Look the Dothraki never feared fear till they saw it, death is fear, we all cry at death bedI don't know if this has been covered in this thread but:
1. the unsullied were the ONLY army that could face the dead. They basically saved everyone's asses and could stand firm in the face of all that monstrosity.
2. the Dothraki use fear as their weapons and their techniques are to impress and instill fear in the opposing forces as well as disrupt formations. That shit was useless against the dead and thus they lost 1/2 of their power from the jump.
3. Sam Tarly is a crying bitch, but he fights on his back better than anyone...
4. Bran had better have been doing something other than flying with crows the whole battle.
5. Arya was really the best choice to win. Theon's charge was the set up to delay the Night King and add a bit more hubris. Jon Snow is good with a sword, but the Night King is super strong, super fast, super durable with super perception, surrounded by super soliders... C'mon son. But I'll admit its anticlimactic to not have Jon fight the Night King hand to hand. At. All...
6. We better fucking learn about what/how/who those motherfuckers were and the unwritten history of the GOT world. There are so many unanswered fucking questions. Not quite as bad as the ending of LOST, but they are going to make a lot of people made if the only answer we get is a knife in the chest and a "game over."
7. Were the Nights of the Vale there? I didn't see their horses or leadership at all.
8. I don't see how Gilly and baby Sam could have made it out of those crypts...
Hate to say but I agree with Joe
I was hoping the Night's King to put fear - REAL fear into Cersi; show her no matter how secure she felt - she could be touched.
Even still congrats to Arya the MVP.
For my money this was the best episode of the entire series. Hardhome used to be #1 for me but this one had EVERYTHING.
And people are complaining about how the Dothraki were killed but them essentially being extinguished in the darkness was the most effective, chilling part of the entire episode.
Dude they one horses, the dead is a fuckin wave of shit.
I don’t give af what you got you not stopping a wave of anything
The unsullied got their dicks cut off so death is lovely, nigga can you imagine life without your dick? It’s death
Unsullied was already dead.
Hate to say but I agree with Joe
I was hoping the Night's King to put fear - REAL fear into Cersi; show her no matter how secure she felt - she could be touched.
Even still congrats to Arya the MVP.
I can attest to that. I've seen quite a few men who'd seen too much, been through too much, and we were in situations where there simply was NO out. Hell, I even had my own moment where I'd made peace with God, so to speak, and was mentally prepared to be taken out. Turned out to be our own Air Support that came through after the fact though.Look the Dothraki never feared fear till they saw it, death is fear, we all cry at death bed
The unsullied got their dicks cut off so death is lovely, nigga can you imagine life without your dick? It’s death
Unsullied was already dead.
Sam = fog of war, I’ve been there, many other bgol bros know what I mean. It don’t make you weak, makes you human
War is hell and hell came to them
House Stark should forever align themselves with House Mormont.
It wasn't that many Mormonts, but they proved that they were about that action.
Bro it’s a fog of warI can attest to that. I've seen quite a few men who'd seen too much, been through too much, and we were in situations where there simply was NO out. Hell, I even had my own moment where I'd made peace with God, so to speak, and was mentally prepared to be taken out. Turned out to be our own Air Support that came through after the fact though.
I didn't even consider that with Sam, but you make a lot of sense.
Some of y’all could write for dc
Y’all suck lol
I don't know if this has been covered in this thread but:
1. the unsullied were the ONLY army that could face the dead. They basically saved everyone's asses and could stand firm in the face of all that monstrosity.
2. the Dothraki use fear as their weapons and their techniques are to impress and instill fear in the opposing forces as well as disrupt formations. That shit was useless against the dead and thus they lost 1/2 of their power from the jump.
3. Sam Tarly is a crying bitch, but he fights on his back better than anyone...
4. Bran had better have been doing something other than flying with crows the whole battle.
5. Arya was really the best choice to win. Theon's charge was the set up to delay the Night King and add a bit more hubris. Jon Snow is good with a sword, but the Night King is super strong, super fast, super durable with super perception, surrounded by super soliders... C'mon son. But I'll admit its anticlimactic to not have Jon fight the Night King hand to hand. At. All...
6. We better fucking learn about what/how/who those motherfuckers were and the unwritten history of the GOT world. There are so many unanswered fucking questions. Not quite as bad as the ending of LOST, but they are going to make a lot of people made if the only answer we get is a knife in the chest and a "game over."
7. Were the Nights of the Vale there? I didn't see their horses or leadership at all.
8. I don't see how Gilly and baby Sam could have made it out of those crypts...
Bro it’s a fog of war
I hate how people would say ww2 vets saw real war, man gtfoh. War is war, when another nigga tryin to kill you and all you can do is buck up or bitch out you ain’t bout that action
Pink mist is the worst. Bone frags all in your skin like ingrown hairs
These niggas don’t know shit
Why do the terminators want to kill all mankind?
Why do the machines in the Matrix wnat to kill all mankind?
I've seen two people murdered right in front of me (and been held at gunpoint) and been in a war zone... literally woken up because of the bomb at Wolfowitz's hotel in Baghdad. I didn't even blink. I'm not in the military either. However, a year ago while in LatAm, I had a much less precarious situation make me way more nervous that I would usually be. Everything is really situational. Clegane was a monster, but even he had situations that clamped him up. Sometimes it's all about how death is presented to you. Everyone has their one soft spot and most people have a ton of them.
People who've never been presented with death don't really know how they'll react until it actually happens. There is no relatable experience that prepares you for it.
Shit broMan you know what hurts more than war
The feelin of failure, my boy died, he hug himself.
I told his mom I’d have him, he came back and did it
She said I was to blame, and she was right.
I told him to join me, he did, I told moms I’d watch him. And I didn’t cause I couldn’t watch me
I missed the signs cause I was weak, I knew I was stronger than him
He did it cause he was my boy, my nigga for life
She slapped me, and I’d take a life time of slaps to bring him back
War is hell
damnMan you know what hurts more than war
The feelin of failure, my boy died, he hug himself.
I told his mom I’d have him, he came back and did it
She said I was to blame, and she was right.
I told him to join me, he did, I told moms I’d watch him. And I didn’t cause I couldn’t watch me
I missed the signs cause I was weak, I knew I was stronger than him
He did it cause he was my boy, my nigga for life
She slapped me, and I’d take a life time of slaps to bring him back
War is hell
I just read that Jerome Flynn(Bronn) and Lena Headey(Cersei) dated before GOT and the breakup was so bad that they refuse to be in the same room together.
Yea he a real faggot for taking so longLOL @ all these people getting mad about the episode!!! BGOL, Youtubers, the whole fucking internet!!! They got to wrap this shit up someone....they passed all the books, and they are just winging it now. Shit was good for what it is....fuck it! At least you got something to feed on. MF's could be waiting another ten years for that fat ass CAC GRRM to finish that book!
@largebillsonlyplease have I lied in any of my war responses
Pops never talked about that shit
War is hell
Your just make do
He a real ass man cause he lived it and still made you
Nigga thats mental strength
I still got a hard time with miss sneed and she know it
Black mind is gods mindYou haven't told one lie
Pops told me a couple stories after he watched dead presidents with larenz Tate
Scared the shit out of me
I know he had so many bodies just by his job description
But still managed to be normal
How I don't know
I just posted the brighter version mega link over thereI am afraid to get a torrent strike on my account, maybe there is a direct download to this ?
Hate to say but I agree with Joe
I was hoping the Night's King to put fear - REAL fear into Cersi; show her no matter how secure she felt - she could be touched.
Even still congrats to Arya the MVP.
This thread has gone dark and full of tinfoil....the realm was attacked World War Z style by the Others and all winter broke loose. Episode was so long it made Endgame seem like short, with that said here are my stretched out observations from Season 8 Episode 3 "The Long Night"
- Sam's ready to piss himself, Bran looks like hes been working call center for hours... everyone else stressed
- Impressive amount of unsullied in formation
- This looks like my crossbows and catapult game from 80s
- Is this operation hide behind brown folks....?
- Ghost and the hound in the front lines
- Melisandre asks Jorah to translate her pre-game speech to Dothraki
- She spits bars harder than Budden on "No Church for wild beat"
- Lady Lighter Fluid has Dothraki swords lit up like a cellphone at a concert
- Davos "on sight" Onion Knight doesn't like it...
- Valar Morghulis... pregame continues
- Arya looks at her like "i saw your name in my bae's phone ho"
- Gametime ....Dothraki rush the field
- A tribe called Dothraki gets blown out like birthday candles
- Things that are extinct 1: Dinosaurs 2: Saber-toothed tigers 3: Dothraki
- AOTD is moving like a massive Tsunami of bones
- Young Obama puts his helmet on... Alt right army of dead won't eliminate him easily
- Stand your ground Brienne screams ...grand jury doesn't indict
- Jon and Dany provide air support but don't light the field
- Jon sees WW but winter came.... Chicago style and swallowed both dragons
- Night King must be related to Ororo Monroe
- Westeros needs some flashlights
- Arya tells Sansa go to crypts and sew something
- How are they surviving
- Kingslayer Jamie is shooting a high percentage with the left hand now
- Sam being used like a sidewalk cries for Edd of the NW
- Sam if I just lay down and pretend I'm dead I won't get stabbed
- Edd dies saving Sam ....Sam runs away like DJ Pooh in Friday
- Varys in crypts more worried than an actress at a Harvey Weinstein party
- Tyrion brought a couple of box wines to the crypts ....just in case
- FAA didn't clear these flight conditions.... Do dragon wings ice up?
- RETREAT ....except Unsullied
- This episode is so dark... every police officer in the U.S. feared for their life
- Arya saves the hound with a fire arrow
- "Light the trench" shouts Young Obama but Dany is lost somewhere over canada
- Lady Lighter fluid to the rescue.... but she can't remember the lyrics, her spotify is buffering
- Unsullied singing “We didn’t start the fire....”.
- Hound sees that trench fire and.... taps out like Conor McGregor
- Most of the POC have died already... Winterhell for a bruh
- Tyrion "I won the blackwater" ..now you're the Phantom of the opera says Varys
- Tyrion's tipsy tries to see if consummation of marriage to Sansa is possible
- Missandei mad they talkin shit about Dany.... ya'll be in Thriller video without Dragon Queen
- Bran goes "weekend at bernies" in the Godswood... Theon is like WTF
- Bran is a GoCrow black enthusiast ....4K enabled clear view of NK
- Create a land bridge over the fire the NK orders
- Viserion dive bombs Dany & Jon ....Oh you forgot
- Zombies climbing the walls ....Beric playing whack-a-mole on skeletons
- Jamie gets overrun but Brienne to the rescue...
- Sam needs saving again, Sansa may have fought better against AOTD
- The hound is shook ....fire got him in the fetal position
- Arya in the game putting up Giannis Antetokounmpo numbers against wights
- Arya Stark is in playoff mode. You get in her way and you end up on a poster or t-shirt
- You get the pointy end and you get the pointy end...water dancing on fools
- Giants knocking down more walls than Ramsey Bolton in Winterfell ....again
- Giant throws Lady Mormont to the side like my covers in the morning
- We can't beat death - Hound / Tell her that - Beric
- Giant grabs Lady Bear and rattles her bones like a hand of dice at craps table
- Death Row records: Lady Mormont & Arya Stark
- Bad Boy during the French Montana era: Clegane & Sam The Slayer
- Beautiful scenery above the clouds as Jon and Dany wait to be ambushed again
- Blue flame guerilla tactic Viserion goes straight for Drogon
- Arya finds a library to hide in that Sam hasn't visited
- Beric Hodor's on the cross to save Arya and the hound
- Red witch with the halftime speech...he served his purpose
- Brown eyes, green eyes, blue eyes .....What do we say to Sallie Mae? NOT TODAY.
- NK & Viserion headed to Winterfell but get air jumped by Drogon & Rhaegal
- NK hits a Greg Louganis as he's knocked of his dragon
- Iron Born letting them thangs go... protect Bran in Godswood
- Dany tried to hit Ice Magneto with a Dracarys he says "you done or you finished"
- Dragon fire can't hurt a cold ass n#*gga... try this javelin
- Jon upset at NK cuz only he shoots off at Dany
- NK does Judge Judy all rise motion .... Jon knows this play
- NK got his whole crew around him like Doughboy at the meet (RIP Jon Singleton)
- Gilly and baby Sam know somethings up and get a headstart out of crypts
- WW enter the Winterfell frozen chamber like the Wu-Tang via 95
- Bran way too calm in the Godswood?
- Drogon has to shake them zombie haters off.... bye bye Khaleesi
- Danerys is surrounded until.... Captain Friendzone saves the day
- Sam is crying again on the floor... Jon looks at him with disgust
- Good thing Randyl Tarly is dead.... he'd kill Sam for embarrassing him
- Live in friendzone... Die in friendzone.... poor Jorah the Andal
- NK moving into godswood like he's in a P-Diddy shiny suit video
- Did Hype Williams direct this episode? feels like Belly
- Where does the NK get french tip manicures north of the wall?
- Theon what is dead may never die... last iron born standing
- Maybe Bran should unplug his router and reboot ...help is needed
- It's doom for everyone .... Jon yelling at Dragons? its over
- Danerys even has a sword.... hail mary time
- Sansa and Tyrion share a final moment in front of Ned statue
- Sansa there will be no issue feeding everyone at Winterfell now
- Your'e a good man Theon.... not good enough
- Theon rushes NK and gets hit with Mortal Kombat counter
- It's a wrap Bran and NK stare at one another ....then
- No one comes out of nowhere and attacks the NK
- Arya said blue lives don’t matter
- 12 WW homies failed to get the NK back ?
- NK should hit her with the Undertaker choke slam
- Arya is MJ switching hands against the Lakers ....man
- They say no one could kill the night king .. and no one did
- Arya took the pipe and a life in less than 24 hours without plan B
- Arya showed up for House Stark like Solange in that elevator
- Arya walking into Winterfell next week like Nino Brown in New Jack City
- The disaster relief contract for Winterfell gonna make gold dragons
- Mellisandre walks off into the snow....and reveals herself to be Hilary Clinton
Some of y’all could write for dc
Y’all suck lol