The battle was lacking in the cunning and intelligence and craftyness that goes into a great battle.
- TENT - is either messing with us OR he is one of those people that just does Not get it
IF he is one of the people that just does NOT get it, Then No explaining in the world will help, But maybe one day three years from now he will sit back and the light bulb will turn on
Those kind of arguments sound like my wife. "You just don't understand what I am saying!!!" Bullshit, I understand completely. I just disagree. Just because some of us disagree, does not mean that we don't get it. Get off of BGOL and see what the world is saying. There a many people who don't place this episode among the best episodes...many.
I have watched this show from the very beginning. Every episode as they aired. Some of just don't agree with those of you who thought it was a great episode.
This show has had some of the most cunning and crafty scenes in television history; yet, it is my opinion that the long drawn out battle had none of that. About the only thing they strategized on was building a fire trench. They had all the time in the world to build fire hazards and plan a strategy for luring the dead into areas where the dragons could have lit their asses up...but it missed the mark on the strategy of war.
AND the most dangerous weapons they had were the dragons.....everyone had been waiting on this bitch to show up with her dragons....the only chance of winning......DRAGONS....and they spent most of the war flying in the fog....
Shit, Arya could change faces and be other people and damn near be in two places at one time......and they used NONE of that....shit, they didn't even SHOW her sneaking up on the NK....they just showed her all of a sudden in the air.....
These are all valid points and many are making many more valid points.....just because we disagree with ya'll doesn't mean we just don't get just means we disagree.....