Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
The battle was lacking in the cunning and intelligence and craftyness that goes into a great battle.

Those kind of arguments sound like my wife. "You just don't understand what I am saying!!!" Bullshit, I understand completely. I just disagree. Just because some of us disagree, does not mean that we don't get it. Get off of BGOL and see what the world is saying. There a many people who don't place this episode among the best episodes...many.

I have watched this show from the very beginning. Every episode as they aired. Some of just don't agree with those of you who thought it was a great episode.

This show has had some of the most cunning and crafty scenes in television history; yet, it is my opinion that the long drawn out battle had none of that. About the only thing they strategized on was building a fire trench. They had all the time in the world to build fire hazards and plan a strategy for luring the dead into areas where the dragons could have lit their asses up...but it missed the mark on the strategy of war.

AND the most dangerous weapons they had were the dragons.....everyone had been waiting on this bitch to show up with her dragons....the only chance of winning......DRAGONS....and they spent most of the war flying in the fog....

Shit, Arya could change faces and be other people and damn near be in two places at one time......and they used NONE of that....shit, they didn't even SHOW her sneaking up on the NK....they just showed her all of a sudden in the air.....

These are all valid points and many are making many more valid points.....just because we disagree with ya'll doesn't mean we just don't get just means we disagree.....

This is,the main issue I have with the episode,you have 5 or 6 White Walkers behind the Night King yet none one of them saw Arya...

I don't care,how good Arya is,all of the White Walkers should have saw Arya in the open.

Don't let me start,the mishandling of the Dothraki. What was that about...Whoever,came up with that idea needs to be killed,because that didn't make any sense.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The entire episode was dark for most people except for bgol members with the next generation in TV technology that is not available to the public yet.

keep your tv, the episode was just dark. Look at the battle at Kings Landing that was a battle that took place at night and was well lit for the viewers.

I swear these niccas get all their news from BGOL....the whole fucking world is talking about the episode and the FIRST topic of conversation is about how dark the episode was.....every major news organization. But not BGOL'
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Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
This is,the main issue I have with the episode,you have 5 or 6 White Walkers behind the Night King yet none one of them saw Arya...

I don't care,how good Arya is,all of the White Walkers should have saw Arya in the open.

Don't let me start,the mishandling of the Dothraki. What was that about...Whoever,came up with that idea needs to be killed,because that didn't make any sense.
She trained while being blind(nk made it dark or hard to see)

She trained to be stealthy( nk made it storm)

She trained for hand to hand

Eveything happened like it should have

End of fuckin story


International Member
This is,the main issue I have with the episode,you have 5 or 6 White Walkers behind the Night King yet none one of them saw Arya...

I don't care,how good Arya is,all of the White Walkers should have saw Arya in the open.

Don't let me start,the mishandling of the Dothraki. What was that about...Whoever,came up with that idea needs to be killed,because that didn't make any sense.

You don’t care how good Arya is pretty much sums it up. Mind you the same other White Walkers did nothing while Thoen charged up. They also could have took him out to protect the NK. They didn’t think it was necessary or he ordered them to not do anything.

Mt Airy Groove

Rising Star
I swear these niccas get all their news from BGOL....the whole fucking world is talking about the episode and the FIRST topic of conversation is about how dark the episode was.....every major news organization. But not BGOL'

Kats love to humble brag. "I got the latest and greatest 100in 20k tv. You niccas must be broke", "I specifically calibrated my tv in the event a tv show would be shot in the dark" :rolleyes2:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
now that i thought about why go through all that killing? just let NK surround bran
and let arya do her ninja shit:lol: would have ended with less death

It took numerous play executions (as in football) for that to happen:

1. Jon and Dany risking their lives during the dragon duel then Jon effectively knocking the Night King off of Viserion to ground him.

2. Theon sacrificing his life clearing out the walkers, leaving only the Wights (Generals) in one spot, leaving the Night King more exposed.

3. Arya taking advantage of numerous blind spots in the dark for what's she's highly skilled at, surprise assassin attacks to take out the Night King before he could even unsheathed his Ice sword.

So I don't get why some are saying it was was "easy" or "cheap". A hell of a lot was sacrificed to get the Night King more in the open for the final strike, which, even that was blocked by the NK until Arya switched it up in a split second.
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Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
She trained while being blind(nk made it dark or hard to see)

She trained to be stealthy( nk made it storm)

She trained for hand to hand

Eveything happened like it should have

End of fuckin story

You make it sound like the Night King was by himself but he wasnt. I dont care,how stealthy you are,if you have 8 powerful beings and 7 is behind the leader,those 7 should be able to see any stealthy person..

You don’t care how good Arya is pretty much sums it up. Mind you the same other White Walkers did nothing while Thoen charged up. They also could have took him out to protect the NK. They didn’t think it was necessary or he ordered them to not do anything.

I'm going to assume,the Night King ordered them to stand down...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She trained while being blind(nk made it dark or hard to see)

She trained to be stealthy( nk made it storm)

She trained for hand to hand

Eveything happened like it should have

End of fuckin story

You make it sound like the Night King was by himself but he wasnt. I dont care,how stealthy you are,if you have 8 powerful beings and 7 is behind the leader,those 7 should be able to see any stealthy person..

I'm going to assume,the Night King ordered them to stand down...

Well since we're all assuming, then I'm just going to assume she put on a face of a White Walker to sneak past those generals :dunno:


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
You make it sound like the Night King was by himself but he wasnt. I dont care,how stealthy you are,if you have 8 powerful beings and 7 is behind the leader,those 7 should be able to see any stealthy person..

I'm going to assume,the Night King ordered them to stand down...
You make it hard to understand

It’s dark

There’s a snow storm

She jumps from behind all walkers and nk

Nk sences her at right moment but it’s outwitted

How hard is that to understand


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
somebody made a version of this episode that is much brighter

name of torrent ,copy and paste in google, its 6gb

Game of Thrones S08E03 1080p DD 5 1 TheBrightOne OmNiC[TGx]









RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
This is,the main issue I have with the episode,you have 5 or 6 White Walkers behind the Night King yet none one of them saw Arya...

I don't care,how good Arya is,all of the White Walkers should have saw Arya in the open.

Don't let me start,the mishandling of the Dothraki. What was that about...Whoever,came up with that idea needs to be killed,because that didn't make any sense.

I said this earlier, he didnt see her. If you watch closely another white walker alerted him as she was flying through the air. His problem was he got to cocky. Like sam sneed said he let theon charge at him. He aint even bother fighting jon. He had to kill bran himself. He was his own undoing.

Plus just moments prior it was showing her hiding in a room full of them.

I agree with you the Darthraki deserved better. Even the unsullied. And as i stated earlier as well, Danaris from a writers stand point needed to be weakened. Cause with the front they had against cersi it would be a massacre at kings landing. Now winning against cersi is a challenge again


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My bad dude. I am not fighting with you. I just asked you what you meant. You are right. The specific name Azor Ahai wasn't mentioned.
Prince that was promised was and that is what Mel was looking for. It seems like her search just went away now. Cause she just killed herself.
No one was really bothering with trying to kill her. She took it on herself.

Ok. So when did the show ever mention the name or character Azor Ahai


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok. I am going to concede that the Episode was ok.
I totally get why you guys like Arya. I love her too.
I just think it could have been played better.
The dialogue is bad and they are skipping a lot of plot points.
ALL shows do this when they are ending but this show is one of the worst in my opinion.
I would never ever say this show is one of the best of all time because of these offenses.
I will say the Wire and Breaking Bad stayed more consistent.
Shoot even many of the Star Treks and Quantum Leap are slept on as the best shows in history.
Which is a shame.
Seasons 1-6 had me feeling like this show was a Master Piece.


International Member
It took numerous play executions (as in football) for that to happen:

1. Jon and Dany risking their lives during the dragon duel then Jon effectively knocking the Night King off of Viserion to ground him.

2. Theon sacrificing his life clearing out the walkers, leaving only the Wights (Generals) in one spot, leaving the Night King more exposed.

3. Arya taking advantage of numerous blind spots in the dark for the what's she's highly skilled at, surprise assassin attack to take out the Night King before he could even unsheathed his Ice sword.

So I don't get why some are saying it was was "easy" or "cheap". A hell of a lot was sacrificed to get the Night King more in the open for the final strike, which, even that was blocked by the NK until Arya switched it up in a split second.
It was easy man . Yall can keep repeating shit was weak.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
I don't understand why the Dragon Glass weapons and the Valerian Steel swords didn't decimate the muhfuckas during the battle like they did before. I'd expected white walkers to be shattering like bags of ice all over the place in chain reactions.

i thought only generals and the night king shattered.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Watched the 1st time on a Mitsubishi Diamondvision HDTV rear Projection set. No issues with the darkness. Watched a second time on a 4k Samsung LCD MU6300. This time I streamed from HBO GO. Bottom line The night scenes were better on my old CRT set simply because LCD can't really show true Blacks. Its a Transmissive Technology not and Emissive. OLED, Plasma, and CRT are and were the best at that sort of thing. The other reason why dark scenes look poor on cable feeds is the compression of the signal. You'll see a lot of artifacts on some cable systems. This isn't true on Fios and satellite systems although those signals are compressed as well. Streaming provides the best picture although not as good as Packaged media (Bluray/UHD Bluray). No matter what TV you have you must calibrate it to get the best overall picture. I have an OLED waiting in the wings to replace my CRT set. IMHO it was the only worthy technology. All my sets are calibrated.

this man knoweth what he speaketh.

Mp Ray

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeeaaahhh I dont know what the fuck niggas was talking bout with the I cant see shit stories....whole episode was clear for me. Got the Samsung Q6....but bestbuy did calibrate that hoe for me doe :dunno:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't know if this has been covered in this thread but:

1. the unsullied were the ONLY army that could face the dead. They basically saved everyone's asses and could stand firm in the face of all that monstrosity.

2. the Dothraki use fear as their weapons and their techniques are to impress and instill fear in the opposing forces as well as disrupt formations. That shit was useless against the dead and thus they lost 1/2 of their power from the jump.

3. Sam Tarly is a crying bitch, but he fights on his back better than anyone...

4. Bran had better have been doing something other than flying with crows the whole battle.

5. Arya was really the best choice to win. Theon's charge was the set up to delay the Night King and add a bit more hubris. Jon Snow is good with a sword, but the Night King is super strong, super fast, super durable with super perception, surrounded by super soliders... C'mon son. But I'll admit its anticlimactic to not have Jon fight the Night King hand to hand. At. All...

6. We better fucking learn about what/how/who those motherfuckers were and the unwritten history of the GOT world. There are so many unanswered fucking questions. Not quite as bad as the ending of LOST, but they are going to make a lot of people made if the only answer we get is a knife in the chest and a "game over."

7. Were the Nights of the Vale there? I didn't see their horses or leadership at all.

8. I don't see how Gilly and baby Sam could have made it out of those crypts...


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
6. We better fucking learn about what/how/who those motherfuckers were and the unwritten history of the GOT world. There are so many unanswered fucking questions. Not quite as bad as the ending of LOST, but they are going to make a lot of people made if the only answer we get is a knife in the chest and a "game over."

Lost was my first time really watching TV shows again. I binged watched and then caught the final season live. Man...there are few things in life that pissed me off more than that fucking ending.... they ruined a great show w/ that shit. Went from good to trash because of the ending. No way they give us an ending like that for GoT.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Lost was my first time really watching TV shows again. I binged watched and then caught the final season live. Man...there are few things in life that pissed me off more than that fucking ending.... they ruined a great show w/ that shit. Went from good to trash because of the ending. No one they give us an ending like that for GoT.

If you were a true fan of LOST, you wouldn't have had a problem with the ending.

Fight me.

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

She trained while being blind(nk made it dark or hard to see)

She trained to be stealthy( nk made it storm)

She trained for hand to hand

Eveything happened like it should have

End of fuckin story

And she was hiding in the tree. It’s not like she slid past all of the white walkers and jumped on the Night King’s back. She was already there.

Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
somebody made a version of this episode that is much brighter

name of torrent ,copy and paste in google, its 6gb

Game of Thrones S08E03 1080p DD 5 1 TheBrightOne OmNiC[TGx]







Now I see what people are complaining about because the encoded version was how I saw it on my television, actually a little better than this encoded version. That's why I have been a little perplexed about all of the criticism.

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor
I don’t get why these niggas soo stupid bro


For my money this was the best episode of the entire series. Hardhome used to be #1 for me but this one had EVERYTHING.

And people are complaining about how the Dothraki were killed but them essentially being extinguished in the darkness was the most effective, chilling part of the entire episode.