Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
OG Investor
If you’re sansa, you saw your father’s head chopped off, got tortured and raped by a madman and had your brother and mother killed all to defend the north and winterfell and you’re supposed to turn shit your family has died defending for generations to some chick because she has dragons?

After your father taught you to defend the north at all costs?
She’s the reason he got his head chopped off.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Its like you are forgetting that they live under a monarchy.
But it isnt. Its more anarchy than monarchy at this point. Its chaos. A war to the bottom. And again, shes stated her principled beliefs and intentions to all involved parties. By definition, there cant be any betrayal there.. But i do have issue with the broken promise aspect. I just also understand how she feels as tho the survival of her people supersedes that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
  • Cersei is the Mad Queen not Dany.
  • Dany is just unlucky and underestimated Westoros.
  • Tyrion is completely inept at being the Hand of the Queen.
  • Jaime is going to kill Cersei.
  • Sansa is a traitor for telling Tyrion about Jon's secret. She knew he would tell Varys.


Rising Star
Euron aka Crow's Eye is the baddest Pirate King in the ASOIAF world, His rep is like Blackbeard during the golden age of piracy. From Ib to Asshai, when men see Euron's sails, they pray. He's one of the most traveled characters in the world and has captured 4 warlocks from Qarth, a lot of artifacts he took from Valyria etc. With the iron fleet, and Euron as the captain, the only Naval force that may be stronger than them in the world would be the navy of Braavos

Also Idk why ppl are surprised Rhaegal went down from the scorpion, Dany's dragons were always overhyped, they weren't near the age of Aegon's dragons when he conquered Westeros. Dragons get bigger/scales tougher the more they age, Balerion was around 200 yrs old thats why he was so strong, you'd have to pretty much only shoot his wings as his scales would be too tough to penetrate from the scorpions

So he has invisible ships?


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Most of these post just shows me it’s a lot BET movie of the week i need everything narrated ass people in this thread lol
It’s the dumb crew

People like bills try to make shit simple

But it’s hard to dumb yourself down to explain simple shit to them

Bills is Jorah fightin the dead( dumb niggas of bgol) with his sword of simple logic

I’m amazed that he tries


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Dothraki and unsullied at the top die inside the castle instead of outside. Same/similar outcome in my opinion.

Ravens looking for the NK versus no welcoming party....the latter to me seems more like a trap.

I wouldn't say same outcome but more would have been alive,if a different person did the planning.

Dany is the epitome of white priviledge. Bitch think she entitled and then when she learns the truth, she tryin to tell Jon to keep secrets and

Cersei and Dany the same...both feel entitled and will do ANYTHING to get the throne.

That's why I think Jon or Sansa gonna wind up with the throne.

She should thank her lucky stars that she got those dragon eggs in the very first episode...

I never understood, how folks root for a person that's entitled and haven't done one thing to get the iron throne....

Danaerys is the very definition of a Mary Sue...

they have been mailing it in fir 3 seasons now

It was longer than that....imo

No. It is still rushed. The information in each episode is rushed through.
To solve the problem there needs to be more episodes period not renaming what a season is.

They're rushing because HBO wants to make the spinoff series another hit.....:smh:


Rising Star
OG Investor
Everyone is forgetting the only reason the mad king went mad was because of the three eyed raven trying to get in his mind and have him build wild fire for the coming war with the dead. That's why his motto was "burn them all". The three eyed raven had a history of fucking peoples minds up when he got into them. Look at Hodor.

I think Dany is entitled and short sighted and doesn't listen to her advisors when she should but I don't exactly see her as being mad in the same sense as the mad king was. She just a very poor leader with unchecked power (dragons) and now she only has one of those.
Not exactly. He started going mad once he got captured in Dorne.


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
I wouldn't say same outcome but more would have been alive,if a different person did the planning.

She should thank her lucky stars that she got those dragon eggs in the very first episode...

I never understood, how folks root for a person that's entitled and haven't done one thing to get the iron throne....

Danaerys is the very definition of a Mary Sue...

It was longer than that....imo
They're rushing because HBO wants to make the spinoff series another hit.....:smh:
And we still gonna watch it

And the dumb niggas will still put the fork in the outlet while standin in water


Rising Star
But it isnt. Its more anarchy than monarchy at this point. Its chaos. A war to the bottom. And again, shes stated her principled beliefs and intentions to all involved parties. By definition, there cant be any betrayal there.. But i do have issue with the broken promise aspect. I just also understand how she feels as tho the survival of her people supersedes that.

She is entitled to her feelings. Like I said, im not debating the right or wrong of it.

To say they are no longer a monarchy is just false. Im sorry. Jon was in fact the King in the North. He in fact bent the knee. Dany is in fact Sansa's queen.

The betrayal is plotting against your queen. By definition.

Theres one way for Sansa to fix it. Have the Lords of the North declare her Queen in the North. She would finally have what she wants.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Not exactly. He started going mad once he got captured in Dorne.
That's when the three eyed raven started in on him. He was a benevolent type of dude prior to that. It was the intervention of the three eyed raven that drove him mad. It's real easy to make Dany out to be the mad queen because of who she's related to but you can't discount the three eyed raven and his time traveling meddling. Also the true mad queen is Cersie. She's been proving by action the whole show by blowing up shit and conspiring that she's bat shit crazy. Dany has never crossed the ledge. You can say she killed one family but they deserved it. They chose their fate. She's made some missteps but that's it.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
The fact that neither were wrong in letting their wolves live their best lives instead of being selfish and self serving

Arya wolf is free running the pack

Jon wolf about to run free enjoy the rest of his life

2 of Dany dragons met a bloody painful death
And the 3rd is about to go into another war after not being healed from a war he just fought

Now who cares about their pets?

Who's doing the right thing lol

You keep moving pieces around to fit your argument. We've already established that Ghost needed to be retired from active duty, but that doesn't mean you give him up. Like I've said 2 or 3 times already... Go back and get your dog when it's safe. Arya was young and didn't have a place to call home and was in constant danger. I can make more of an argument for her, Jon... Has somewhere to place him and can go back when it safe. So, if he doesn't... He's fucked up.

So... The point of Danis ass still using her dragons for war dosent fit here.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
She is entitled to her feelings. Like I said, im not debating the right or wrong of it.

To say they are no longer a monarchy is just false. Im sorry. Jon was in fact the King in the North. He in fact bent the knee. Dany is in fact Sansa's queen.

The betrayal is plotting against your queen. By definition.
So if a slave kills his master is that betrayal as well?

If a captive kills his captor is that betrayal?

You cant betray something that was forced upon you. Sansa has made her stance known to both parties verbally. Her actions are in concert with those beliefs. Sansa expressly stated to Dany she wasnt with it and then asked her how will they proceed after the Night King is defeated. That aint betrayal my man. Sorry.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
Jon literally said you'll be happier up north with a good home and no fighting

And you're saying you don't let the wolf do that?

You don't see how it's self serving if you can't provide the best life for your pet and you don't let someone who can, do it?

Man that's just some cliche shit people tell themselves when they no longer want the responsibility. How do we even know with his injuries that Ghost will be better in the wild??? We don't know what the fuck Aryas wolf is doing now. For all we know it could've gotten killed by a hunter, or someone that hates the Starks, or run upon the wrong bear. I've heard every excuse ever uttered for why people give up dogs. That "they'll be happier, or better off where ever" is just to make them feel less guilty.


BGOL Legend
You keep moving pieces around to fit your argument. We've already established that Ghost needed to be retired from active duty, but that doesn't mean you give him up. Like I've said 2 or 3 times already... Go back and get your dog when it's safe. Arya was young and didn't have a place to call home and was in constant danger. I can make more of an argument for her, Jon... Has somewhere to place him and can go back when it safe. So, if he doesn't... He's fucked up.

So... The point of Danis ass still using her dragons for war dosent fit here.

So. Ghost needs to be retired
And Jon needs to fight
So don't let him go with tormund to paradise

You sound super selfish right now

Fuck what ghost needs and what's best for him
You hold onto him no matter what cause it's about you

How do we know Jon is even gonna survive?
He isn't going on vacation he's going to war....again

And his last act before he went to war....again... Was to make sure ghost would be good

And yet you're talking about not giving up your dog


He doesn't let ghost go to paradise
Jon is betrayed
He dies
Now where does that leave ghost?
Especially now that Jon is dead?

That's right it don't matter huh


BGOL Legend
Man that's just some cliche shit people tell themselves when they no longer want the responsibility. How do we even know with his injuries that Ghost will be better in the wild??? We don't know what the fuck Aryas wolf is doing now. For all we know it could've gotten killed by a hunter, or someone that hates the Starks, or run upon the wrong bear. I've heard every excuse ever uttered for why people give up dogs. That "they'll be happier, or better off where ever" is just to make them feel less guilty.

The wild?
He's gonna be staying with tormund lmao

Tormund literally said he'll make sure he's happy

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
So. Ghost needs to be retired
And Jon needs to fight
So don't let him go with tormund to paradise

You sound super selfish right now

Fuck what ghost needs and what's best for him
You hold onto him no matter what cause it's about you

How do we know Jon is even gonna survive?
He isn't going on vacation he's going to war....again

And his last act before he went to war....again... Was to make sure ghost would be good

And yet you're talking about not giving up your dog


He doesn't let ghost go to paradise
Jon is betrayed
He dies
Now where does that leave ghost?
Especially now that Jon is dead?

That's right it don't matter huh

How do you keep missing this??? "Go back for him, when it's safe..." If he dies, then hes already there "in paradise" as you keep saying... I don't understand how you keep missing this. Or maybe you're missing it willingly to keep this argument going???:confused:
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Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
The wild?
He's gonna be staying with tormund lmao

Tormund literally said he'll make sure he's happy

You mentioned Aryas wolf... In the wild... You brought up so much that doesn't apply to Jon and his wolf that it's now a muddled mess. The topic is Jon and his wolf, let's keep it there... Jon was right to send his wolf up North... For now... Go back and get your dog... WHEN IT'S SAFE!!! If it never happens, okay. If he dies, fine. But you do not ever abandon your dog on some "give him a better life shit." Like I said we ain't ever gonna see eye to eye on this.


BGOL Legend
How do you keep missing this??? "Go back for him, when it's safe..." If he dies, thwn hes alreary there "in paradise" as you keep saying... I don't understand how you keep missing this. Or maybe you're missing it willingly to keep this argument going???:confused:

So what are you even arguing lol

I said he did the right thing letting him go with turmound


BGOL Legend
You mentioned Aryas wolf... In the wild... You brought up so much that doesn't apply to Jon and his wolf that it's now a muddled mess. The topic is Jon and his wolf, let's keep it there... Jon was right to send his wolf up North... For now... Go back and get your dog... WHEN IT'S SAFE!!! If it never happens, okay. If he dies, fine. But you do not ever abandon your dog on some "give him a better life shit." Like I said we ain't ever gonna see eye to eye on this.

Did he abandon his dog if he sent the dog with his friend to be safe?????

Who said he was never going to see him again


Youre projecting shit onto Jon that didn't even happen yet lololol


Rising Star
OG Investor
Anybody got directs to that ep. 5 leak? I hate to watch leaks but I’d rather watch a leak early than to get it spoiled by a random internet bozo.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
So what are you even arguing lol

I said he did the right thing letting him go with turmound
That you don't leave the fucker up there permanently... You go back and get him... Because he's your dog... Park his ass until you deem it safe... You don't tell someone else to give him a better life.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude. I like Sansa and all that. However she IS betraying her brother Jon. She is. Give it a rest.
He asked her not to tell his secret and she did.
Jon made the choice as the King to bend the knee. She needs to follow suit. He is her leader.
If she rebels, then she is a rebel. She is betraying him. Which is fine. Just dont deny it.

So if a slave kills his master is that betrayal as well?

If a captive kills his captor is that betrayal?

You cant betray something that was forced upon you. Sansa has made her stance known to both parties verbally. Her actions are in concert with those beliefs. Sansa expressly stated to Dany she wasnt with it and then asked her how will they proceed after the Night King is defeated. That aint betrayal my man. Sorry.


BGOL Legend
That you don't leave the fucker up there permanently... You go back and get him... Because he's your dog... Park his ass until you deem it safe... You don't tell someone else to give him a better life.

If it's ever safe
He might not even make it back which is why he sent him with turmound in the first place

He retired him
If fighting stops
Then he can think about that shit

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
Did he abandon his dog if he sent the dog with his friend to be safe?????

Who said he was never going to see him again


Youre projecting shit onto Jon that didn't even happen yet lololol

Much like you're assuming Aryas wolf is the king if the forests, running free and happy and shit... We don't know what happened to her wolf. Could've been eaten by bandits for all we know.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
Arya gave zero fucks about the reveal let alone cried . She done showed u a 1000 times all she cares about it her revenge and her target is Mountain and Cersei. We didn’t need to see below she took it because we already been shown that Jon was her favorite so it’s safe to assume she probably was like idc you’re still my brother/family

I was just about to say, why did they need a whole fucking reation scene of telling people; when the very next time you saw who ever was told their attitude changed completely.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
If it's ever safe
He might not even make it back which is why he sent him with turmound in the first place

He retired him
If fighting stops
Then he can think about that shit

That's all I'm saying... How they wrote the shit was wack. Tell him to "care for your dog/wolf like you would if I were giving you my kid. I'll be back when it's safe." Easy, to the point and no room interpretation.