I don't know if this has been covered in this thread but:
1. the unsullied were the ONLY army that could face the dead. They basically saved everyone's asses and could stand firm in the face of all that monstrosity.
2. the Dothraki use fear as their weapons and their techniques are to impress and instill fear in the opposing forces as well as disrupt formations. That shit was useless against the dead and thus they lost 1/2 of their power from the jump.
3. Sam Tarly is a crying bitch, but he fights on his back better than anyone...
4. Bran had better have been doing something other than flying with crows the whole battle.
5. Arya was really the best choice to win. Theon's charge was the set up to delay the Night King and add a bit more hubris. Jon Snow is good with a sword, but the Night King is super strong, super fast, super durable with super perception, surrounded by super soliders... C'mon son. But I'll admit its anticlimactic to not have Jon fight the Night King hand to hand. At. All...
6. We better fucking learn about what/how/who those motherfuckers were and the unwritten history of the GOT world. There are so many unanswered fucking questions. Not quite as bad as the ending of LOST, but they are going to make a lot of people made if the only answer we get is a knife in the chest and a "game over."
7. Were the Nights of the Vale there? I didn't see their horses or leadership at all.
8. I don't see how Gilly and baby Sam could have made it out of those crypts...