Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


BGOL Legend
That's all I'm saying... How they wrote the shit was wack. Tell him to "care for your dog/wolf like you would if I were giving you my kid. I'll be back when it's safe." Easy, to the point and no room interpretation.

He can't guarantee that
That's why he made the only guarantee he could


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dude. I like Sansa and all that. However she IS betraying her brother Jon. She is. Give it a rest.
He asked her not to tell his secret and she did.
Jon made the choice as the King to bend the knee. She needs to follow suit. He is her leader.
If she rebels, then she is a rebel. She is betraying him. Which is fine. Just dont deny it.
Ive said how the broken promise is problematic. The other shit i stand by. That aint betrayal. If i tell you to your face my objections and act on them, that aint betrayal. Period.

Jon was given title of King by his people and the blessing of Sansa. He was entrusted to go visit Danys. Did he betray the North by bending the knee?


Rising Star
OG Investor
That's when the three eyed raven started in on him. He was a benevolent type of dude prior to that. It was the intervention of the three eyed raven that drove him mad. It's real easy to make Dany out to be the mad queen because of who she's related to but you can't discount the three eyed raven and his time traveling meddling. Also the true mad queen is Cersie. She's been proving by action the whole show by blowing up shit and conspiring that she's bat shit crazy. Dany has never crossed the ledge. You can say she killed one family but they deserved it. They chose their fate. She's made some missteps but that's it.
Not really though. He started going mad initially because he was upset that people were giving Tywin all the credit for the Kingdom. That’s when he started doing dumb shit just to go against Tywin word. The 3 eyed raven started fucking with at Duskendale


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bro why did they show any scene? For dramatic purposes right?
Why did they show Brienne crying when Jamie left?
To show her character reacting to him leaving.
It added to her characters' development.

No one is complaining about Euron snatching Missandei not being shown.

Why is it so HARD for you niggas to understand that it would have been interesting to show the Starks finding out that Jon isn't a Stark???

I was just about to say, why did they need a whole fucking reation scene of telling people; when the very next time you saw who ever was told their attitude changed completely.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you make someone your King you have to do what he chooses.
The reason the North is part of the 7 kingdoms is because the King in the North bent the knee.

Listen. I have said before that Jon Snow should never been legally allowed to become the King in the North.
However since they made him King. What he says goes! If you dont honor that, it is betrayal.

Dont say it isn't betrayal.

Just say that you like Sansa and are riding with her.

Ive said how the broken promise is problematic. The other shit i stand by. That aint betrayal. If i tell you to your face my objections and act on them, that aint betrayal. Period.

Jon was given title of King by his people and the blessing of Sansa. He was entrusted to go visit Danys. Did he betray the North by bending the knee?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How is Dany a fool?
She got played by life.
It isn't her fault Jon is her nephew.
She was right to beg him not to tell anyone! The knowledge will drive them apart.
He does have a stronger claim to the throne. The North will not allow them to get married.

How was Dany gonna win? How should she have played it?

She is losing on many fronts.

Life is a bitch.

Dany is a damn fool at this point who’s letting her lust for power blind her. Varys once again showing his smarts.

She’s got one dragon and a heavily depleted army. If they publicize Jons claim there isn’t too much she can do about it.


Rising Star
So if a slave kills his master is that betrayal as well?

If a captive kills his captor is that betrayal?

You cant betray something that was forced upon you. Sansa has made her stance known to both parties verbally. Her actions are in concert with those beliefs. Sansa expressly stated to Dany she wasnt with it and then asked her how will they proceed after the Night King is defeated. That aint betrayal my man. Sorry.

Fam, monarchy and slavery are not the same thing at all. Dont even try that false equlivalency stuff lol.

Look, there is no reason to get out of context here.

Within Westeros, which is a monarchy, yes your Lord is forced upon you, and plotting against your lord is considered treason/betrayal, no matter what your reasons are. That is a fact.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Jon letting his wolf go can also be viewed as a metaphor as he is no longer a stark

right it always seemed that the Wolves followed the same path as their owners
Nymeria - a lone wolf roaming in the wild - Arya
Grey Wind - Killed by the Lannisters/Freys - Rob killed by lannisters/freys
Shaggy dog - Killed by Umbers aligned with Ramsay bolton - Rickon killed by Ramsay
Summer - Killed outside of the wall by the Wights - Bran transitions to 3ER
Lady - Killed in Kings landing - Ned killed in Kings landing, Sansa lost and captive of Kings landing for years afterwards
Ghost - alive accompanying Jon everywhere until he lets him go after L+R = J/AT discovery


Rising Star
OG Investor
How is Dany a fool?
She got played by life.
It isn't her fault Jon is her nephew.
She was right to beg him not to tell anyone! The knowledge will drive them apart.
He does have a stronger claim to the throne. The North will not allow them to get married.

How was Dany gonna win? How should she have played it?

She is losing on many fronts.

Life is a bitch.
She’s a fool because she can’t see that it’s not in anyone’s best interest for her to be queen. She’s never really been that smart.

Everything she did in the east was based on her dragons instilling fear. Now in the west nobody gives a damn about her thoughts and with her dragon force dwindling and seeing that they can be killed ... they don’t give a damn about Drogon either.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
If you make someone your King you have to do what he chooses.
The reason the North is part of the 7 kingdoms is because the King in the North bent the knee.

Listen. I have said before that Jon Snow should never been legally allowed to become the King in the North.
However since they made him King. What he says goes! If you dont honor that, it is betrayal.

Dont say it isn't betrayal.

Just say that you like Sansa and are riding with her.
The north was/is an independent realm that only fell as a result of being defeated by war . Never because a King went and without knowledge or permission from the people GAVE the crown away. If the conversation is about betrayal then how can you have it without first acknowledging that Jon betrayed those who had just given him the title of king? And me liking Sansa has zero to do with my stance. No only that, its false. Im objectively speaking on the concept of betrayal. You MAY have an argument for treason.. But not betrayal.
Fam, monarchy and slavery are not the same thing at all. Dont even try that false equlivalency stuff lol.

Look, there is no reason to get out of context here.

Within Westeros, which is a monarchy, yes your Lord is forced upon you, and plotting against your lord is considered treason/betrayal, no matter what your reasons are. That is a fact.
There is no false equivalency being drawn.. The idea is both concepts are imposed on individuals. And tho they both may have a legal understanding of framework.. Betrayal is not applicable in either. Sansa aint betraying Danys no more than an escaped slave betrays his murdered master.

Treason is a legal term based in obligation. Betrayal is a personal one based largely in expectation. Dont confuse the two.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
right it always seemed that the Wolves followed the same path as their owners
Nymeria - a lone wolf roaming in the wild - Arya
Grey Wind - Killed by the Lannisters/Freys - Rob killed by lannisters/freys
Shaggy dog - Killed by Umbers aligned with Ramsay bolton - Rickon killed by Ramsay
Summer - Killed outside of the wall by the Wights - Bran transitions to 3ER
Lady - Killed in Kings landing - Ned killed in Kings landing, Sansa lost and captive of Kings landing for years afterwards
Ghost - alive accompanying Jon everywhere until he lets him go after L+R = J/AT discovery

And I’ll go one further and say Sansa Stark died that day and Sansa Littlefinger was born, she lost all of Stark ways in KL


Rising Star
The north was/is an independent realm that only fell as a result of being defeated by war . Never because a King went and without knowledge or permission from the people GAVE the crown away. If the conversation is about betrayal then how can you have it without first acknowledging that Jon betrayed those who had just given him the title of king? And me liking Sansa has zero to do with my stance. No only that, its false. Im objectively speaking on the concept of betrayal. You MAY have an argument for treason.. But not betrayal.

There is no false equivalency being drawn.. The idea is both concepts are imposed on individuals. And tho they both may have a legal understanding of framework.. Betrayal is not applicable in either. Sansa aint betraying Danys no more than an escaped slave betrays his murdered master.

Treason is a legal term based in obligation. Betrayal is a personal one based largely in expectation. Dont confuse the two.

Yeah... No you dont know your Westeros history.

The North never went to war with Aegon.

Torrehn Strak went South by himself and without the knowledge of any other Northern Lords, he bent the knee to Aegon.

He became "The King who Knelt".

Which in turn means the North in its entirety now belonged to Aegon.

Exactly like what Jon did with Dany.

But apparently to you its different now lmao.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yeah... No you dont know your Westeros history.

The North never went to war with Aegon.

Torrehn Strak went South by himself and without the knowledge of any other Northern Lords, he bent the knee to Aegon.

He became "The King who Knelt".

Which in turn means the North in its entirety now belonged to Aegon.

Exactly like what Jon did with Dany.

But apparently to you its different now lmao.
You're right in that i dont know all the history.. But wrong in saying Torrhen knelt unilaterally and not during time of war. He knelt because Westeros was invaded by dragons. Totally different than what Jon did. Sorry.

Here man.. They have books and google for this shit:

Torrhen Stark

Torrhen Stark, known as the King Who Knelt, was a head of House Stark who reigned as King in the North until Aegon I Targaryen invaded Westeros with his dragons. He was named Lord of Winterfell andWarden of the North after submitting to Aegon during the War of Conquest.
Torrhen Stark - A Wiki of Ice and Fire


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you want to say the King betrayed his people that is fine. Let’s say that. However a King is the ruler of the people right? How can a King betray with his actions when his actions are law? Sorry but a King cannot betray his people. The people can betray the King and be beheaded for it.

Kings cannot make mistakes when it comes to their actions.

The North was under Targyeran rule for thousands of years. Only recently have they been independent. No one in the story right now lived thousands of years ago.

The North Remembers? Is that what your reply will be? Ok.
The north was/is an independent realm that only fell as a result of being defeated by war . Never because a King went and without knowledge or permission from the people GAVE the crown away. If the conversation is about betrayal then how can you have it without first acknowledging that Jon betrayed those who had just given him the title of king? And me liking Sansa has zero to do with my stance. No only that, its false. Im objectively speaking on the concept of betrayal. You MAY have an argument for treason.. But not betrayal.

There is no false equivalency being drawn.. The idea is both concepts are imposed on individuals. And tho they both may have a legal understanding of framework.. Betrayal is not applicable in either. Sansa aint betraying Danys no more than an escaped slave betrays his murdered master.

Treason is a legal term based in obligation. Betrayal is a personal one based largely in expectation. Dont confuse the two.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
If you want to say the King betrayed his people that is fine. Let’s say that. However a King is the ruler of the people right? How can a King betray with his actions when his actions are law? Sorry but a King cannot betray his people. The people can betray the King and be beheaded for it.
Context is important. Jon was reluctantly given the crown by the houses and subjects at the co-sign of Sansa. He had the crown all of a week before arbitrarily passing it to Danys without knowledge or even tacit consent by those who had just had to be convinced to crown him. Thats absolutely betrayal.. there was an established expectation and understanding. he left Winterfell with set goals and mission. Its betrayal. Period.

Betrayal isnt about ones ability or power. Its about breaking a spoken trust and expectation. Jon left under a stated mission and goal. Passing the crown he was just given was never even a remote possibility or notion when he left. He returned no longer a King but a Lord.. Thats is a betrayal. Sorry.


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
You don’t own a fuckin wild wolf

Why y’all cryin about a Gotdamn wild animal?

Nigga shoulda never been out there in the first place

He should be out there huntin deer and shit

Not gettin his ear cut off by zombies


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
South in this context is the North. That doesn’t mean Jon is gonna stay in the North. Just that the Wolf should be in Winterfell.
Key words “South is no place for a wolf” meaning Jon is staying South


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Context is important. Jon was reluctantly given the crown by the houses and subjects at the co-sign of Sansa. He had the crown all of a week before arbitrarily passing it to Danys without knowledge or even tacit consent by those who had just had to be convinced to crown him. Thats absolutely betrayal.. there was an established expectation and understanding. he left Winterfell with set goals and mission. Its betrayal. Period.

Betrayal isnt about ones ability or power. Its about breaking a spoken trust and expectation. Jon left under a stated mission and goal. Passing the crown he was just given was never even a remote possibility or notion when he left. He returned no longer a King but a Lord.. Thats is a betrayal. Sorry.

By your own definition, doesn't that mean Sansa betrayed Jon?

Jon asked Sansa (expected her not to tell others) about his true parentage. Sansa was told the secret with only because she swore she would not tell anyone. Sansa betrayed Jon's trust. It doesn't matter if she agrees with him or not.

If your friend told you he was cheating on his wife and asked you to promise you would not tell her and you do it anyway. You betrayed your friend. It doesn't matter that you are against cheating and he is aware of your beliefs or you also have a relationship with the wife as well.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
You don’t own a fuckin wild wolf

Why y’all cryin about a Gotdamn wild animal?

Nigga shoulda never been out there in the first place

He should be out there huntin deer and shit

Not gettin his ear cut off by zombies

You raise a wild wolf from a pup and that wolf will be just as loyal as any other domesticated dog. Their sense of loyalty wouldn't not be there just because they're wild. They're not like cats. I mean, it's not like people haven't raised wolves in real life or anything... They'd be hard as fuck to train, they wouldn't listen worth a shit, but they'd be loyal... Kinda like a Malamute... That's the closest domestic dog to a wolf......... Which I have...