Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wasn't playing semantics. You were. I was asking what you meant. If you meant literally or not.

Ok, you play semantics. They have never mentioned the name Azor Ahai. Yes she did prophesied a “prince” but since we know the show has been off book, we can’t assume they will bring in that exact character.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I guess they just wanted to see it I get it
But i dont think it'd be good for the show because Jon would be dead right now

Arya is a trained death assassin
She snuck up on Jon like it was nothing

She got past all the night kings guard and dead walkers

She had the perfect angle element of surprise and everything

Night king was focused on bran

She jumped and he fucking turned and caught her perfectly by the throat

Go outside

Turn around

Have someone throw a tennis ball at your back without letting you know when they're throwing it

See if you turn around and catch that shit perfectly arm extended out with 1 hand

Ok now that you failed have them tell you when they're gonna throw it and try again

Ok now that you failed again
Let's stop talking about skill and hands


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member



Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
This has been a very annoying season to watch. And not because of the show but just opinions online in general. This isn't directed at anyone here.
But I just wonder is that because we had an influx of folks binge watching the show recently just to catch up and watch the final season live? Did people really feel a need to be a part of the cool crowd (no pun intended). Even my damn mom watched the season premiere and barely watched the show.
Take Jemele Hill for example. She binged within the past 2 months just to see what the hype was all about. And now she won't shut the fuck up tweeting during the show. Do some people really feel the need to say "I too know that Winter is Coming fellow Game of Thrones fan!" Just a thought.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
- TENT - is either messing with us OR he is one of those people that just does Not get it

IF he is one of the people that just does NOT get it, Then No explaining in the world will help, But maybe one day three years from now he will sit back and the light bulb will turn on

Niggas start out with a dissenting opinion, get large scale disagreed with, start liking the negative attention, and it turns into trolling.

Defense mechanism when everybody calling you stupid.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Anybody else thought it was TOO dark?
Had the lights off and it was still dark as shit!

i have read alot of complaints about this. i didn't have any issues. most people don't calibrate their tv's. i wonder if that had anything to do with it.

even a base model regular tv benefits from calibration.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Yea im gonna need that 4k blu with HDR.
My stream was banding like crazy
4k hdr would not make a difference, the episode was shot dark. If you have a new iphone or android device which have some of the best screens on the market it still wont make a difference.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
that scene was like 5 seconds when they showed them shoving the knife in his chest. Really fam that's it? Tell me this who was the guy? Why did he betray the children?

i remember a good portion of an episode dedicated to the children of the forest.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
that scene was like 5 seconds when they showed them shoving the knife in his chest. Really fam that's it? Tell me this who was the guy? Why did he betray the children?

Did you not read the book or watch the show? The children of the forrest fucking kidnapped him and made him into the Night King. He was one of the First Men. He didn't betray them he was one of the men trying to fucking conquer they lands. They made him into the weapon of the Night King to destroy all fucking men in Westerns. The problem arose when they couldn't control the Night King. People keep asking what was his purpose. His purpose was to kill all the living in Westerns which he was made to do. He wasn't made to be a thinker. He was made as a weapon to kill and he was doing that. The magic of the wall is what was keeping him North etc. There is no point in knowing who the man was who was turned into the NK.

Also people keep complaining about how dark the episode was. Thats the fucking point to show when the Night King comes and brings the long night shit ain't gone be pretty. For years the Starks have been saying Winter is Coming yet yawl failed to realized that. The winter brings darkness and death which is what the Night King is. When he rolled in with the the snow and darkness you couldn't see shit! In them conditions man can't exist.

Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
Did you not read the book or watch the show? The children of the forrest fucking kidnapped him and made him into the Night King. He was one of the First Men. He didn't betray them he was one of the men trying to fucking conquer they lands. They made him into the weapon of the Night King to destroy all fucking men in Westerns. The problem arose when they couldn't control the Night King. People keep asking what was his purpose. His purpose was to kill all the living in Westerns which he was made to do. He wasn't made to be a thinker. He was made as a weapon to kill and he was doing that. The magic of the wall is what was keeping him North etc. There is no point in knowing who the man was who was turned into the NK.

Also people keep complaining about how dark the episode was. Thats the fucking point to show when the Night King comes and brings the long night shit ain't gone be pretty. For years the Starks have been saying Winter is Coming yet yawl failed to realized that. The winter brings darkness and death which is what the Night King is. When he rolled in with the the snow and darkness you couldn't see shit! In them conditions man can't exist.

Basically he is the Terminator and Skynet rolled into one


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The battle was lacking in the cunning and intelligence and craftyness that goes into a great battle.

- TENT - is either messing with us OR he is one of those people that just does Not get it

IF he is one of the people that just does NOT get it, Then No explaining in the world will help, But maybe one day three years from now he will sit back and the light bulb will turn on

Those kind of arguments sound like my wife. "You just don't understand what I am saying!!!" Bullshit, I understand completely. I just disagree. Just because some of us disagree, does not mean that we don't get it. Get off of BGOL and see what the world is saying. There a many people who don't place this episode among the best episodes...many.

I have watched this show from the very beginning. Every episode as they aired. Some of just don't agree with those of you who thought it was a great episode.

This show has had some of the most cunning and crafty scenes in television history; yet, it is my opinion that the long drawn out battle had none of that. About the only thing they strategized on was building a fire trench. They had all the time in the world to build fire hazards and plan a strategy for luring the dead into areas where the dragons could have lit their asses up...but it missed the mark on the strategy of war.

AND the most dangerous weapons they had were the dragons.....everyone had been waiting on this bitch to show up with her dragons....the only chance of winning......DRAGONS....and they spent most of the war flying in the fog....

Shit, Arya could change faces and be other people and damn near be in two places at one time......and they used NONE of that....shit, they didn't even SHOW her sneaking up on the NK....they just showed her all of a sudden in the air.....

These are all valid points and many are making many more valid points.....just because we disagree with ya'll doesn't mean we just don't get just means we disagree.....
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
It was. This thread is filled with attention deficit disorder.
yeah? - what did you learn about the children of the forest and the first men in that episode?:giggle:

look if you read the books- you know a lot of the story is missing....

much of the criticism of the NK and this ep is from book readers that seem to only be now realizing the quality of writing on show declined after the show no longer had the books to draw from.

2 things can be true.... The episode was awesome AND critics complaining about over simplicity of the story - have valid points

GRRM is a procrastinating bastard, and the writers of GoT just don't have his talents


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Did you not read the book or watch the show? The children of the forrest fucking kidnapped him and made him into the Night King. He was one of the First Men. He didn't betray them he was one of the men trying to fucking conquer they lands. They made him into the weapon of the Night King to destroy all fucking men in Westerns. The problem arose when they couldn't control the Night King. People keep asking what was his purpose. His purpose was to kill all the living in Westerns which he was made to do. He wasn't made to be a thinker. He was made as a weapon to kill and he was doing that. The magic of the wall is what was keeping him North etc. There is no point in knowing who the man was who was turned into the NK.

Also people keep complaining about how dark the episode was. Thats the fucking point to show when the Night King comes and brings the long night shit ain't gone be pretty. For years the Starks have been saying Winter is Coming yet yawl failed to realized that. The winter brings darkness and death which is what the Night King is. When he rolled in with the the snow and darkness you couldn't see shit! In them conditions man can't exist.

It's been awhile so I dont recall everything from those episodes myself. I dont believe you need much of a back story for the NK either. However, you shouldn't need to read a book to understand the TV show. If that is needed, the TV show failed on some level as an adaptation.

As far as the darkness goes, everyone gets what they were going for and in many peoples opinion it was over kill. It helped to give a better experience, but I still want to see what is happening clearly and not hurt my eyes in the process.

Mt Airy Groove

Rising Star
- TENT - is either messing with us OR he is one of those people that just does Not get it

IF he is one of the people that just does NOT get it, Then No explaining in the world will help, But maybe one day three years from now he will sit back and the light bulb will turn on

He just enjoys being a troll


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Did you not read the book or watch the show? The children of the forrest fucking kidnapped him and made him into the Night King. He was one of the First Men. He didn't betray them he was one of the men trying to fucking conquer they lands. They made him into the weapon of the Night King to destroy all fucking men in Westerns. The problem arose when they couldn't control the Night King. People keep asking what was his purpose. His purpose was to kill all the living in Westerns which he was made to do. He wasn't made to be a thinker. He was made as a weapon to kill and he was doing that. The magic of the wall is what was keeping him North etc. There is no point in knowing who the man was who was turned into the NK.

Also people keep complaining about how dark the episode was. Thats the fucking point to show when the Night King comes and brings the long night shit ain't gone be pretty. For years the Starks have been saying Winter is Coming yet yawl failed to realized that. The winter brings darkness and death which is what the Night King is. When he rolled in with the the snow and darkness you couldn't see shit! In them conditions man can't exist.
He was the fucking main villain for like 8 seasons and all we got was a couple second clip backstory. Yes I want a fucking explanation or more detail about who he is.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i have read alot of complaints about this. i didn't have any issues. most people don't calibrate their tv's. i wonder if that had anything to do with it.

even a base model regular tv benefits from calibration.

I have an older 50” Vizio P series 4K with no HDR but lots of dimming zones. I calibrated it by eye using reference still images and video loops when I first got it. The entire episode was clear as a bell and not too dark.

I think many people are using shitty default settings.

Note: I watched the episode again on some $110 HP 24” IPS LCD panels at work and couldn’t see shit no matter what I did to adjust them. Combination of computer/browser/monitor colorspaces and bullshit high-contrast algorithms...

Also many peeps probably had too much ambient light.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I have an older 50” Vizio P series 4K with no HDR but lots of dimming zones. I calibrated it by eye using reference still images and video loops when I first got it. The entire episode was clear as a bell and not too dark.

I think many people are using shitty default settings.

Note: I watched the episode again on some $110 HP 24” IPS LCD panels at work and couldn’t see shit no matter what I did to adjust them. Combination of computer/browser/monitor colorspaces and bullshit high-contrast algorithms...

Also many peeps probably had too much ambient light.
most people do not do preventative maintenance on their cars.... same people never calibrate their TVs unless they were lucky enough to have bought the TV from a retailer that includes an AV service/ set it up


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
I have an older 50” Vizio P series 4K with no HDR but lots of dimming zones. I calibrated it by eye using reference still images and video loops when I first got it. The entire episode was clear as a bell and not too dark.

I think many people are using shitty default settings.

Note: I watched the episode again on some $110 HP 24” IPS LCD panels at work and couldn’t see shit no matter what I did to adjust them. Combination of computer/browser/monitor colorspaces and bullshit high-contrast algorithms...

Also many peeps probably had too much ambient light.
keep your tv, the episode was just dark. Look at the battle at Kings Landing that was a battle that took place at night and was well lit for the viewers.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
The entire episode was dark for most people except for bgol members with the next generation in TV technology that is not available to the public yet.
I streamed the ep through Xbox on HBONow
on a 60" Sharp LED I bought in 2014... that I calibrated when new using specs I got from an av message board a thread for my model

I have dead pixels/ warm spot but I had no lighting issues -