Georgia school shooting live updates: Two students, two teachers killed at Apalachee High School, 14-year-old in custody


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
My daughter goes to school in the district. Last year a teacher was arrested for murder. Since school started in August they've had a lock down due to a prison escape less than 5 minutes away, a teacher was fired for pedo pervert shit, and now this shooting has canceled Homecoming.....

Not too sure about this "suburban" lifestyle
That’s the other reason why I shouldn’t give teachers guns.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member

Atlanta-based campus security technology company credited with quick police response in mass shooting​



Rising Star
If you grew up in the 80's or 90's, mass school shootings never really happened (well at least to mine or my peer group recollections). It wasn't really ever a thought in people's consciousness. If someone had made a bomb or gun threat, no one back then really took it seriously. It was usually just dismissed as just bullshit. But then the columbine shooting massacre happened in 1999 which forever changed the landscape of history. Instead of practicing fire safety drills, schools are now implementing mass shooting drills procedures even at the early grade school level. That is insane.

I'm not quite sure if I could ever be a teenager in this current climate. At least if I got bullied back then I could move to another school and go from being picked on or unpopular to very popular in a different environment with a whole new image and makeover. Back then while at my new school, no one would ever know or be the wiser lol.

At 14 years old, does he even realize the gravity and magnitude of what he did and the lasting impact it has on people forever. His parents had to have know something wasn't right with their kid.
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BGOL Investor
If you grew up in the 80's or 90's, mass school shootings never really happened (well at least to mine or my peer group recollections). It wasn't really ever a thought in people's consciousness. If someone had made a bomb or gun threat, no one back then really took it seriously. It was usually just dismissed as just bullshit. But then the columbine shooting massacre happened in 1999 which forever changed the landscape of history. Instead of practicing fire safety drills, schools are now implementing mass shooting drills procedures even at the early grade school level. That is insane.

I'm not quite sure if I could ever be a teenager in this current climate. At least if I got bullied back then I could move to another school and go from being picked on or unpopular to very popular in a different environment with a whole new image and makeover. Back then while at my new school, no one would ever know or be the wiser lol.

At 14 years old, does he even realize the gravity and magnitude of what he did and the lasting impact it has on people forever. His parents had to have know something wasn't right with their kid.
I'm an 80s baby and I remember the 1st time I heard of a school shooting was in Brooklyn around 89. After that schools started getting metal detectors. Then the other school shooting of note was 10 years later with Columbine. When the white boys got a hold of it; them sumbitches wore it out. The shit became more frequent. Or atleast maybe how the news was covering them.

However; the difference between the 89 and 99 school shootings was 89 was personal between 2 kids that couldn't work their shit out. 99 was a massacre where any and everybody could get hit.

Also, not just his parents, but the government knew about this kid. He was online talking about shooting up schools.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you grew up in the 80's or 90's, mass school shootings never really happened (well at least to mine or my peer group recollections). It wasn't really ever a thought in people's consciousness. If someone had made a bomb or gun threat, no one back then really took it seriously. It was usually just dismissed as just bullshit. But then the columbine shooting massacre happened in 1999 which forever changed the landscape of history. Instead of practicing fire safety drills, schools are now implementing mass shooting drills procedures even at the early grade school level. That is insane.

I'm not quite sure if I could ever be a teenager in this current climate. At least if I got bullied back then I could move to another school and go from being picked on or unpopular to very popular in a different environment with a whole new image and makeover. Back then while at my new school, no one would ever know or be the wiser lol.

At 14 years old, does he even realize the gravity and magnitude of what he did and the lasting impact it has on people forever. His parents had to have know something wasn't right with their kid.
I was in Elementary school when Columbine happened so I dont really remember school before it, but I do know it changed how I behaved for the rest of my school time. The big scare for me was 1 month after Columbine. A metro Atlanta High school(Heritage High) had a shooting of their own. Colorado was a world away, and I couldnt even find it on a map, but I knew where Conyers was because it was right outside of Atlanta. It drove home the point that "IT CANT HAPPEN TO YOU"

After that If there was a weird kid, social outcast, kid being bullied, I made SURE they were cool with me. I lived this meme:


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
I'm speculating...I think he had it broken down in his bookbag. Placed bookbag in locker. Went to class as normal. Left class to get something out of his locker...

Came back with the reassembled gun.

But how did he get the gun pass metal detectors?

The school had armed guards which detectors are installed and bags are checked.

Ah. Well I'm wrong then.

Maybe he came in with it drawn and had the drop on the guards overseeing the metal detectors.

Also, maybe the guards overseeing the metal detectors weren't really trained to deal with an active shooter and are there strictly to prevent weapons being brought in.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
You're 100% correct I'm not Batman, I'm not here trying to stop crime, school shootings, bank robberies or any other kind of superhero shit. That's anti gun bullshit talking point, responsible gun owners own guns to defend their property, person, and family. Gun owners are taught not to take part in vigilante bullshit but it's a lot easier to pretend that's the case and to pretend that any kind of gun ban will work in stopping school shootings and terroristic attacks by right wing assholes.

But go ahead, if someone was to break into your house or attempt to rob you in the streets then I'm sure the police will come save you. As we know their response time is impeccable and they always save that day!
And of these gravy seals ever decide to do something in your neighborhood I'm sure you'll be fine!

The fact is this, guns will never be taken away from the citizens in this country. Then only gun ban that would have any effect on violent crimes is a total gun ban with harsh punishments. That's not happening...the entire country would have to agree to give up the 2A. A ban on "assault rifles" would do nothing to change school shootings, you could do just as much damage if not more with other types of non "assault rifle" style weapons, Not to mention improvised explosives like the columbine kids. Lastly remember gun control has always been and always will be a way to take guns out of the hands of black and brown people, all while whites get exemptions from the government to own full auto machine guns and even fucking tanks.

The biggest problem is that the solution to these school shootings is very difficult, there is no magic button to press, no one thing will fix this. We need a full education overhaul, school needs. To be heavily monitored and strict(were talking China strict) no time for. Bullying and harassment, mental health needs to be addressed, underage people's access to social media needs to be addressed, the social media companies melting our brains and turning us all into extremist needs to be addressed, income inequality and access to healthcare(mental and physical) need to be addressed. But it's easier to blame guns, keep people fighting between left and right all while all our politicians both left and right enter politics with 10s or hundreds of thousands in personal wealth and leave politics millionaires and billionaires.
I'm not trying to play silly gotcha game but that kid's parents were supposedly "responsible gun owners" until it was shown they weren't. The dad told the FBI the kid didn't have access to the firearms just last year.


Mr. Pool
I'm not trying to play silly gotcha game but that kid's parents were supposedly "responsible gun owners" until it was shown they weren't. The dad told the FBI the kid didn't have access to the firearms just last year.
By definition he wasn't a responsible gun owner, and obviously he was a shit parent who let this little monster near his guns, which leads to consequences like ...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My daughter goes to school in the district. Last year a teacher was arrested for murder. Since school started in August they've had a lock down due to a prison escape less than 5 minutes away, a teacher was fired for pedo pervert shit, and now this shooting has canceled Homecoming.....

Not too sure about this "suburban" lifestyle
been telling folk they sweep all the dopeheads and fiends in the burbs under the rug.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
By definition he wasn't a responsible gun owner, and obviously he was a shit parent who let this little monster near his guns, which leads to consequences like ...
That's the thing, you don't really know who is responsible when it comes to firearms. Just because they don't have a criminal record, doesn't mean they're responsible.

Personally, I consider anyone who owns a gun a potential danger because you don't know how well they secure their gun for one thing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Top Row

Colt Gray, murdered 4, injured 4, ARMED—ALIVE (Arrested by police)
Dylan Roof, murdered 9, injured 1, ARMED—ALIVE (Arrested by police)
Payton Gendron, murdered 10, injured 3, ARMED—ALIVE (Arrested by police)
Travis Reinking, murdered 4, injured 4, ARMED—ALIVE (Arrested by police)

Bottom Row

Sean Bell, murdered 0, injured 0, UNARMED—DEAD (Shot 50 times by police)
Stephon Clark, murdered 0, injured 0, UNARMED—DEAD (Shot 20 times by police)
Jayland Walker, murdered 0, injured 0, UNARMED—DEAD (Shot 90 times by police)
Sonya Massey, murdered 0, injured 0, UNARMED—DEAD (Shot in head by police)

I know, “stop making it about race”


Mr. Pool
That's the thing, you don't really know who is responsible when it comes to firearms. Just because they don't have a criminal record, doesn't mean they're responsible.

Personally, I consider anyone who owns a gun a potential danger because you don't know how well they secure their gun for one thing.
So true, you don't know who is responsible, But what's also true is you don't punish the millions of responsible gun owners who's kids doing shoot up a school for the actions of an idiot who let his little psycho around guns after having already threatened to shoot up the school.

It's the same way we don't punish responsible car owners for drunk drivers who play through civilians after downing a bottle of Jack in a bender.

And yes you should consider all gun owners a potential danger, but I'll take it one step further, I consider anyone potentially dangerous because I don't know if they're stable or insane, violent or calm. Humans are unpredictable potentially devastatingly dangerous creatures.