiny white look, so white it's even in the name: the "white walkers."

That bright reflective white can be very helpful in night scenes since the contrast between the shiny white reflection and the night around it needs less backlighting (and light, in general) to be seen. For instance, the dragons against the night sky were harder to view than the night king.


The reason? Because most TVs are terrible, and almost all come setup wrong from the factory.

Many readers are likely arguing right now. "But, most things look fine! Football always looks okay on my set!" And they might be right.

The problem is that "brightness" isn't linear. You can have a TV that shows the "brighter" parts of frame at the right brightness level, but the way it handles the shadow area of frame isn't the same as the way it's handled on the calibrated monitor in the post suite. While "contrast" controls can help this somewhat, it generally involves a complicated process of manipulating all the picture controls in your menu in order to see the darker areas of frame properly. If not set correctly, the black areas of an image can "crush," with information disappearing into the shadows.


This image of Davos illustrates this well. While on two differently setup TVs the fire might look identical if they are putting out similar brightness, the way their gamma curve is mapped can make the shadow areas wildly different.

On properly setup TVs, you can see detail and expressions on Davos's face. On other TVs, the former smuggler is a silhouette.

Many users turned their TV to "Vivid" mid-episode to compensate and ended up with an overall brighter image that likely didn't look more like the image was intended to look, but at least let them see story information. Post pros try to compensate for this, but there are just too many different TVs and ways for them to be set wrong to possibly make it look good on every single one.


The good news for viewers is that modern TVs are getting much, much better. There are many televisions under $1000 that are capable of displaying images somewhat accurately, which was something that just wasn't true even 2 years ago. And any TV, with some time and a good calibration disc or system, can get much closer than the "out of the box" settings, though even the factory default settings are better and better if you turn off "motion smoothing."

This is also something post professionals understand and it's a constant balancing act. For instance, on our well-calibrated home TV, most of The Long Night looked too bright, and I found myself thinking, "Oh, I bet they watched this on a dozen different home TVs to find the right balance of looking too bright on a calibrated monitor and too dark in some home setups." Especially since things often look a little dark on a computer monitor, it's always exceptionally hard to find the right balance and often you make it brighter in the grade than you would ideally want to be "safe" for other situations.

It is one of the major frustrations of filmmaking to not be able to control the home experience with the consistency that we see in proper theatrical projection.

From where we stand, watching on an affordable TV, we didn't think the episode was too dark at all and thought it occasionally was too bright. But, we understood they were playing it safe. However, these frame grabs, from a desktop computer playing video through a web browser, are obviously too dark to really see what is going on.

What do you think? Was the episode too dark on your screen? Will you be calibrating, or at least turning your monitor to "vivid," before the rest of the season?